1998 - 34

Articles in this issue

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

War and the Transformation of Loyalties and Identities in the Russian Empire, 1914-1918

Pages: 1 - 36

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

Domestic and International Dimensions of Population Displacement in Russia

Pages: 37 - 52

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

"War Communism": a Reassessment

Pages: 53 - 68

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

Bolshevism's Europe from Lenin to Stalin, 1914-28

Pages: 69 - 82

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

Moscow, the Comintern and the War Scare, 1926-28

Pages: 83 - 102

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

Permanent War Scare: Mobilisation, Militarisation and the Peasant War

Pages: 103 - 120

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

Litvinov and the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs: the Fate of an Administration under Stalin, 1930-39

Pages: 121 - 146

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

The Fascist War Threat and Soviet Politics in the 1930s

Pages: 147 - 158

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

The Reasons for the "Great Terror": the Foreign-Political Aspect

Pages: 159 - 170

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

The Red Army and the Future War in Europe, 1925-1940

Pages: 171 - 186

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

Wartime Perspectives and Economic Planning. Tukhachevsky and the Military-Industrial Complex, 1925-1937

Pages: 187 - 214

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

The Enemy at the Gates: Soviet Military Intelligence in the Inter-war Period and its Forecasts of Future War, 1921-41

Pages: 215 - 234

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

Geopolitical Factors in Stalin's Strategy and politics in the Wake of the Outbreak of World War II

Pages: 235 - 250

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

Soviet War Propaganda, from Anti-imperialism to Anti-fascism: Shifts and Contradictions

Pages: 251 - 264

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

War, Public Opinion and the Struggle for Survival, 1941-45: The Case of Leningrad

Pages: 265 - 276

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

In the Aftermath of the Age of Wars: the Impact of World War II on Soviet Security Policy

Pages: 277 - 308

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano


Pages: 309 - 312

Russia in the Age of Wars 1914-1945. Edited by Silvio Pons and Andrea Romano

Index of Names

Page: 313