1998 - 2 (April)

Articles in this issue

Who, and When, Were the Inorodtsy? The Evolution of the Category of "Aliens" in Imperial Russia

Pages: 173 - 190

Envisioning Health in Revolutionary Russia: The Politics of Gender in Sexual-Enlightenment Posters of the 1920s

Pages: 191 - 217

Stalinism at Work: Teacher Certification (1936-39) and Soviet Power

Pages: 218 - 235

No Room of Her Own: The Early Life and Career of Liubov' Gurevich

Pages: 236 - 252

To What Extent is Requiem a Requiem? Unheard Female Voices in Anna Akhmatova's Requiem

Pages: 253 - 263

The Image of Judas in the Work of M.A. Voloshin

Pages: 264 - 278

Review Essay

New Windows on Women's Lives

Pages: 279 - 282

Book review, by Daniel C. Waugh

The Rise and Fall of Latin Humanism in Early-Modern Russia: Pagan Authors, Ukrainians and the Resiliency of Muscovy

Pages: 283 - 285

Book review, by Hugh McLean

Social Functions of Literature: Alexander Pushkin and Russian Culture

Pages: 285 - 286

Book review, by Vera Proskurina

The Myth of A.S. Pushkin in Russia's Silver Age (M.O. Gershenzon, Puskinist)

Pages: 286 - 287

Book review, by Andrew Wachtel

The Fallacy of the Silver Age in Twentieth-Century Literature

Pages: 287 - 288

Book review, by Bruce T. Holl

Maksim Gorky: Selected Letters

Pages: 288 - 289

Book review, by Helena Goscilo

Figures of Memory and Forgetting in Andrei Bitov's Prose: Postmodernism and the Quest for History

Pages: 289 - 291

Book review, by Alexander Prokhorov

Kinematograf ottepeli

Pages: 291 - 292

Book review, by Konstantin Kustanovich

Spirit of the Totem: Religion and Myth in Soviet Fiction, 1964-1988

Pages: 292 - 293

Book review, by Peter Rollberg

Literaturnoe semiletie (1987-1994)

Pages: 293 - 294

Book review, by Donald Ostrowski

The Dynasty of Chernigov, 1054-1146

Pages: 295 - 296

Book review, by George Majeska

Vostochnokhristianskii khram: Liturgiia i iskussivo

Page: 295

Book review, by Alexander Vucinich

Im Paradis der Gelehrten: Schweizer Wissenschaftler im Zarenreich (1725-1916)

Pages: 296 - 297

Book review, by Nadieszda Kizenko

Holy Women of Russia: The Lives of Five Orthodox Women Offer Spiritual Guidance for Today

Pages: 297 - 298

Book review, by Stuart Thompstone

An Economic History of Russia, 1856-1914

Pages: 298 - 299

Book review, by Thomas Sanders

V.O. Kliuchevskii, Historian of Russia

Pages: 299 - 300

Book review, by Chester M. Rzadkiewicz

Chelovek svoevo vremeni (M.M. Stasiulevich: Izdatel' skoe delo i liberal' naia oppozitsiia)

Pages: 300 - 301

Book review, by G.M. Hamburg

The French Revolution and the Russian Anti-Democratic Tradition: A Case of False Consciousness

Pages: 301 - 302

Book review, by Francesco Benvenuti

Scienza e rivoluzione: La recezione dell'empiriocriticismo nella cultura russa (1877-1910)

Pages: 303 - 303

Book review, by Susan Zayer Rupp

Civil War in Siberia: The Anti-Bolshevik Government of Admiral Kolcak 1918-1920

Pages: 303 - 304

Book review, by Margaret K. Stolee

And Now My Soul is Hardened: Abandoned Children in Soviet Russia, 1918-1930

Pages: 305 - 306

Book review, by James T. Andrews

Stalinist Science

Pages: 306 - 307

Book review, by Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal

Kultur im Stalinismus: Sowjetische Kultur und Kunst der 1930er bis 50er Jahre

Pages: 307 - 308

Book review, by Leonid Rudnytzky

Ukraina 20-505kh rokiv: Storinky nenapsyanoii istorii

Pages: 308 - 309

Book review, by Hubert P. van Tuyll

Liudskie poteri SSSR v period Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine

Pages: 309 - 310

Book review, by Jane Burbank

Soviet Crimial Justice under Stalin

Pages: 310 - 311

Book review, by Edith Rogovin Frankel

They Did Not Dwell Alone: Jewish Emigration from the Soviet Union, 1967-1990

Pages: 311 - 312

Book review, by David Darrow

Goroda Rossiiskoi imperii na 1.01.1914 so svedeniiami o nikh na 1.01.1987

Pages: 313 - 314

Book review, by David Darrow

Russkie v mire: Dinamika chislennosti i rasseleniia (1719-1989): Formirovanie etnicheskikh i politicheskikh granits russkogo naroda

Pages: 313 - 314

Book review, by Todd Foglesong

Politics and Justice in Russia: Major Trials of the Post-Stalin Era

Pages: 314 - 315

Book review, by N.N. Shneidman

Ökologie und Öffentlichkeit: Untersuchungen zur Rolle der sowjetrussischen Schriftsteller in der ökologischen Bewusstseinsbildung der fünfziger bis achtziger Jahre

Pages: 315 - 316

Book review, by Anatoly Khazanov

The Disintegration of the Soviet Union: A Study in the Rise and Triumph of Nationalism

Pages: 316 - 317

Book review, by Robert Sharlet

Constitution-Making in the Region of the Former Soviet Dominances: With Full Texts of all New Constitutions Ratified through July 1995

Pages: 317 - 318

Book review, by Perry L. Patterson

Russian Unemployment and Enterprise Restructuring: Reviving Dead Souls

Pages: 318 - 319

Book review, by Karl W. Ryavec

Policy-Making for Russian Industry

Pages: 319 - 320