2009 - 3 (December)

Articles in this issue

Transnational Ideas, Activities and Organizations in Labour History 1862s to 1920s

Pages: 221 - 232

'Thinking globally; acting locally': Municipal Labour and Socialist Activism in Comparative Perspective, 1890 - 1920

Pages: 233 - 256

'Laïque, démocratique et sociale'? Socialism and the Freethinkers' International

Pages: 257 - 273

The Militant Go-between: Émile Pouget's Transnational Propaganda (1880-1914)

Pages: 274 - 287

Early Musicians' Unions in Britain, France and the United States: On the Possibilities and Impossibilities of Transnational Militant Transfers in an International Industry

Pages: 288 - 304

Local Strikes as Transnational Events: Migration, Donations and Organizational Cooperation in the Context of Strikes in Switzerland (1860-1914)

Pages: 304 - 318

Imperial Internationalism? Hull Labour's Support for South African Trade-Unionism on the Eve of the Great War

Pages: 319 - 329

John Saville, 1916-2009

Pages: 330 - 338

Annual Bibliography: 2008

Pages: 339 - 371

Theses and Dissertations: 2008

Pages: 372 - 386

Book review by Donald M. MacRaild

British Democracy and Irish Ntionalism, 1876-1906

Pages: 387 - 389

Book review by Jarod Roll

Glass Towns: Industry, Labor and Political Economy in Appalachia, 1890-1930s

Pages: 389 - 390

Book review by Ben Curtis

History on our Side: Wales and the 1984-85 Miners' Strike

Pages: 390 - 391

Book review by Emmet O'Connor

Roddy Connolly and the Struggle for Socialism in Ireland

Pages: 391 - 392

Book review by Dan Weinbren

Freemasony: Symbols, Secrets, Significance

Pages: 393 - 394