CfP: 13th Annual London Graduate Conference: Classes and Masses in the History of Political Thought

The 13th Annual London Graduate Conference will explore the theme of ‘Classes and Masses in the History of Political Thought‘.

The conference will take place in person at UCL (Gustave Tuck LT, Wilkins Building, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT) from 30 June to 1 July 2022. The keynote address will be delivered by Prof. Adom Getachew (University of Chicago), and Prof. Gareth Stedman Jones (QMUL) will deliver the opening remarks.


CfP: Hydrocarbons and societies: histories of labor, social relations, and industrial culture in the oil and gas industry

L'objectif de cette publication est d’aborder l’histoire des hydrocarbures aux XIXe et XXe siècles en remettant l’élément humain au cœur de l’analyse. Ce numéro spécial souhaite présenter les contributions de chercheurs et jeunes chercheurs qui privilégient des approches d'histoire sociale, histoire du travail, histoire des techniques et qui s'intéressent aux métiers, aux parcours de formation aux relations et aux identités professionnelles.

CfP: SHS Annual Conference 2022

Lancaster University

6th July, 2022 – 8th July, 2022


Lancaster University is the intellectual home of the Social History Society and remains our physical base. Members will recall that we had planned to use Lancaster for our 2020 conference, which was cancelled as a result of the COVID-19. After two years of successful online events, we are delighted to be returning home for our first in person event since the start of the pandemic.

CfP: Activist and Political Autobiographies in the United States

Autobiographical narratives—whether published as autobiographies per se, memoirs, testimonies, diaries, or texts posted online on blogs, social media, or personal websites—are frequently used by activists and social movement actors, but also elected officials and political leaders as tools for constructing or reconstructing a “strategic identity” (Collovald 1988).

CfP: Pandemics, Epidemics and Endemics in the History of Latin America, 16th to 20th Centuries

The journal HiSTOReLo at Universidad Nacional de Colombia invites national and international scholars to participate in issue number 34 (September-December of 2023) by submitting unpublished manuscripts in Spanish, English or Portuguese on dossier "Pandemics, epidemics and endemics in the history of Latin America, 16th to 20th centuries".