1998 - 4 (October)
Articles in this issue
Apollo and Dionysus in Andrei Belyi's Petersburg
The Kharmsian Absurd and the Bergsonian Comic: Against Kant and Causality
No Exit: Piranesi, Doré, and the Transformation of the Petersburg Myth in Mstislav Dobuzhinskii's Urban Dreams
The Search for the World: Echoes of the Apophthegma in the Kievan Caves Patericon
The Don Cossacks during the 1905 Revolution: The Revolt of Ust-Medveditskaia Stanitsa
Irreconcilable Differences: Divorce and Conflicting Conceptions of Private Life in the Khrushchev Era
Notes and Documents
The Munich Crisis and the Issue of Red Army Transit across Romania
Film Review
A Chef in Love
Book review, by Joe Andrew
Resetting the Margins: Russian Romantic Verse Tales and the Idealized Women
Book review, by Valerie A. Kivelson
The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture
Book review, by Emil A. Draitser
Anti-mir russkoi kul'tury: Iazyk, fol'klor, literatura
Book review, by Natalie Kononenko
Zavetnye skazki iz sobraniia N.E. Onchukova
Book review, by Alexander Orbach
To the Other Shore: The Russian Jewish Intellectuals Who Came to America
Book review, by John Kopper
The Poetics of Korolenko's Fiction
Book review, by Thomas Gaiton Marullo
The Narratology of the Autobiography: An Analysis of the Literary Devices Employed in Ivan Bunin's "The Life of Arsen'ev"
Book review, by Sidney Monas
Corporeal Words: Bakhtin's Theology of Discourse
Book review, by Nina Perlina
The First Hundred Years of Mikahail Bakhtin
Book review, by Adele Barker
The Explosive World of Tatyana N. Tolstoya's Fiction
Book review, by Carol Adlam
Dehexing Sex: Russian Womanhood during and after Glasnost
Book review, by Carol B. Stevens
Autocracy in the Provinces: The Muscovite Gentry and Political Culture in the Seventeenth Century
Book review, by Carolyn Pouncy
Chastnaia zhizn' russkoi zhenshchiny: Nevesta, zhena, liubovnitsa (X-nachalo XIX vv.)
Book review, by Maureen Perrie
Etnografiia vostochnykh slavian v zarubezhnykh issledovaniiakh (1945-1990)
Book review, by Robert Geraci
Empire and Society: New Approaches to Russian History
Book review, Audrey L. Altstadt
Russia and Azerbaijan: A Borderland in Transition
Book review, by Girish N. Bhat
Autokratie und Justiz: Zum Verhältnis von Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Rückständigkeit im ausgehenden Zarenreich, 1864-1914
Book review, by Judith Zimmerman
Die Provinz Wählt: Russlands Konstitutionell-Demokratische Partei und die Dumawahlen 1906-1912
Book review, by Christine D. Worobec
Sotsial'nye konflikty i krest'ianskaia mental'nost v Rossiiskoi imperii nachala XX veka: Novye materialy, metody, resul'taty
Book review, by Alan Wood
Between Heaven and Hell: The Myth of Siberia in Russian Culture
Book review, by Stefan Plaggenborg
Rußland 1917: Ein Land auf der Suche nach sich selbst
Book review, by Michael C. Hickey
Anatomiia revoliutsii: 1917 god v Rossii: Massy, partii, vlast'
Book review, by Gábor T. Rittersporn
Revolutionskultur: Menschenbilder und kulturelle Praxis in Sowjetrussland zwischen Oktoberrevolution und Stalinismus
Book review, by Mary Zirin
Bolshevik Women
Book review, by Nina Tumarkin
Making of an Idol: On Uses on Lenin
Book review, by Michael Melançon
From the Other Shore: Russian Social Democracy after 1921
Book review, by Gerald Surh
Making Workers Soviet: Power, Class and Identity
Book review, by Steve Smith
The Soviet Experiment: Russia, the USSR and the Successor States
Book review, by Helen Sullivan
Russkie ofitsial'nye i vedomstvennye izdaniia: XIX-nachalo XX veka: Katalog
Book review, by Helen Sullivan
Fondy i kollektsii rukopisnogo otdela: Kratkii spravochnik
Book review, by Robert L. Nichols
The Russian Orthodox Church: Triumphalism and Defensiveness
Book review, by Mauricio Borrero
NEP i Perestroika: Massovoe soznanie sel'skogo naseleniia v usloviiakh perekhoda v rynku
Book review, by James Richter
Ideas and International Political Change: Soviet/Russian Behavior and the End of the Cold War
Book review, by Sarah Meiklejohn Terry
The Enigma of 1989: The USSR and the Liberation of Eastern Europe
Book review, by Andrzej Korbonski
Russian Civil-Military Relations
Book review, by Lena Jonson
The Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation
Book review, by Nathaniel Richmond
Dangerous Crossroads: Europe, Russia and the Future of NATO
Book review, by Guy Standing
New Rich, New Poor, New Russia: Winners and Losers in the Russian Road to Capitalism
Book review, by Matthew Wyman
The Russian Parliamentary Elections of 1995: The Battle for the Duma
Book review, by Thomas F. Remington
Russia's 1996 Presidential Election: The End of Polarized Politics
Book review, by Shoshana Keller
Post-Soviet Women: From Baltic to Central Asia
Book review, by Jaroslaw Bilocerkowycz
Managing Conflict in the Former Soviet Union: Russian and American Perspectives