2008 - 3 (December)

Articles in this issue

Was the Personal Political? Reading the Autobiography of American Communism

Pages: 395 - 423

Occupational Mobility and Internal Labour Markets: Public Sector Workers' Struggles in Bangalore (c. 1960-1980)

Pages: 425 - 457

"Traveling with Ballin": The Impact of American Immigration Policies on Jewish Transmigration within Central Europe, 1880-1914

Pages: 459 - 484

The International Labour Organization (ILO) in Past and Present Research

Pages: 485 - 511

Book Review by Gijs Kessler

Hollandgang im Spiegel der Reiseberichte evangelischer Geistlicher. Quellen zur saisonalen Arbeitswanderung in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts

Pages: 513 - 515

Book Review by Alessandro Stanziani

Russia's Age of Seldom, 1649-1861

Pages: 516 - 517

Book Review by Rena Fuks-Mansfeld

Jüdische Identitäten im kommunikativen Raum. Presse, Sprache und Theater in Czernowitz bis 1923

Pages: 518 - 519

Book Review by Michael R. Krätke

Henryk Grossman and the Recovery of Marxism

Pages: 519 - 523

Book Review by Sjaak van der Velden

Wilde Streiks im Wirtschaftswunder. Arbeitskämpfe, Gewerkschaften und soziale Bewegungen in der Bundesrepublik und Dänemark

Pages: 523 - 525

Book Review by Eduardo Romanos

1968 in Europe. A History of Protest and Activism, 1956-1977

Pages: 525 - 528

Book Review by Kamran Asdar Ali

The Labour Movement in Pakistan. Organization and Leadership in Karachi in the 1970s

Pages: 528 - 530

Book Review by Peter North

Routine Politics and Violence in Argentina. The Gray Zone of State Power

Pages: 530 - 532


Pages: 533 - 567


Pages: 569 - 570


Pages: 571 - 572


Pages: 573 - 574

Referees 2005-2007

Pages: 575 - 576

Notes on Contributors

Page: 577