2001 - 3 (July-September)

Articles in this issue

Gender Politics and the Urdu Ghazal: Exploratory Observations on Rekhta versus Rekhtï

Pages: 223 - 248

Scientific Experiments in British India: Scientists, Indigo Planters and the State, 1890-1930

Pages: 249 - 270

Homeless in Gujarat and India: On the Curious Love of Indulal Yagnik

Pages: 271 - 297

Kings and Commerce on an Agrarian Frontier: Kalketu's Story in Mukunda's Candimangal

Pages: 299 - 324

Book review, by Bernardo A. Michael

Tibetan Border Worlds: A Geohistorical Analysis of Trade and Traders

Pages: 325 - 327

Book review, by Kalpana Viswanath

Fields of Protest: Women's Movements in India

Pages: 327 - 329

Book review, by Ranabir Samaddar

India, Living with Modernity

Pages: 329 - 330

Book review, by Bidyut Chakrabarty

The Emerge of Hindu Nationalism in India

Pages: 330 - 333

Book review, by Nivedita Menon

The Saffron Wave: Democracy and Hindu Nationalism in Modern India

Pages: 333 - 335

Book review, by Sanjay Palshikar

Minority Identities and the Nation-State

Pages: 335 - 337

Book review, by Padma Anagol

State, Intervention and Popular Response: Western India in the Nineteenth Century

Pages: 337 - 339

Book review, by Bidyut Chakrabarty

Independence and Partition: The Erosion of Colonial Power in India

Pages: 340 - 342

Book review, by Nasir Tyabji

Science, Technology and Medicine in Colonial India

Pages: 342 - 344

Book review, by Chetan Singh

The New Cambridge H. 4: An Agrarian History of South Asia

Pages: 344 - 347

Book review, by Biswamoy Pati

Essays on Colonialism

Pages: 347 - 348

Book review, by Marcia J. Frost

The Transhuming Herders of Rajasthan

Pages: 349 - 352

Book review, by Marcia J. Frost

Greener Pastures: Politics, Markets and Community among a Migrant Pastoral People

Pages: 349 - 352