1993 - supplement 1

Articles in this issue

The end of labour history?


Pages: 1 - 3

Divisions of Labor: The Splintered Geography of Labor Markets and Movements in Industrializing America. 1790-1930

Pages: 5 - 37

Polymorphous Synchrony: German Industrial Workers and the Politics of Everyday Life

Pages: 39 - 84

Class Formation and the Labor Movement as the Subject of Dialectic Social History

Pages: 85 - 103

History of Symbols as Social History? Ten preliminary notes on the image and sign systems of social movements in Germany

Pages: 105 - 125

Race and the Working-Class Past in the United States: Multiple identities and the Future of labor History

Pages: 127 - 143

Gender and Labor History: The nineteenth-century legacy

Pages: 145 - 162

Connecting Household History and Labour History

Pages: 163 - 173