2004 - supplement 12

Articles in this issue

Popular Intellectuals and Social Movements: Framing Protest in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Introduction

Pages: 1 - 18

Framing, Transnational Diffusion, and African-American Intellectuals in the Land of Gandhi

Pages: 19 - 40

Indigenous Communists and Urban Intellectuals in Cayambe, Ecuador (1926-1944)

Pages: 41 - 64

Reforming Mysticism: Sindhi Separatist Intellectuals in Pakistan

Pages: 65 - 86

Unemployed Intellectuals in the Sahara: The Teshumara Nationalist Movement and the Revolutions in Tuareg Society

Pages: 87 - 109

Between Sovereignty and Culture: Who is an Indigenous Intellectual in Colombia?

Pages: 111 - 132

Critics and Experts, Activists and Academics: Intellectuals in the Fight for Social and Ecological Justice in the Narmada Valley, India

Pages: 133 - 157

Framing Jihad: Intra-Movement Framing Contests and al-Qaeda's Struggle for Sacred Authority

Pages: 159 - 177

Popular Publics: Street Protest and Plaza Preachers in Caracas

Pages: 179 - 195

Concluding Remarks: Framing Protest in Asia, Africa, and Latin America

Pages: 197 - 217