2002 - 15

Articles in this issue

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

The Moscow Meridian : The CP of the Netherlands and the Communist International

Pages: 408 - 410

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Arbeitstagung "Zum Stand der historischen Aufarbeitung kommunistischer Diktaturen" / Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Berlin

Page: 411

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Kroatien

Pages: 411 - 413

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Projet sur les "Centralistes démocratiques" / Centre Praxis, Moscow

Page: 414

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Biographisches Handbuch des deutschen Kommunismus 1919-1945

Pages: 414 - 416

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Literatur zur Aufarbeitung der kommunistischen Diktatur in Litauen

Pages: 416 - 417

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Willi Münzenberg : The Comintern's Greatest Con Man

Pages: 418 - 419

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

About Iranian Communism

Page: 418

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Scandinavia: Communism in the Nordic countries, 1917-1990 : a comparative research project

Page: 420

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Projekte der Deutsch-Russischen Geschichtskommission

Pages: 421 - 433

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Putsch in die Abhängigkeit : der "Deutsche Oktober" von 1923

Pages: 434 - 435

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Le mouvement communiste en Saone-et-Loire

Page: 436

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Anspruch und Wirklichkeit der Schulungsarbeit der KPD in der Weimarer Republik

Page: 437

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Histoire périphérique du communisme au Mexique

Page: 437

Section I / Workshop - Projects in Progress

Die sozialen Aktivitäten der Roten Hilfe in Deutschland

Page: 438

Section II / Preserve for all Times? Archival Problems, New Archival Projects, Institutions and Holdings

The Bhowani Sen Library and Research Centre in Calcutta and the Archives of ContemporaryHistory in New Delhi

Page: 439

Section II / Preserve for all Times? Archival Problems, New Archival Projects, Institutions and Holdings

Zu einigen Problemen der biographischen Forschung am Beispiel der KP Österreichs

Pages: 440 - 443

Section II / Preserve for all Times? Archival Problems, New Archival Projects, Institutions and Holdings

Archives in Russia : the ArcheoBiblioBase Information System on Archival Repositories in theRussian Federation

Pages: 444 - 445

Section II / Preserve for all Times? Archival Problems, New Archival Projects, Institutions and Holdings

Archival Record System on the Web / Arbejderbevaegelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv, Copenhague

Page: 446

Section II / Preserve for all Times? Archival Problems, New Archival Projects, Institutions and Holdings

Gesamtverzeichnis der ausländischen mikroverfilmten Archivalien in der BayerischenStaatsbibliothek München

Page: 446

Section III / Biographical and Prosopographical Problems

Zur politischen Biographie von Willi Mielenz und August (Gustl) Mayer

Page: 447

Section IV / Events, Meetings and Other Activities from Around the World - Link to Online Information

Page: 448

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Am Beispiel Leo Koflers : Marxismus im 20. Jahrhundert

Page: 451

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

"Le communisme en France, une traversée du siècle" : French Communist Historyon CD

Page: 451

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Die rote Welle : der deutschsprachige Rundfunk aus der Sowjetunion (1929 bis 1945)

Page: 452

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Staline, Israel et les Juifs

Page: 453

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Stalin's Secret Pogrom : the Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Facist Committee / Editedby Joshua Rubenstein and Vladivir P. Naumov

Page: 453

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

"Ces années-là, quand Lionel..."

Page: 454

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications (Reiner Tosstorff)

Widerstand und internationale Solidarität : die Internationale Transportarbeiter-Föderation (ITF) im Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus

Page: 454

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Everyday Stalinism : Living standards, Norms and Values of various Groups of Soviet People inthe 1920s und 1930s

Page: 455

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Damals, als ich Wunderlich hieß : vom Parteihochschüler zum kritischen Sozialisten

Page: 456

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications (Reiner Tosstorff)

Victor Serge : the Course is set on hope

Pages: 456 - 457

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications (Günter Braun)

Die KPD in Rheinland-Pfalz 1946-1956

Page: 458

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Guldet fra Moskva : Finansieringen af de nordiske kommunist partier 1917-1990

Page: 459

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Von Niznij Novogorod zu Gor'kij : Metamorphosen einer russischen Provinzstadt

Page: 460

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

The Russo-Caucasian Origins of the Iranian Left : Social Democracy in Modern Iran

Page: 461

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications (Wolfgang Schlott)

Jenseits von Wahrheit und Lüge

Pages: 462 - 464

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Komintern : L'histoire et les hommes ; Dictionnaire biographique de l'Internationalecommuniste

Page: 465

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Vom Kieler Matrosenaufstand nach Leningrad : Stationen eines revolutionärenMatrosen 1917-1930

Page: 465

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications (E. Waldenfels)

Die Wollweber Organisation und Norwegen

Pages: 466 - 468

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Amsterdam -Bochum - La Chaux-de-Fonds - Zürich : L'édition des Archives JulesHumbert-Droz en 5 volumes est achevée. Par Bernhard H. Bayerlein, André Lasserre etBrigitte Studer

Pages: 471 - 472

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications (Reiner Tosstorff)

Archives des Jules Humbert-Droz, IV. Engagements à travers le monde.Résistances, Conciliations, Diffamations.

Pages: 471 - 472

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Mühlberg 1939-1948 : ein Gefangenenlager mitten in Deutschland

Page: 473

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications (Pierre Broué)

Spain Betrayed : the Soviet Union in the Spanish Civil War

Pages: 473 - 478

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications

Neizvestnyi Kirov

Page: 479

Section V / Reviews and Reports on new Publications (Reiner Tosstorff)

Stalinismus und das Ende der ersten Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe

Pages: 479 - 480

Section VI / Publications of the Newsletter Correspondents and Board Members 2000 and 2001

Pages: 481 - 484

Section VII / Survey of Periodicals

Europe-Asia-Studies (former: Soviet Studies), ICEES, University of Glasgow

Page: 485

Section VII / Survey of Periodicals

Kritika. Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, Indiana University

Page: 485

Section VII / Survey of Periodicals

Neue Zeitschrift: Karta, Warschau - Zeitzeugnisse aus Ostmitteleuropa. HistorischeZeitschrift. Deutsche Ausgabe, I (2000), no. 1

Page: 485

Section VII / Survey of Periodicals

The Journal of Modern History, University of Chicago

Page: 486

Section VII / Survey of Periodicals

Journal of Cold War Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts

Page: 487

Section VIII / Links-Links-Links - Interesting Websites Concerning Communist Studies

GESIS - Gesellschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Infrastruktureinrichtungen. Linksammlung zusozialwissenschaftlichen Institutionen, Forschung und Publikationen der osteuropäischenLänder

Page: 488

Section VIII / Links-Links-Links - Interesting Websites Concerning Communist Studies

Otto Wolff-Datenbank zur Osteuropaforschung : eine Projektdatenbank online

Page: 489

Section VIII / Links-Links-Links - Interesting Websites Concerning Communist Studies

Lebendiges virtuelles Museum Online - LeMO - Link zur Geschichte

Page: 490

Section VIII / Links-Links-Links - Interesting Websites Concerning Communist Studies

Slavic Researach Center, Hokkaido University, Japan

Page: 491

Section VIII / Links-Links-Links - Interesting Websites Concerning Communist Studies

The Library of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Online Services

Page: 491

Section VIII / Links-Links-Links - Interesting Websites Concerning Communist Studies

Communism and the British Labour Movement. A prosopographical project website, University ofManchester

Page: 492

Section VIII / Links-Links-Links - Interesting Websites Concerning Communist Studies

Communist History Network Newsletter (CHNN), University of Manchester

Page: 492

Section VIII / Links-Links-Links - Interesting Websites Concerning Communist Studies

Unterdrückung im Stalinismus. Die Website von Momorial Moskau

Page: 492

Section VIII / Links-Links-Links - Interesting Websites Concerning Communist Studies

Wer war im Ministerium für Staatssicherheit? Website der Bundesbeauftragten für dieUnterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen DDR

Page: 492

Section VIII / Links-Links-Links - Interesting Websites Concerning Communist Studies

Japanese Victims of Stalinist Terror in the USSR. By Tetsuro Kato, Japan

Page: 493

Section VIII / Links-Links-Links - Interesting Websites Concerning Communist Studies

From Castoriadis to Lotta Continua. The Texas Archives of Autonomist Marxism

Page: 494

Section VIII / Links-Links-Links - Interesting Websites Concerning Communist Studies

Kommunisten in der Weimarer Republik. Website mit Materialien zur Sozialgeschichte der KPD

Page: 494

Section X / Letters to the editor

Page: 495