2001 - 1 (January)

Articles in this issue

The Russian Review: Continuity and Change

Pages: 1 - 3

The Founding of The Russian Review: A Memoir

Pages: 4 - 6

Reflections of an Editor

Pages: 7 - 8

The Future of Russian History

Pages: 9 - 12

The Confessions of Semen Kanatchikov: A Bolshevik Memoir as Spiritual Biography

Pages: 13 - 35

Velimir Khlebnikov's "Perevorot v Vladivostoke": History and Historiography

Pages: 36 - 55

Colonial Mimicry and Disenchantment in Alexander Druzhinin's "A Russian Circassian" and Other Stories

Pages: 56 - 71

Death and Mutilaton at the Dueling Site: Pushkin's Death as a National Spectacle

Pages: 72 - 88

The Surrealist Compromise of Boris Poplavsky

Pages: 89 - 108

Book review, by Austin Jersild

"Kavkas" Tarasa Shevchenko: Na fone neprekhodiashchego proshlogo

Pages: 109 - 110

Book review, by Anatoly Liberman

Ritualized Violence Russian Style: The Duel in Russian Culture and Literature

Pages: 110 - 111

Book review, by Alexandra Orlova

The Life of Musorgsky

Pages: 111 - 112

Book review, by Galina S. Rylkova

The Diary of Nikolay Punin, 1904-1953

Pages: 113 - 114

Book review, by Galina S. Rylkova

Nikolai Nikolaevich Punin. Mir svetel liubov'iu. Dnevniki. Pis'ma

Pages: 113 - 114

Book review, by Susan Layton

Imperial Knowledge: Russian Literature and Colonialism

Pages: 115 - 116

Book review, by Alexandra Heidi Karriker

Russia on Reels: The Russian Idea in Post-Soviet Cinema

Pages: 116 - 117

Book review, by Markus Cerman

Proto-Industrialisierung un Rußland: Wirtschaft, Herrschaft und Kultur in Ivanovo und Pavlovo, 1741-1932

Pages: 117 - 118

Book review, by Barbara Lomagistro

Il pensiero sociale russo: Modelli straniero e contesto nazionale

Pages: 118 - 120

Book review, by Jochen Hellbeck

The Collective and the Individual in Russia: A Study of Practices

Pages: 120 - 121

Book review, by Helen S. Hundley

Tournament of Shadows: The Great Game and the Race for Empire in Central Asia

Page: 122

Book review, by Ronald Bobroff

Diplomacy before the Russian Revolution: Britain, Russia and the Old Diplomacy, 1894-1917

Pages: 123 - 124

Book review, by Henry Reichman

Rabochie i intelligentsiia Rossii v epokhu reform i revoliutsii, 1861-fevral' 1917

Pages: 124 - 125

Book review, by Henry Reichman

Workers and Intelligentsia in Late Imperial Russia: Realities, Representations, Reflections

Pages: 124 - 125

Book review, by Greg Guroff

Big Business in Russia: The Putilov Company in Late Imperial Russia, 1868-1917

Page: 126

Book review, by Sharon Marie Carnicke

The St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters: Stage and State in Revolutionary Russia. 1900-1920

Pages: 126 - 127

Book review, by Anne Gorsuch

Builders and Deserters: Students, State and Community in Leningrad, 1917-1941

Pages: 127 - 128

Book review, by John W. Steinberg

The Soviet Military Experience: A History of the Soviet Army, 1917-1991

Pages: 128 - 129

Book review, by Earl F. Ziemke

Secret Soldiers of the Revolution: Soviet Military Intelligence, 1918-1933

Pages: 129 - 130

Book review, by Neil Robinson

Reconstructing the State: Personal Networks and Elite Identity in Soviet Russia

Pages: 130 - 132

Book review, by Sr. Sophia Senyk

The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Soviet State (1939-1950)

Pages: 132 - 133

Book review, by Dietman Neutatz

Life and Death under Stalin: Kalinin Province, 1945-1953

Pages: 133 - 134

Book review, by Donald Filtzer

Women Workers in the Soviet Interwar Economy: From "Protection" to "Equality"

Pages: 134 - 135

Book review, by Bugra Atsiz

Broadasting Freedom: The Cold War Triumph of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

Pages: 135 - 136

Book review, by Roger E. Kanet

Unarmed Forces: The Transnational Movement to End the Cold War

Pages: 136 - 137

Book review, by Mark S. Johnson

Education of Teachers in Russia

Pages: 137 - 138

Book review, by Silvana Malle


Pages: 138 - 139

Book review, by Teresa Radowska-Harmstone

Identity in Formation: The Russian-Speaking Population in the Near Abroad

Pages: 139 - 141

Book review, by David M. Crowe

Uneasy Alliance: Relations between Russia and Kazakhstan in the Post-Soviet Era, 1992-1997

Pages: 141 - 142

Stuart J. Kaufman

Russian Peacekeeping Strategies in the CIS: The Cases of Moldava, Georgia and Tajikistan

Pages: 142 - 143

Book review, by Johanna Granville

Russia Faces NATO Expansion: Bearing Gifts or Bearing Arms?

Pages: 143 - 144

Book review, by Erik P.Hoffmann

Russia's Liberal Project: State-Society Relations in the Transition

Pages: 144 - 145

Book review, by Craig ZumBrunnen

Russia in the Modern World: A New Geography

Pages: 145 - 148