2006 - 31

Articles in this issue

The Irish Labour History Society

Pages: 3 - 4


Micheál O'Riordan

Pages: 5 - 8


John de Courcy Ireland

Pages: 8 - 14


Michael O'Leary

Pages: 14 - 17


Pages: 19 - 24

The ITGWU in Limerick, 1917-22

Pages: 27 - 42

Work Organisation, Technology, Community and Change: the story of Dublin Docker

Pages: 45 - 53

'Fighting the good fight': the Rev. Robert Martin Hilliard (1904-1937)

Pages: 55 - 62

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work in the Irish Free State and the Republic of Ireland, 1922-90: measuring the problem

Pages: 65 - 74

James Connolly and the Great Divide: Ireland, Europe and the First World War

Pages: 75 - 83

Connecting Connolly

Pages: 85 - 89

Politics and the Irish working class

Pages: 89 - 94

Book Review by Henry Patterson

The Transformation of Ireland 1900-2000

Pages: 97 - 98

Book Review by Brian Hanley

Century of Endeavour: a biographical & autobiographical view of the tentieth century in Ireland

Pages: 99 - 100

Book Review by John A. Murphy

Ireland Since 1939: The Persistance of Conflict

Pages: 100 - 101

Book Review by Mervyn O'Driscoll

Emergency Law in Independent Ireland 1922-1948

Pages: 101 - 102

Book Review by Mary E. Daly

James Fintan Lalor

Pages: 102 - 103

Book Review by Fearghal McGarry

Brigadista: An Irishman's Fight Against Fascism

Pages: 103 - 104

Book Review by Laurence Geary

Balrothery Poor Law Union , County Dublin, 1839-1851

Pages: 104 - 105

Book Review by Laurence Geary

'A town tormented bu the sea': Galway, 1790-1914

Pages: 104 - 105

Book Review by CIaran McCullagh

Preventing the Future: Why was Ireland So Poor for So Long?

Pages: 105 - 106

Book Review by R.V. Comerford

The IRM: the Irish Publican Brotherhood from the Land League to Sinn Fein

Pages: 106 - 107

Book Review by John Newsinger

The Wind that Shakes the Barley The Wind that Shakes the Barley: A Screenplay by Paul Laverty

Pages: 107 - 109

Peter Tyrrell's account of Letterfrack, war and exile, Sheehy Skeffington Papers, National Library of Ireland

Pages: 111 - 118

Peadar Macken (1878-1916)

Pages: 121 - 123

Conference report

Pages: 125 - 127

Seán O'Casey Papers, National Library of Ireland

Pages: 129 - 131

Theses ans abstracts

Pages: 132 - 136