2007 - 98

Articles in this issue

Performance, Politics, and History

Editors' Introduction

Pages: 1 - 2

Performance, Politics, and History

At the Edge of the Peruvian Truth Commission: Alternative Paths to Recounting the Past

Pages: 3 - 33

Performance, Politics, and History

Performing Persecution: Witnessing and Martyrdom in the Anarchist Tradition

Pages: 34 - 62

Performance, Politics, and History

"The Triumph of the Flesh": Women, Physical Culture, and the Nude in the French Music Hall, 1904-1914

Pages: 63 - 80

Performance, Politics, and History

Performing the Postindustrial: The Limits of Radical History in Lowell, Massachusetts

Pages: 81 - 96

Performance, Politics, and History

Souls Grown Deep and the Cultural Politics of the Atlanta Olympics

Pages: 97 - 118

Performance, Politics, and History

Man of Sorrows in Folsom

Pages: 119 - 135

Performance, Politics, and History

Trying Ordeal: Henry Tanner and Chris Burden in the Event of Subjectivity

Pages: 136 - 154

Performance, Politics, and History

A Janitorial Junket: Sweeping the Debris of Shanghai's Future

Pages: 155 - 177

Performance, Politics, and History

Pia Lindman's New York Times 09/02-09/03

Pages: 179 - 180


Pages: 179 - 190