2000 - 58 (Fall)

Articles in this issue

Helmut and Louise: An Appreciation

Pages: 179 - 180

Wartime Economies and the Mobilization of Labor

World War Two and Labor: A Lost Cause?

Pages: 181 - 191

Wartime Economies and the Mobilization of Labor

Forced Laborers in the Third Reich: An Overview

Pages: 192 - 218

Wartime Economies and the Mobilization of Labor

Beyond The Bridge on the River Kwai: Labor Mobilization in the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

Pages: 219 - 238

Wartime Economies and the Mobilization of Labor

All for the Front, All for Victory! The Mobilization of Forced Labor in the Soviet Union during World War Two

Pages: 239 - 260

Wartime Economies and the Mobilization of Labor

Class Politics and the State during World War Two

Pages: 261 - 274

Review Essay

Changing Trends in the Historiography of Postwar Europe, East and West

Pages: 275 - 282

Review Essay

Labor-Management Relations in Twentieth-Century Japan: A Review Essay

Pages: 283 - 292

The Business of Health Security: Employee Health Benefits, Commercial Insurers, and the Reconstruction of Welfare Capitalism, 1945-1960

Pages: 293 - 314

Reports And Correspondence

Labor in Pakistan

Pages: 314 - 317

Reports And Correspondence

Women, Work, and the Breadwinner Ideology, from the Fifteenth to Twentieth Century

Pages: 318 - 321

Reports And Correspondence

History for the Twenty-First Century: The 114th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association

Pages: 322 - 324

Reports And Correspondence

Ninety-Third Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians

Pages: 325 - 328

Reports And Correspondence

Enterprise in Society: The Forty-Sixth Annual Business History Conference

Pages: 329 - 332

Reports And Correspondence

Class and Politics in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives: The Twenty-First Annual North American Labor History Conference

Pages: 333 - 335

Ouvrières Parisiennes: Marchés du travail et trajectoires professionelles au 20e siècle

Pages: 336 - 339

Intimate Ironies: Modernity and the Making of Middle-Class Lives in Brazil / The Idea of the Middle Class: White-Collar Workers and Peruvian Society, 1900-1950

Pages: 339 - 342

Tracing the Veins: Of Copper, Culture, and Community from Butte to Chuquicamata / Contested Communities: Class, Gender, and Politics in Chile's El Teniente Copper Mine, 1904-1951

Pages: 342 - 345

A Coffee Frontier: Land, Society, and Politics in Duaca, Venezuela, 1830-1936

Pages: 345 - 347

The Japanese Conspiracy: The Oahu Sugar Strike of 1920

Pages: 347 - 349

In the New England Fashion: Reshaping Women's Lives in the Nineteenth Century

Pages: 350 - 352

W. E. B. DuBois, Race, and the City: The Philadelphia Negro and Its Legacy

Pages: 352 - 355

Workers and Intelligentsia in Late Imperial Russia: Realities, Representations, Reflections

Pages: 355 - 356

News and Announcements

Page: 357