1997 - 1 (March)

Articles in this issue

The Return of History: Geopolitics and Diversity in Eastern Europe

Pages: 1 - 3

Theories of Democratization and Pattern of Regime Change in Eastern Europe

Pages: 4 - 26

Participation and Transition: Can the Civil Society Project Survive in Hungary?

Pages: 27 - 40

The Strange Death of 'Civil Society' in Port-Communist Hungary

Pages: 41 - 63

The Party Manifestos for the Bulgarian 1994 Elections

Pages: 64 - 90

Party Structure and Party Perspectives

Pages: 91 - 106

The 1995 Elections to the Russian State Duma

Pages: 107 - 114

Voting and Party Support in the December 1995 Duma Elections

Pages: 115 - 122

Regional Results in the 1996 Russian Presidential Elections

Pages: 123 - 131

The 1996 Presidential Elections in Tatarstan

Pages: 132 - 144

The Voting Behaviour of Russian Youth

Pages: 145 - 159

Paradoxes of Russian Political Development

Pages: 160 - 167