2004 - 89

Articles in this issue

Editors Introduction

Pages: 1 - 10

Introduction: Histories of Latin Americanisms

Pages: 11 - 12

Aesthetic Moments of Latin Americanism

Pages: 13 - 24

Essential Histories, Contingent Outcomes: Latin Americanists in Search of a Discourse

Pages: 25 - 35

Latin America: A Story in Three Movements

Pages: 36 - 48

Personal Stories of Latin Americanism

Pages: 49 - 55

Queer Harvests: Homosexuality, the U.S. New Left, and the Venceremos Brigades to Cuba

Pages: 57 - 91

Bastards of the Unfinished Revolution: Bolivars Ismael and Rizals Marti at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

Pages: 92 - 114

Whose "America"? The Politics of Rhetoric and Space in the Formation of U.S. Nationalism

Pages: 115 - 134

"Wavering on the Horizon of Social Being": The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo and the Legacy of Its Racial Character in Americo Paredess George Washington Gomez

Pages: 135 - 164

Sacred Subversions? Syncretic Creoles, the Indo-Caribbean, and "Cultures In-between"

Pages: 165 - 184

The Parallel Worlds of Jose Marti

Pages: 185 - 190

The Figuration of Marti: Before and after the Revolution

Pages: 191 - 198

"Nuestra America": Territory and Place

Pages: 199 - 205

Indigenous Components in the Discourse of "Nuestra America"

Pages: 206 - 213

Beyond the Nation-State: Teaching the History of the Americas

Pages: 215 - 217

Teaching "The Americas"

Pages: 218 - 229

Race and Nation: The United States in "Our America"

Pages: 230 - 242

The Abusable Past

Pages: 243 - 247

Notes on Contributors

Pages: 248 - 250