1997/1998 - 9/13

Articles in this issue


Pages: 9 - 10

¡Adios Jürgen Mothes!

Pages: 12 - 37

Disarmed utopias - Official communism and dissent in Latin America and Latin Europe. International actors, organizations and conceptions

Joaquin Maurín et le Parti communiste d'Espagne. L'opposition comme force d'idée

Pages: 41 - 72

Disarmed utopias - Official communism and dissent in Latin America and Latin Europe. International actors, organizations and conceptions

The Concept of World Revolution and the "World Party for the Revolution" (1919-1943)

Pages: 73 - 83

Disarmed utopias - Official communism and dissent in Latin America and Latin Europe. International actors, organizations and conceptions

Julio Antonio Mella. Sein Leben für die Befreiung Lateinamerikas und sein Bild in der Historiographie

Pages: 84 - 97

Disarmed utopias - Official communism and dissent in Latin America and Latin Europe. International actors, organizations and conceptions

Sindicalismo y Política Sindical en el Movimiento Obrero Mexicano, los Comunistas y Julio António Mella

Pages: 98 - 116

Disarmed utopias - Official communism and dissent in Latin America and Latin Europe. International actors, organizations and conceptions

Latin-American Marxism as a Criticism of Stalinism and the Comintern Standpoint on Colonialism

Pages: 117 - 121

Disarmed utopias - Official communism and dissent in Latin America and Latin Europe. International actors, organizations and conceptions

Le Parti communiste des Etats-Unis. Notes sur l'état des recherches

Pages: 122 - 127

Disarmed utopias - Official communism and dissent in Latin America and Latin Europe. International actors, organizations and conceptions

Zur Genese der jugoslawisch-sowjetischen Beziehungen in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 1948 (Teil 2)

Pages: 128 - 144

Disarmed utopias - Official communism and dissent in Latin America and Latin Europe. International actors, organizations and conceptions

The Communist International and "the Trotskyist Menace" to the British Communist Movementon the Eve of World War

Pages: 145 - 150

Disarmed utopias - Official communism and dissent in Latin America and Latin Europe. International actors, organizations and conceptions

Instrumentalisierte Solidarität. Die Rolle der Schweizer Kommunistischen Partei im Spanienapparat der Komintern 1936-1939

Pages: 151 - 163

Disarmed utopias - Official communism and dissent in Latin America and Latin Europe. International actors, organizations and conceptions

Bucharins Abschiedsbrief an Stalin vom 10. Dezember 1937: Bemerkungen zu einem hochdramatischen zeitgeschichtlichen Dokument

Pages: 164 - 167

Disarmed utopias - Official communism and dissent in Latin America and Latin Europe. International actors, organizations and conceptions

Communisme "officiel" et Opposition de gauche dans l'histoire du mouvement d'émancipation ouvrière et intellectuelle d'Amérique Latine: Acteurs, organisations, mouvements

Pages: 168 - 192

Disarmed utopias - Documents of historical and political turning-points

La corta primavera del comunismo mexicano. Rusificación y imposición de Moscú en 1929. Un informe secreto de México para Stalin y Molotov

Pages: 193 - 206

Disarmed utopias - Documents of historical and political turning-points

Chancen und Ausblicke einer Revolution in Deutschland. Edu Fimmens Brief an Grigorij Zinov'ev über die Erfolgsaussichten des "Deutschen Oktober" und die Rolle der Sowjetunion 1923

Pages: 207 - 215

Disarmed utopias - Documents of historical and political turning-points

Protokolle des Terrors. Teil II: A.L. Abramov-Mirov und V.G. Knorin in Verhörprotokollen des NKVD

Pages: 216 - 229

Disarmed utopias - Preserve for all times? Archival problems and new archival projects

Bases para un debate profesional en torno a la sección "Guerra Civil" del Archivo Histórico Nacional

Pages: 231 - 245

Disarmed utopias - Preserve for all times? Archival problems and new archival projects

Le Project Comintern du Conseil de l'Europe et du Conseil International des Archives

Pages: 246 - 256

Articles. Results of ongoing research

The Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party and the creation of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)

Pages: 259 - 262

Presentation of new documents

An interesting document of the international Anticomintern-Congress in 1937

Pages: 263 - 264

Contributions towards regional studies

Comintern and India: a selection of important documents

Pages: 265 - 266

Contributions towards regional studies

Nuestro Tiempo (1949-1953), una publicación del Partido Comunista de España en el exilio mexicano

Pages: 267 - 282

Historical controversies

Der Schock des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Neue Arbeiten und Hypothesen zur Geschichte der Komintern

Pages: 283 - 289

Biographical and prosopographical contributions and updates

Page: 291

Archival problems, institutions and fonds

Page: 305

Congresses, meetings and other news of the profession

Pages: 337 - 359

Workshop reports. Ongoing projects

Pages: 361 - 382

Reviews and reports on new publications

Pages: 383 - 422

Bibliographical studies and contributions

Pages: 423 - 470

An international survey of periodicals

About Communism, Stalinism and the Communist International. A choice of articles and reviews in the German language press. Related period: January 1996-June 1996

Pages: 471 - 506

Books and journals received

Pages: 507 - 510


Pages: 511 - 512