2008 - 33

Articles in this issue

Ruth Frow: A life in Labour History

Pages: 5 - 7

No Place for a Lady: How the unions tried to keep women out of office - a case study of Alice Foley

Pages: 9 - 11

One Woman's Story - September 1985

Pages: 12 - 14

Seth Sagar's memoirs - part 1

Pages: 15 - 19

The power to get things changed!: Ellen Tooley, Eccles' First Woman Councillor

Pages: 20 - 26

The Politics of Pauperism in Salford in the 1920s

Pages: 27 - 36

Mothers and Daughters: Working Class Women, Liverpool 1900-1940 - an oral history

Pages: 37 - 43


John ("Jack") Edward Washington

Pages: 43 - 43