1999 - 2 (August)
Articles in this issue
The Origins of Colonial Labour Policy in Late Eighteenth-Century Madras
Work and Workloads during Industrialization: The Experience of Forgemen in the British Iron Industry 1750-1850
Suggestions and Debates
Labour History and the Interlocking Hierarchies of Class, Ethnicity and Gender: A Canadian Perspective
Industrial Labour in Post-Colonial India I: Industrializing the Economy and Formalizing Labour
Book review, by Leo Lucassen
Migration and Urbanization in the Ruhr Valley 1821-1914
Book review, by Leo Lucassen
Mobility and Modernity. Migration in Germany 1820-1989
Book review, by Catherine Collomp
Ready-to-Wear and Ready-to-Work: A Century of Industry and Immigrants in Paris and New York
Book review, by Ronald Creagh
Seeing Like a State. How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed
Book review, by Wim Berkelaar
Stalinism and Nazism. Dictatorships in Comparison. Ed. by Ian Kershaw and Moshe Lewin
Book review, by Carl Strikwerda
Sire, het volk mort. Sociaal protest in Belgie 1831-1918
Book review, by Lex Heerma van Voss
Expanding Class: Power and Everydays Politics in Industrial Communities, The Netherlands, 1850-1950
Book review, by W.R. Lee
Arbeiter in der preußischen Provinz. Rheinprovinz, Schlesien und Pommern 1933 bis 1939 im Vergleich
Book review, by Mel van Elteren
Youth in Britain since 1945
Book review, by Reinhart Kößler
Namibia under South African Rule. Mobility and Containment 1915-1946. Ed. by Patricia Hayes et al.
Book review, by Tatsuya Chiba
Immigration Policy and Foreign Workers in Japan