2005 - 75 (Mai/May)

Articles in this issue

Call for papers

Page: ix

Night Soil, Cesspools, and Smelly Hogs on the Streets: Sanitation, Race and Governance in Early British Columbia

Pages: 1 - 35

French Canadians and the Beginning of the War of 1812: Revisiting the Lachine Riot

Pages: 37 - 57

The Bureaucratization of Moral Regulation: The LCBO and (not so) Standard Hotel Licensing in Niagara, 1927-1944

Pages: 59 - 77

Wealth and Inequality on Ontario's Northwestern Frontier: Evidence from Probate

Pages: 79 - 104

Review Essay by Claude Couture

Regions Apart: The Four Societies of Canada and the United States

Pages: 105 - 114

Review Essay by Claude Couture

La pensée impuissante. Échecs et mythes nationaux canadiens-français.

Pages: 105 - 114

Book Review by Odile Join-Lambert

Le courrier est arrivé! La poste rurale au Canada de 1880 à 1945

Pages: 115 - 117

Book Review by Louis Greenspan

The Jew, the Arab: A History of the Enemy

Pages: 117 - 119

Book Review by Piotr Wróbel

Harvest of Despair: Life and Death in Ukraine under Nazi Rule

Pages: 120 - 121

Book Review by Marcelle Cinq-Mars

Déserteurs et insoumis. Les Canadiens français et la justice militaire (1914-1918)

Pages: 121 - 123

Book Review by Peter Cook

Nation Iroquoise: A Seventeenth-Century Ethnography of the Iroquois

Pages: 123 - 126

Book Review by Simon Devereaux

English Society and the Prison: Time, Culture and Politics in the Development

Pages: 126 - 128

Book Review by Martin Hubley

Beware the British Serpent: The Role of Writers in British Propaganda in the United States, 1939-1945

Pages: 128 - 130

Book Review by Christine Rivas

Beyond Imagined Communities: Reading and Writing the Nation in Nineteeth-Century Latin America

Pages: 130 - 132

Book Review by Michael Graham

Blown by the Spirit: Puritanism and the Emergence of an Antinomian Underground in Pre-Civil-War England

Pages: 133 - 134

Book Review by David Levine

The Long Sexual Revolution: Women, Sex, and Contraception, 1800-1975

Pages: 134 - 137

Book Review by Pierre Cameron

Quand les démons enlevaient les enfants. Les changelins: études d'une figure mythique

Pages: 137 - 139

Book Review by Pascal Bastien

Faire voir, faire croire. L'opinion publique sous Louis XIII

Pages: 139 - 141

Book Review by Desmond Morton

Understanding Military Culture: A Canadian Perspective

Pages: 141 - 143

Book Review by William D. Irvine

The Dreyfus Affair and the Crisis of French Manhood

Pages: 143 - 145

Book Review by Nicolas Landry

Histoire des îles de la Madeleine

Pages: 145 - 147

Book Review by Pierre Guillaume

La distinction canadienne au tournant dus XXIe siècle

Pages: 148 - 149

Book Review by Sandra den Otter

Civilising Subjects: Metropole and Colony in the English Imagination, 1830-1867

Pages: 150 - 152

Book Review by Carolyn Kay

Marc Chagall and his Times: A Documentary Narrative and Marc Chagall on Art and Culture

Pages: 152 - 156

Book Review by Michel de Waele

Anti-Italianism in Sixteenth Century France

Pages: 156 - 158

Book Review by Maurice de Tribolet

Genève entre République et Canton. Les vicissitudes d'une intégration nationale (1814-1846)

Pages: 158 - 160

Book Review by Kevin Kee

Canada: Confederation to Present

Pages: 160 - 162

Book Review by Timothy J. Stanley

Enduring Hardship: The Chinese Laundry in Canada

Pages: 162 - 164

Book Review by Stephen Brooke

The Death of Rural England: A Social History of the Countryside since 1900

Pages: 165 - 167

Book Review by Timothy Foran

Archbishop A.-A. Taché of St. Boniface: The "Good Fight" and the Illusive Vision

Pages: 167 - 169

Book Review by Paul Jackson

Saints, Sinners and Soldiers: Canada's Second World War

Pages: 169 - 171

Book Review by Antonio Cazorla-Sanchez

La Unión Soviética y la Guerra Civil Española. Una revisión critica (English electronic edition: Stalin and the Spanish Civil War)

Pages: 171 - 173

Book Review by François Melançon

Lire au Québec au XIXe siècle

Pages: 173 - 176

Book Review by Celso Castro

Soldiers of the Pátria: A History of the Brazilian Army, 1889-1937

Pages: 176 - 177

Book Review by Mark Jurdjevic

The Culture of Profession in Late Renaissance Italy

Pages: 178 - 180

Book Review by Peter C. Erb

Small-Town Protestantism in Nineteenth-Century Germany: Living Lost Faith

Pages: 180 - 181

Book Review by Heather MacDougall

Surgical Limits: the Life of Gordon Murray

Pages: 181 - 183

Book Review by Steven Maynard

A Brief History of GAY: Canada's First Gay Tabloid, 1964-1966

Pages: 183 - 184

Book Review by Jack S. Blocker Jr.

Canadian Migration Patterns: From Britain and North america

Pages: 184 - 187

Book Review by Mary Lynn Stewart

Women's Emancipation Movements in the 19th Century: A European Perspective

Pages: 187 - 188

Book Review by Blaine Chiasson

Culturing Modernity: The Nantong Model, 1890-1930

Pages: 188 - 191

Book Review by Francine Michaud

The Consumption of Justice: Emotion, Publicity, and Legal Culture in Marseille, 1264-1432

Pages: 191 - 193

Book Review by David Goutor

Fighting for Dignity: the Ginger Goodwin Story

Pages: 193 - 195

Book Review by Joseph L. Love

Order against Progress: Government, Foreign Investment, and Railroads in Brazil, 1854-1913

Pages: 195 - 197

Book Review by Stéphane Kelly

The Canadian Federalist Experience: From Defiant Monarchy to Reluctant Republic

Pages: 197 - 200

Book Review by Marie LeBel

Le Québec aujourd'hui. Identité, société et culture

Pages: 200 - 202