1999 - 55 (Spring)

Articles in this issue

Class and Consumption


Pages: 1 - 5

Class and Consumption

A "Standard" of Living? European Perspectives on Class and Consumption in the Early Twentieth Century

Pages: 6 - 26

Class and Consumption

"Democracy's Third Estate:" New Deal Politics and the Construction of a "Consuming Public"

Pages: 27 - 51

Class and Consumption

Marketing the Modern: Department Stores, Consumer Culture and the New Middle Class in Interwar Japan

Pages: 52 - 70

Class and Consumption

The Social-Democratic World of Consumption: The Path-Breaking Case of the Ghent Cooperative Vooruit Prior to 1914

Pages: 71 - 91

Class and Consumption

Working People and Consumption Under Really-Existing Socialism: Perspectives From the German Democratic Republic

Pages: 92 - 111

Class and Consumption

Household Choices as Politics and Pleasure in 1950s Canada

Pages: 112 - 128


1998 Latin American Labor History Conference

Pages: 129 - 132


The Second Wave: Southern Industrialization, 1940-1970

Pages: 132 - 135


Work, Difference, and Social Chance: Two Decades After Braverman's Labor and MonopolyCapital

Pages: 135 - 138


Southwest Labor Studies Association Conference

Pages: 138 - 142


Pacific Northwest Labor History Association Conference Highlights Organizing Strategies, Past and Present

Pages: 142 - 145


Globalization From Below: Contingency, Conflict, Contestation

Pages: 145 - 148

Das Volkswagenwerk und seine Arbeiter im Dritten Reich

Pages: 149 - 154

Tensions of Empire: Colonial Cultures in a Bourgeois World

Pages: 154 - 156

World of Possibilities: Flexibility and Mass Production in Western Industrialization?

Pages: 156 - 159

Sick, Not Dead: The Health of British Workingmen during the Mortality Decline

Pages: 159 - 160

Whitewashing Britain: Race and Citizenship in the Postwar Era

Pages: 161 - 163

The Warp of Ulster's Past: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Irish Linen Industry: 1700-1920

Pages: 163 - 165

Women and Work in Eighteenth-Century Edinburgh

Pages: 165 - 167

Les logiques de l'entreprise: La rationalisation dans l'industrie française de l'entre-deux-guerres

Pages: 167 - 170

Engineering the Revolution: Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815

Pages: 170 - 173

The Polish Coal Miners' legion and the German Labor Movement in the Ruhr, 1909-1934.National and Social Solidarity

Pages: 173 - 175

Rabochie i intelligentsiia Rossii v epokhu reform i revolintsii 1861-fevral' 1917g

Pages: 175 - 179

Women's Activism in Contemporary Russia

Pages: 179 - 181

European Proto-Industrialization

Pages: 181 - 184

One Hundred Years of Socialism: The West European Left in the Twentieth Century

Pages: 184 - 187

Gender and the Politics of Welfare Reform: Mothers' Pensions in Chicago, 1911-1929

Pages: 188 - 190

The Female Economy: The Millinery and Dressmaking Trades, 1860-1930

Pages: 190 - 193

Desegregating the Dollar: African American Consumerism in the Twentieth Century

Pages: 193 - 195

The Origins of the Urban Crisis: Race and inequality in Postwar Detroit

Pages: 195 - 198

Working-Class Hollywood: Silent Film and the Shaping of Class in America

Pages: 198 - 200

The People's Lobby: Organizational Innovation and the Rise of Interest Group Politics in the United States. 1890-1925

Pages: 200 - 202

Mixed Harvest: The Second Great Transformation in the Rural North, 1870-1930

Pages: 203 - 205

Stepping Left: Dance and Politics in New York City, 1928-1942

Pages: 205 - 207

Myths of Ethnicity and Nation: Immigration, Work, and Identity in the Belize Banana Industry

Pages: 208 - 211

Worker's Control in Latin America, 1930-1979

Pages: 211 - 213

Peronism without Peron: Unions, Parties, and Democracy in Argentina

Pages: 213 - 215

Class Struggle or Family Struggle. The Lives of Women Factory Workers in South Korea

Pages: 215 - 217

Willing Migrants. Soninke Labor Diasporas, 1848-1960

Pages: 218 - 220

Rural Society and Cotton in Colonial Zaire

Pages: 220 - 222

News and Announcements

Page: 223