2004 - 2 (January)

Articles in this issue

Mutual Gains or Zero Sum? Labor Relations and Firm Performance in the Airline Industry

Pages: 163 - 180

Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance: Evidence from Retail Banking

Pages: 181 - 203

Trade Unions and Family-Friendly Policies in Britain

Pages: 204 - 222

Minimum Wages, Labor Market Institutions, and Youth Employment: A Cross-National Analysis

Pages: 223 - 248

The Labor Market Effects of Welfare Reform

Pages: 249 - 266

Black Job Applicants and the Hiring Officer's Race

Pages: 267 - 287

A Comparison of Conventional, Final-Offer, and "Combined" Arbitration for Dispute Resolution

Pages: 288 - 301

Book review of Bruce E. Kaufman, Richard A. Beaumont, and Roy B. Helfgott, eds. Industrial Relations to Human Resources and Beyond: The Evolving Process of Employee Relations Management

Page: 302

Book review of Richard Kazis and Marc S. Miller. Low-Wage Workers in the New Economy

Pages: 303 - 304

Book review of Jean Kimmel and Emily P. Hoffman, eds. The Economics of Work and Family

Pages: 305 - 306

Book reivew of Timothy Minchin. Forging a Common Bond: Labor and Environmental Activism During the BASF Lockout

Pages: 307 - 308

Book review of Alan Manning. Monopsony in Motion: Imperfect Competition in Labor Markets

Pages: 309 - 310

Book review of Richard B. Freeman. Inequality around the World

Page: 311

Book Review of Ellen Israel Rosen. Making Sweatshops: The Globalization of the U.S. Apparel Industry

Page: 312

Book review of Elizabeth Quay Hutchison. Labors Appropriate to Their Sex: Gender, Labor, and Politics in Urban Chile, 1900-1930

Pages: 313 - 314

Book review of Gene Ruffini. Harry Van Arsdale, Jr.: Labor's Champion

Pages: 315 - 316

Book review of Heidi Tinsman. Partners in Conflict: The Politics of Gender, Sexuality, and Labor in the Chilean Agrarian Reform, 1950-1973

Pages: 317 - 319