2004 - 66 (Fall)

Articles in this issue

New Approaches to Global Labor History


Pages: 1 - 11

New Approaches to Global Labor History

A Multinational and its Labor Force: The Dutch East India Company, 1595-1795

Pages: 12 - 39

New Approaches to Global Labor History

"The Seaman Feels Him-self a Man"

Pages: 40 - 56

New Approaches to Global Labor History

Laboring Across National Borders: Class, Gender, and Militancy in the Proletarian Mass Migrations

Pages: 57 - 77

New Approaches to Global Labor History

Spaniards on the Silver Roll: Labor Troubles and Liminality in the Panama Canal Zone, 1904-1914

Pages: 78 - 98

New Approaches to Global Labor History

From East to West and West to East: Ties of Solidarity in the Pan-Pacific Revolutionary Trade Union Movement, 1923-1934

Pages: 99 - 117

New Approaches to Global Labor History

Sustainable Alliances: The Origins of International Labor Environmentalism

Pages: 118 - 135

Defense Workers' Struggles for Patriotic Control: The Labor-Management-State Contests over Defense Production at Brewster, 1940-1944

Pages: 136 - 154

Interview with Allan Sekula

Pages: 155 - 172

Review Symposium

The Essential E.P. Thompson

Pages: 173 - 193

Origins of the French Welfare State: The Struggle for Social Reform in France, 1914-1947

Pages: 194 - 196

Le Vercors. Histoire et mémoire d'un maquis

Pages: 197 - 199

Republic of Egos: A Social History of the Spanish Civil War

Pages: 200 - 202

Of Property and Propriety: The Role of Gender and Class in Imperialism and Nationalism

Pages: 202 - 204

Re/presenting Class: Essays in Post-Modern Marxism

Pages: 205 - 207

Operários sem patrões: Os trabalhadores da cidade de Santos no entreguerras

Pages: 207 - 210

Cárdenas Compromised:The Failure of Reform in Postrevolutionary Yucatán

Pages: 211 - 213

The Time of Freedom: Campesino Workers in Guatemala's October Revolution

Pages: 213 - 215

From the Folks Who Brought You the Weekend: A Short Illustrated History of Labor in the United States

Pages: 216 - 218

Worked to the Bone: Race, Class, Power, and Privilege in Kentucky

Pages: 218 - 222