2005 - 4

Articles in this issue

Views from abroad: foreign historians on a small state by the North Sea. With reflexions on historical writings in Belgium and elsewhere

Pages: 413 - 433

The Brabant Revolution: "a revolution in historiographical perception"

Pages: 435 - 455

Belgien als Objekt und Subjekt Europäischer Aussenpolitik. Historische Fallstudie zu den politischen Determinanten und Möglichkeiten eines kleinen europäischen Landes

Pages: 457 - 502

If all of Europe were Belgium: lessons in politics and globalization from one country

Pages: 503 - 522

Belgian historical demography as viewed from North America: protoindustrialization, fertility decline, and the use of population registers

Pages: 523 - 546

Missing in Action: Belgian civilians and the First World War

Pages: 547 - 572

Belgium's mid-twenthieth century crisis: crisis of a nation-state?

Pages: 573 - 596

The Belgian contribution to global 1968

Pages: 597 - 635