1997 - 151 (September)
Articles in this issue
British Views of the Legacy of the Colonial Administration of HongKong: A Preliminary Assessment
The Legacy of the British Administration of Hong Kong: A View fromHong Kong
Hong Kong: A Survey of its Political and Economic Development overthe Past 150 Years
Order and Stability in Social Transition: Neoconservative PoliticalThought in Post-1989 China
Research Notes
Who Friend, Who Enemy? Rewi Alley and the Friends of China
Market Reforms and Provision of Credit for Grain Purchases in China
A Private Ceremony to Deng Tuo, Wu Han, Liao Mosha and Liu Ren
Book review, by Ming K. Chan
The Last Governor: Chris Patten and the Handover of Hong Kong
Book review, by Dick Wilson
Hongkong Remembers
Book review, by Elizabeth Sinn
Friends & Teachers: Hong Kong and its People 1953-87
Book review, by Richard Louis Edmonds
Macau, China: A Political History of the Portugese Colony's Transitionto Chinese Rules
Book review, by Jürgen Domes
Taiwan - die chinesische Alternative: Demokratisierung in einemostasiatischen Schwellenland (1985-1993)
Book review, by John W. Garver
Mao's Militairy Romanticism: China and the Korean War, 1950-1953
Book review, by Dick Wilson
Zhou Enlai and the Foundation of Chinese Foreign Policy
Book review, by Julia C. Strauss
In Search of Civil Society: Market Reform and Social Change in ContemporaryChina
Book review, by Julia C. Strauss
The Democratic Implications of Civil Society in China
Book review, by B.J. Heinzen
The Characteristics and Stock Price Effects of U.S.-Chinese JointVentures
Book review, by B.J. Heinzen
Ownership Restrictions and Stock Price Behaviour in China
Book review, by B.J. Heinzen
The Sole Proprietorship Enterprise Bill - A First for China
Book review, by B.J. Heinzen
Productive Efficiency and Allocation of Resources Among State-OwnedEnterprises in China: An Inter-Industry Comparison
Book review, by Qi Luo
China Superpower: Requisites for High Growth
Book review, by B.J. Heinzen
The Distribution Channel Aspect of Entry Strategies for ForeignFirms Entering the China Market
Book review, by Taciana Fisac
La economía china ante el siglo XXI: Veinte años dereforma
Book review, by John Frankenstein
Foreign Investement and Economic Development in Hungary and China
Book review, by Richard Louis Edmonds
Chinese Maps
Book review, by Arthur Kleinman
Mental Disorders in China
Book review, by Arthur Kleinman
Mental Health Care In China: State Policies, Professional Servicesand Family Responsabilities
Book review, by Frank Dikötter
Women and Sexuality in China: Dominant Discourses of Female Sexuality
Book review, by Harriet Evans
Mujeres en China
Book review, by Louise Tythacott
Chinese Clothing: An Illustrated Guide
Book review, by Keith Howard
Musical Creativity in Twentieth-Century China: Abing, His Music,and Its Changing Meanings
Book review, by Keith Howard
Folk Music of China: Living Instrumental Traditions
Book review, by Catherine Swatek
Scenes for mandarins: The Elite Theater of the Ming
Book review, by T.H. Barrett
Unruly Gods: Divinity and Society in China
Book review, by T.H. Barrett
The Great State of White and High: Buddhism and State Formationin Eleventh-Century Xia