2002 - 2 (January)

Articles in this issue


How Industrial Relations Affects Plant Performance: The Case of Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing

Pages: 195 - 218


When Unions "Mattered": The Impact of Strikes on Financial Markets, 1925-1937

Pages: 219 - 233


Why Do Contractors Contract? The Experience of Highly Skilled Technical Professionals in a Contingent Labor Market

Pages: 234 - 261


Work Safety in the Context of Temporary Employment: The Spanish Experience

Pages: 262 - 286


Determinants of Firm Workplace Health and Safety and Claims Management Practices

Pages: 286 - 307


Adolescent Workers in Third World Export Industries: Attitudes of Young Brazilian Shoemakers

Pages: 308 - 323


Reflections on Six Decades in Industrial Relations: An Interview with John Dunlop

Pages: 324 - 348

Theory. Book review by Christian E. Weller

Contests for Corporate Control: Corporate Governance and Economic Performance in the United States and Germany

Pages: 349 - 350

Labor-Management Relations. Book review by Hans Slomp

Employment Relations in France: Evolution and Innovation

Pages: 350 - 352

Labor-Management Relations. Book review by Daisy Rooks

Worker Activism after Successful Union Organizing

Page: 352

Economic and Social Security and Substandard Working Conditions. Book review by Richard Butler

Workers' Compensation: Benefits, Costs, and Safety under Alternative Insurance Arrangements

Pages: 353 - 355

Labor economics. Book review by Daniel J.B. Mitchell

A Working Nation: Workers, Work, and Government in the New Economy

Pages: 355 - 357

Labor economics. Book review by Steven G. Allen

The Impact of International Trade on Wages

Pages: 357 - 358

Labor economics. Book review by Charles J. Whalen

Commitment to Full Employment: The Economics and Social Policy of William S. Vickrey

Pages: 358 - 359

Human Resources, Management, and Personnel. Book review by Matt Bloom

Compensation in Organizations: Current Research and Practice

Pages: 359 - 360

International and Comparative. Book review by Lance Compa

The Global Economy, National States, and the Regulation of Labour

Pages: 360 - 362

International and Comparative. Book review by Lance Compa

Globalization and Patterns of Labour Resistance

Pages: 360 - 363

International and Comparative. Book review by Lance Compa

Comparative Studies of Labour and Capital in National Economies

Pages: 360 - 362

International and Comparative. Book review by Chris Howell

Facing up to Thatcherism: The History of NALGO, 1979-93

Page: 363

International and Comparative. Book review by Thomas Klikauer

Colonialism, Nationalism, and the Institutionalization of Industrial Relations in the Third World

Pages: 364 - 366

International and Comparative. Book review by Marc Weinstein

Trade Union Activists, East and West: Comparisons in Multinational Companies

Pages: 366 - 367

International and Comparative. Book review by Elena A. Iankova

Social and Economic Transformation in East Central Europe: Institutions, Property Relations, and Social Interests

Pages: 367 - 369

Historical Studies. Book review by Michael Huberman

Striking a Bargain: Work and Industrial Relations in England, 1815-1865

Pages: 369 - 370

Research in Progress

Pages: 371 - 372