2010 - 1-2

Articles in this issue

Occupational titles? Hard to eat, easy to catch

Pages: 7 - 31

Back to the basis : occupations and the meaning of occupational titels in 19e-century Belgium

Pages: 35 - 50

The era of the housewife? The construction of 'work' an the 'active' population in the Belgian population census (1947, 1961 and 1970)

Pages: 51 - 83

How to measure class from occupation

Pages: 87 - 109

A comparison of historical class schemes and occupational stratification scales on Duntch 19th and early 20th -century data

Pages: 111 - 141

Classifying historical occupation titles of women in a social class scheme : the career mobility of fertile women living in Antwerp during 1846-1906

Pages: 143 - 175

Taxes and occupation : in search of social class in the 16th century Low Countries

Pages: 179 - 214

Taxes, property size, occupations and social structure : the case of the 18th and 19th -century Northern Dutch

Pages: 215 - 248

Measuring social structure in a rural context : applying the SOCPO scheme to Scania, Swaden (17th-20th century)

Pages: 249 - 293