2006 - 3 (December)

Articles in this issue

The 'Rise of the Left' Revisited: Labour Party Culture in Post-war Manchester and Salford

Pages: 211 - 233

'A Union for Busmen!' The National Busworkers' Association, 1950-1955

Pages: 235 - 252


Philip Bagwell (1914-2006)

Pages: 253 - 254

Theses and dissertations on British and Irish Labour History 2005 & Theses and dissertations on International Labour History 2005

Pages: 255 - 268

British Labour History Publications 2005

Pages: 269 - 288

'Instead of Manufacturing Goods, We Are Manufacturing Heritage': The National Coalmining Museum for England

Pages: 289 - 302

Major Accessions to Repositories in 2005 Relating to the Labour Movement

Pages: 303 - 310

Book Reviews

Pages: 311 - 323