1991 - 2
Articles in this issue
Militancy and pragmatism. An international perspective on maritime labour, 1870-1914
Reshaping the gift relationship. The London Mendicity Society and the suppression of begging in England 1818-1869
Social differences in mortality in the eighteenth century. An analysis of Berlin church registers
Suggestions and debates
The future of British labour history
Review essay
Socialism as a cultural movement? [review of Petra Weber, Sozialismus als Kulturbewegung. Frühsozialistische Arbeiterbewegung und das Entstehen zweier feindlicher Brüder Marxismus und Anarchismus (1989)]
Book Review by Jonathan Zeitlin
Between craft and class: skilled workers and factory politics in the United States and Britain, 1890-1922. (1988)
Book Review by Neville Kirk
Politics and production in the early nineteenth century. (1990)
Book Review by Rudolf de Jong
Kropotkin and the rise of revolutionary anarchism 1872-1886. (1989)
Book Review by Nicholas Papayanis
La grève de cheminots: 1920. (1988)
Book Review by Leo van Rossum
Die Stachanov-Bewegung 1935-1938; der Stachanovismus als tragendes und verschärfendes Moment der Stalinisierung der sowjetischen Gesellschaft. (1990)
Book Review by Dieter Eichholtz
Industriearbeit im "Dritten Reich": Untersuchungen zu den Lohn- und Arbeitsbedingungen in Deutschland 1933-1945. (1989)
News of the Profession I: Institutional News
News of the Profession II: Announcements
News of the Profession III
Guide to the International Archives and Collections at the IISH: Supplement over 1990
Notes on Contributors