1997 - 151 (September)

Articles in this issue

British Views of the Legacy of the Colonial Administration of HongKong: A Preliminary Assessment

Pages: 553 - 566

The Legacy of the British Administration of Hong Kong: A View fromHong Kong

Pages: 567 - 582

Hong Kong: A Survey of its Political and Economic Development overthe Past 150 Years

Pages: 583 - 592

Order and Stability in Social Transition: Neoconservative PoliticalThought in Post-1989 China

Pages: 593 - 613

Research Notes

Who Friend, Who Enemy? Rewi Alley and the Friends of China

Pages: 614 - 632

Market Reforms and Provision of Credit for Grain Purchases in China

Pages: 633 - 653


A Private Ceremony to Deng Tuo, Wu Han, Liao Mosha and Liu Ren

Pages: 654 - 658

Book review, by Ming K. Chan

The Last Governor: Chris Patten and the Handover of Hong Kong

Pages: 659 - 661

Book review, by Dick Wilson

Hongkong Remembers

Pages: 661 - 662

Book review, by Elizabeth Sinn

Friends & Teachers: Hong Kong and its People 1953-87

Pages: 662 - 664

Book review, by Richard Louis Edmonds

Macau, China: A Political History of the Portugese Colony's Transitionto Chinese Rules

Pages: 664 - 665

Book review, by Jürgen Domes

Taiwan - die chinesische Alternative: Demokratisierung in einemostasiatischen Schwellenland (1985-1993)

Pages: 665 - 666

Book review, by John W. Garver

Mao's Militairy Romanticism: China and the Korean War, 1950-1953

Pages: 667 - 668

Book review, by Dick Wilson

Zhou Enlai and the Foundation of Chinese Foreign Policy

Pages: 668 - 669

Book review, by Julia C. Strauss

In Search of Civil Society: Market Reform and Social Change in ContemporaryChina

Pages: 669 - 672

Book review, by Julia C. Strauss

The Democratic Implications of Civil Society in China

Pages: 669 - 672

Book review, by B.J. Heinzen

The Characteristics and Stock Price Effects of U.S.-Chinese JointVentures

Page: 672

Book review, by B.J. Heinzen

Ownership Restrictions and Stock Price Behaviour in China

Page: 672

Book review, by B.J. Heinzen

The Sole Proprietorship Enterprise Bill - A First for China

Page: 672

Book review, by B.J. Heinzen

Productive Efficiency and Allocation of Resources Among State-OwnedEnterprises in China: An Inter-Industry Comparison

Page: 672

Book review, by Qi Luo

China Superpower: Requisites for High Growth

Page: 672

Book review, by B.J. Heinzen

The Distribution Channel Aspect of Entry Strategies for ForeignFirms Entering the China Market

Pages: 673 - 673

Book review, by Taciana Fisac

La economía china ante el siglo XXI: Veinte años dereforma

Pages: 674 - 675

Book review, by John Frankenstein

Foreign Investement and Economic Development in Hungary and China

Pages: 675 - 676

Book review, by Richard Louis Edmonds

Chinese Maps

Page: 677

Book review, by Arthur Kleinman

Mental Disorders in China

Pages: 677 - 679

Book review, by Arthur Kleinman

Mental Health Care In China: State Policies, Professional Servicesand Family Responsabilities

Pages: 678 - 679

Book review, by Frank Dikötter

Women and Sexuality in China: Dominant Discourses of Female Sexuality

Pages: 679 - 680

Book review, by Harriet Evans

Mujeres en China

Pages: 680 - 682

Book review, by Louise Tythacott

Chinese Clothing: An Illustrated Guide

Pages: 682 - 683

Book review, by Keith Howard

Musical Creativity in Twentieth-Century China: Abing, His Music,and Its Changing Meanings

Pages: 684 - 685

Book review, by Keith Howard

Folk Music of China: Living Instrumental Traditions

Pages: 685 - 686

Book review, by Catherine Swatek

Scenes for mandarins: The Elite Theater of the Ming

Pages: 687 - 688

Book review, by T.H. Barrett

Unruly Gods: Divinity and Society in China

Pages: 688 - 689

Book review, by T.H. Barrett

The Great State of White and High: Buddhism and State Formationin Eleventh-Century Xia

Pages: 689 - 690