2009 - 1 (April)

Articles in this issue

New Directions in Chartist Studies

Pages: 1 - 5

French Revolution or Peasants' Revolt? Petitioners and Rebels in England from the Blanketeers to the Chartists

Pages: 6 - 26

Hearts and Minds: The Politics of Everyday Life and Chartism, 1832-1840

Pages: 27 - 43

'Songs for the Millions': Chartist Music and Popular Aural Tradition

Pages: 44 - 64

'Labour's Candidates': Chartist Challenges at the Parliamentary Polls, 1938-1860

Pages: 64 - 89

Exclusive Dealing in the Chartist Movement

Pages: 90 - 110

Late Chartism in the Potteries, 1848-1858

Pages: 111 - 129


Pages: 130 - 136

Book review by Stephen Roberts

Dr. John Taylor, Chartist. Ayrshire Revolutionary

Pages: 137 - 138

Book review by Stephen Roberts

Chartism after 1848. The Working Class and the Politics of Radical Education

Pages: 137 - 138

Book review by Roman McWilliam

The British Working Class, 1832-1940

Pages: 138 - 139

Book review by Stephen Roberts

Chartism: A New History

Pages: 139 - 141

Book review by Stephen Roberts

Our Orignal Rights as a People: Representations of the Chartist Encyclopaedic Network and Political, Social and Cultural Change in Early Nineteenth Century Britain.

Pages: 139 - 141

Book review by Stephen Roberts

Gerald Massey

Pages: 139 - 141

Book review by James Owen

Joseph Cowen and Popular Radicalism on Tyneside, 1829-1900

Pages: 141 - 142