1997 - 1 (January)

Articles in this issue

Russian Workers and the Politics of Social Identity

Pages: 1 - 7

Patterns of Migration and Settlement in Prerevolutionary St. Petersburg: Peasants from Iaroslavl and Tver Provinces

Pages: 8 - 24

Message in a Bottle: Working-Class Culture and the Struggle for Revolutionary Legitimacy, 1900-1929

Pages: 25 - 43

The Teikovo Cotton Workers' Strike of April 1932: Class, Gender and Identity Politics in Stalin's Russia

Pages: 44 - 69

(Us against Them): Social Identity in Soviet Russia, 1934-41

Pages: 70 - 89


The Rape of the Intelligentsia: A Proletarian Foundational Myth

Pages: 90 - 109

The Occult in Russian Literature of the 1990s

Pages: 110 - 124

Film Review

I am Cuba

Pages: 125 - 126

Book review, by Evelyn Bristol

Pushkin and Romantic Fashion: Fragment, Elegy, Orient, Irony

Page: 127

Book review, by Angela Brintlinger

Authorship as Alchemy: Subversive Writing in Pushkin, Scott, Hoffman

Page: 128

Book review, by Alison Hilton

Kandinsky and Old Russia: The Artist as Ethnographer and Shaman

Pages: 129 - 130

Book review, by Patricia Carden

Aleksei Remizov: Issledovaniia i materialy

Pages: 130 - 132

Book review, by Patricia Carden


Pages: 132 - 133

Book review, by Amy Mandelker

Boris Eikhenbaum: Voices of s Russian Formalist

Pages: 133 - 134

Book review, by Kathleen Parthé

Vasiliu Grossman: The Genesis and Evolution of a Russian Heretic

Pages: 134 - 135

Book review, by Valerie Z. Nollan

Russian Literature, 1988-1994: The End of an Era

Page: 136

Book review, by Ezra Mendelsohn

Jews and Revolution in Nineteenth-Century Russia

Pages: 136 - 138

Book review, by Maurico Borrero

Iuzovka and Revolution Vol. 1. Politics and Revolution in Russia's Donbass

Page: 138

Book review, by J. Calvitt Clarke III

The Soviet Union and the Origins of the Second World War: Russo-German Relations and the Road to War, 1933-1941

Pages: 139 - 140

Book review, by Nathaniel Davis

The Party of Unbelief: The Religious Policy of the Bolshevik Party, 1917-1929

Page: 139

Book review, by R.W. Davis

Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization

Pages: 140 - 141

Book review, by Henry Abramson

Out of the Red Shadows: Anti-Semitism in Stalin's Russia

Pages: 141 - 142

Book review, by Anne E. Gorsuch

Russian Youth: Law, Deviance and the Pursuit of Freedom

Pages: 142 - 143

Book review, by Beryl Williams

Last of the Empires: A History of the Soviet Union, 1945-1991

Pages: 143 - 144

Book review, by Paul D. Steeves

A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy

Pages: 144 - 145

Book review, by Jaroslaw Bilocerkowycz

Ukranian Security Policy

Pages: 145 - 146

Book review, by Robert F. Miller

The International Politics of Russia and the Successor States

Pages: 146 - 147

Book review, by Philip Pomper

Lenin, Hegel and Western Marxism: A Critical Study

Pages: 147 - 148

Book review, by Gerald M. Easter

ideology and the Collapse of the Soviet System: A Critical History of Soviet Ideological Discourse

Page: 148

Book review, by Michael Voslensky

Secret Empire: The KGB in Russia Today

Page: 149

Book review, by John Garland

Transforming the Core: Restructuring Industrial Enterprises in Russia and Central Europe

Page: 150