2004 - 3 (December)

Articles in this issue

The ILO and the Regulation of White Lead in Britain During the Interwar Years: An Examination of International and National Campaigns in Occupational Health

Pages: 267 - 284

Medical Monitoring and Silicosis in Metal Miners: 1910-1940

Pages: 285 - 303

Theses and Dissertations on British and Irish Labour History, 2003. Theses and Dissertations on International Labour History, 2003

Pages: 305 - 322

Major Accessions to Repositories in 2003 Relating to the Labour Movement

Pages: 323 - 327

British Labour History Publications in 2003

Pages: 329 - 347

Comment: The Inner-Party Critics

Pages: 349 - 354

A First Revisionist Replies to Her Revisionists

Pages: 355 - 361

Communist Party History: A Reply to Campbell and McIlroy

Pages: 363 - 365

Echoes From the Dustbin of History: A Reply to Alan Campbell and John McIlroy

Pages: 367 - 372

A Reply to Critics

Pages: 373 - 380

CPGB History at the Centre of Contemporary History 2002: A Rejoinder to Alan Campbell and John McIlroy

Pages: 381 - 383

CPGB History at the Centre of Contemporary History 2002: A Rejoinder

Pages: 385 - 387

Striking for Socialism?

Pages: 389 - 395

Book Reviews

Pages: 397 - 407