1998 - 1 (April)

Articles in this issue

Guildsmen, Entrepreneurs and Market Segments: The Case of the Garment Trades in Antwerp and Ghent (Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries)

Pages: 1 - 29

Guilds, Social Mobility and Status in Sixteenth-Century Ghent

Pages: 31 - 78

Machines and the Order of the Harbour: The Debate about the Introduction of Grain Unloaders in Rotterdam, 1905-1907

Pages: 79 - 109

Octave Mirbeau and the Changing Nature of Right-Wing Political Culture: France, 1870-1914

Pages: 111 - 135

Book review, by Chitra Joshi

The History of Everyday Life. Recontructing Historical Experiences and Ways of Life.

Pages: 137 - 139

Book review, by Eric D. Weitz

The Petite Bourgeoisie in Europe 1780-1914. Enterprise, Family and Independence

Pages: 139 - 142

Book review, by Ahlrich Meyer

Archivalienkunde des vormarxistischen Sozialismus

Pages: 142 - 144

Book review, by Danielle Tartakowsky

The Republican Moment. Struggles for Democracy in Nineteenth-Century France

Pages: 144 - 147

Book review, by Wayne Thorpe

Victor Griffuelhes and French Syndicalism 1895-1922

Pages: 147 - 150

Book review, by André Mommen

The Democratic Socialism of Emile Vandervelde. Between Reform and Revolution

Pages: 150 - 152

Book review, by Jürgen Rojahn

Zwischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft und Koalition. Bürgerliche Sozialreformer und Gewerkschaften im Ersten Weltkrieg

Pages: 152 - 155

Book review, by Eberhard Kolb

Kommunisten in der Weimarer Republik. Sozialgeschichte einer revolutionären Bewegung

Pages: 155 - 157

Book review, by Reinhart Kößler

Steuer und Lohnarbeit im Sü von Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1891 bis 1916

Pages: 158 - 160


Pages: 161 - 193