1989 - 3

Articles in this issue

Boris Sapir 1902-1989

Pages: 401 - 402

The comparative view in labor history: old and new interpretations of the English and German labor movements before 1914

Pages: 403 - 432

Tyranny, work and politics: the 1818 strike wave in the English cotton district

Pages: 433 - 470

Suggestions and debates

Class, interest and the welfare state: a reply to Sven E. Olssen

Pages: 471 - 484

Review essay

Swiss labour history [review of Erich Gruner Arbeiterschaft und Wirtschaft in der Schweiz 1880-1914. 3 Bde. (1988)]

Pages: 485 - 494

Book Review by Aidan W. Southall

The African poor: a history. (1987)

Pages: 495 - 497

Book Review by B.H. Slicher van Bath

Colonialism and agrarian transformation in Bolivia, Cochabamba, 1550-1900. (1988)

Pages: 497 - 498

Book Review by Jack P. Greene

Arms, country and class: the Philadelphia militia and "lower sort" during the American Revolution, 1775-1783. (1987)

Pages: 498 - 501

Book Review by Michael R. Haines

Family and the female life course: the women of Verviers, Belgium, 1849-1880. (1988)

Pages: 501 - 504

Book Review by G.A. Kelsey

Anarquismo y anarcosindicalismo en Asturias (1890-1936). (1988)

Pages: 504 - 507

Book Review by Patricia J. Hilden

Autonomie ouvrière: études sur le syndicalisme d'action directe. (1988)

Pages: 507 - 511

Book Review by Robert K. Evanson

The Czech red unions, 1918-1929: a study of their relations with the Communist Party and the Moscow Internationals. (1988)

Pages: 511 - 514


Pages: 515 - 552

News of the Profession

Pages: 553 - 556


Page: 557


Page: 558


Page: 559

Referees 1987-1989

Pages: 560 - 561

Notes on Contributors

Page: 562