1998 - 156 (December)

Articles in this issue

China's Environment


Pages: 725 - 732

The Environmental Legacy of Imperial China

Pages: 733 - 756

The Organization of Environmental Protection in China

Pages: 757 - 787

Environmental Regulation in the People's Republic of China: The Face of Domestic Law

Pages: 788 - 808

China: Environmental Protection, Domestic Policy Trends, Patterns of Participation in Regimes and Compliance with International Norms

Pages: 809 - 835

China's Land Resources, Environment and Agricultural Production

Pages: 836 - 879

Is China Living on the Water Margin?

Pages: 880 - 898

Environmental Issues and the South-North Water Transfer Scheme

Pages: 899 - 910

Recent Trends in Forestry and Conservation of Biodiversity in China

Pages: 911 - 934

China's Energy and Resource Uses: Continuity and Change

Pages: 935 - 951

Industrial Pollution in China and Remedial Policies

Pages: 952 - 985

Population, Public Health and the Environment in China

Pages: 986 - 1015

Business Opportunities for Foreign Firms Related to China's Environment

Pages: 1016 - 1041

Book review, by Edward Friedman

Democratization in China and Taiwan: The Adaptability of Leninist Parties

Pages: 1042 - 1043

Book review, by Steven I. Levine

The Roles of the United States, Russia, and China in the New World Order

Pages: 1043 - 1044

Book review, by Ian Seckington

Dictionary of the Politics of the People's Republic of China

Pages: 1044 - 1045

Book review, by Michael Schoenhals

Turbulent Decade: A History of the Cultural Revolution

Pages: 1045 - 1047

Book review, by Miguel Santos Neves

Portugal, a China e a "Questão de Macau"

Pages: 1047 - 1049

Book review, by John Child

Management in China: The Experience of Foreign Businesses

Pages: 1050 - 1051

Book review, by François Gipouloux

La réforme des entreprises en Chine: Les entreprises Shanghaiennes entre Etat et marché

Pages: 1051 - 1052

Book review, by C.P. Lo

China's New Spatial Economy: Heading Towards 2020

Pages: 1053 - 1054

Book review, by Thomas P. Bernstein

Co-operative and Collective in CHina's Rural Development: Between State and Private Interests

Pages: 1054 - 1056

Book review, by Vivienne Shue

Village Inc:Chinese Rural Society in the 1990s

Pages: 1056 - 1057

Book review, by Wenfang Tang

Adjusting to Capitalism: Chinese Workers and the State

Pages: 1057 - 1059

Book review, by Jane Duckett

Marginalization and Social Welfare in CHina

Pages: 1059 - 1060

Book review, by Colin Mackerras

An Ethnohistorical Dictionary of China

Pages: 1060 - 1061

Book review, by Jane Teufel Dreyer

China's Last Nomads: The History and Culture of China's Kazacks

Pages: 1061 - 1062

Book review, by Julia Ching

Manufacturing Confucianism: Chinese Traditions and Universal Civilization

Pages: 1063 - 1064

Book review, by T.H. Barret

Mysticism and Kingship in CHina: The Heart of Chinese Wisdom

Pages: 1064 - 1065

Book review, by Alison Hardie

The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Culture in Ming China

Pages: 1065 - 1066

Book review, by Robert P. Gardella

Hong Merchants of Canton: Chinese Merchants in Sino-Western Trade

Pages: 1066 - 1067

Book review, by Eileen Scully

The Golden Ghetto: The American Commercial Community at Canton and the Shaping of American China Policy

Pages: 1068 - 1069

Book review, by Mary Backus Rankin

Imagining the People: Chinese Intellectuals and the Concept of Citizenship, 1890-1920

Pages: 1069 - 1070

Book review, by Brian G. Martin

Shanghai années 30: Plaisirs et violences

Pages: 1070 - 1072

Book review, by T.H. Barrett

Within the Human Realm: The Poetry of Huang Zunxian, 1848-1905

Pages: 1073 - 1074

Book review, by Kirk A. Denton

The Literature of China in the 20th Century

Pages: 1074 - 1076

Book review, by Anne Wedell-Wedellsborg

China's Avant-Garde Fiction: An Anthology

Pages: 1076 - 1077