2010 - 3

Articles in this issue

Non-State Actors in European Integration in the 1970s: Towards a polity of transnational contestation

Pages: 7 - 24

Regional of global? Political networks of socialist parties in European community development policy

Pages: 25 - 44

Trade unions and Europen social Policy: the example of the German DGB

Pages: 45 - 61

Defending the status quo: Agricultural Interest Groups and the challenges of overproduction

Pages: 62 - 82

Greening Europe? Environmental Interst Groups and the Europeanization of a new policy field

Pages: 83 - 104

Conference report: "1989 in a global perspective".

Pages: 105 - 116

Book review by Hartmut Kaelble

Comparative studies in Modern European History

Pages: 117 - 120

Book review by Daniel Schmidt

Poststrukturalistische sozialwissenschaften

Pages: 120 - 123

Book review by Martin C. Wald

Europäische Wahrnehmungen 1650-1850. Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Medienereignisse

Pages: 123 - 127

Book review by Stefanie Bietz

Buying respectbility, philanthropy and urban society in transnational perspective, 1840s to 1930s

Pages: 127 - 130

Book review by Manuel Schramm

Die Konsumgesellschaft in Deutschland 1890-1990

Pages: 130 - 131

Book review by Ingrid Schierle

Kolonialer Wettstreit. Russlan, China, Japan und die Ostchinesische Eisenbahn

Pages: 132 - 135
Pages: 136 - 137