2008 - 196 (December)

Articles in this issue

Page: i - xiv

An Introduction of Survey Research on Chinese Politics

Pages: 755 - 758

The Chinese Urban Caste System in Transition

Pages: 759 - 797

Allies of the State: Democratic Support and Regime Support among China's Private Entrepreneurs

Pages: 780 - 804

Understanding the Falsification of Village Income Statistics

Pages: 805 - 826

Training China's Political Elite: The Party school System

Pages: 827 - 844

All-China Federation of Trades Unions beyond Reform? The Slow March of Direct Elections

Pages: 845 - 863

Buddhism in Singapore-China Relations: Venerable Hong Choon and His Visits, 1982-1990

Pages: 864 - 883

Can the Weak Defeat the Strong? Mao's Evolving Approach to Asymmetric Warfare in Yan'an

Pages: 884 - 899

Campaign Advertising and Democracy in Taiwan

Pages: 900 - 911

In memoriam Ezra F. Vogel


Pages: 912 - 918

In memoriam T.H. Barrett

1928-2008: Buddhism and the European Understanding of China

Pages: 919 - 923

Book review by David Shambaugh

The Three Faces of Chinese Power: Might, Money and Minds

Pages: 924 - 925

Book review by Peter Sandby-Thomas

The Chinese Party-State in the 21st Century: Adaptation and the Reinvention of Legitimacy

Pages: 925 - 927

Book review by Doug Guthrie

Integrating China: Towards the Coordinated Market Economy

Pages: 927 - 928

Book review by David Wank

Some Assembly Required: Work, Community and Politics in China's Rural Enterprises

Pages: 928 - 929

Book review by Doug Guthrie

Business Networks and Strategic Alliances in China

Pages: 930 - 931

Book review by Laixiang Sun

Business Networks an Strategic Alliances in China

Pages: 931 - 932

Book review by Michael S. Lenihan

China's Opening Society: The Non-State Sector and Governance

Pages: 932 - 934

Book review by Zhengxu Wang

China's Embedded Activism: Opportunities and Constraints of a Social Movement

Pages: 934 - 935

Book review by Deborah Davis

The New Rich in China: Future Rulers, Present Lives

Pages: 935 - 936

Book review by Chloé Froissart

China on the Move: Migration, the State and the Household

Pages: 937 - 938

Book review by Wendy Larson

Postsocialist Modernity: Chinese Cinema, Literature and Criticism in the Market Age

Pages: 938 - 940

Book review by Rbecca E. Karl

Worrying About China: The Language of Chinese Critical Inquiry

Pages: 940 - 942

Book review by Christopher Howe

China Watching: Perspectives from Europe, Japan and the United States

Pages: 942 - 944

Book review by Christoper Howe

China's Economic Relations with the West and Japan, 1949-79: Grain, Trade and Diplomacy

Pages: 944 - 945

Book review by Christoper Howe

Japan's Relations with China: Facing a Rising Power

Pages: 944 - 945

Book review by Steven M. Goldstein

The Sino-soviet Split: Cold War in the Communist World

Pages: 946 - 947

Book review by Elisa Nesossi

Legal Reforms and Administrative Detetion Powers in China

Pages: 947 - 948

Book review by Albert H.Y. chen

The Changing Chinese Legal System, 1978-Present: Centralization of Power and Rationalization of the Legal System

Pages: 948 - 950

Book review by Billy K.L. So

Delivering Justice in Qing China: Civil Trials in the Magistrate's Court

Pages: 950 - 951

Book review by Michael Palmer

Writing and Law in Late Imperial China: Crime, conflict and Judgment

Pages: 951 - 953

Book review by C. Patterson Giersch

The Making of the Chinese STate: Ethnicity and Expansion on the Ming Borderlands

Pages: 955 - 956
Pages: 957 - 959

Quarterly Chronicle and Documentation (July-September 2008)

Pages: 960 - 991
Pages: 992 - 994
Page: 995