ELHN WG Feminist Labour History Newsletter, April 2019
This message in order to inform you about recent activities of the ELHN Working Group "Feminist Labour History".
Attached you will find:
- the Newsletter of the ELHN Working Group “Feminist Labour History” (Newsletter No. 4 – April 2019)
- the Report on the International conference New perspectives in feminist labour history: work and activism, coorganised by our WG and SISLav (University of Bologna, 17-18.1. 2019)
Industrial Labour & Literary Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century
Industrial Labour & Literary Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century
Organised by the Piston, Pen & Press research project and the Finnish Labour Museum Werstas, Tampere.
Date: Friday June 7th, 2019
Venue: Finnish Labour Museum Werstas, Tampere.
The cfp is closed now, but there are still have some spaces for people who would like to attend and hear the papers, contribute to the general discussion.
Labour in History & Economics Conference
All Souls College, Oxford
15–16 April 2019
CfP: Labouring Lives and Political Protest Across and Beyond the Nordic Countries
Call for Papers:
Nordic Labour History Conference, The Workers Museum, Copenhagen, November 26-29, 2020
Nordic Labour Film Festival, Cinemateket, Copenhagen, November 25-29, 2020
Deadlines for submissions and notifications:
• Session proposals: October 1, 2019
• Individual papers: November 15, 2019
• Film proposals: August 15, 2020
• Notification of whether your session proposal have been accepted: December 1, 2019
CfP: Social inequality: what has work got to do with it?
Social inequality: what has work got to do with it?
CfP: Labor in the Creative Industries: The Case of Fashion
On the occasion of the exhibition “Tomorrowear. A French Story” at Villa Stenersen, this international conference will shed new light on labor in the creative industries, with a special focus on fashion. The present conference intends to do so without chronological nor geographical limitations.
European Labour History Network - 3rd Conference
On 18-21 September 2019, the Third Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN) will take place at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam.
CfP: On the Freedom of Labour in Capitalism. First Congress of the German Labour History Association
Bochum, House for the History of the Ruhr, Clemensstraße 17-19, 44789 Bochum, Germany
6-8 February 2020
ISHA Newsletter vol. 7, nr. 1
Dear Colleague,
Please find attached the latest issue of the ISHA Newsletter (December 2018) published by the International Social History Association. It features contributions by Alessandro Stanziani, Eileen Boris and Leon Fink as well as news and reports.
The ISHA Newsletter can be subscribed here: