1989 - 1

Articles in this issue

The path not taken: the anarchist alternative in Chinese Socialism, 1921-1927

Pages: 1 - 41

Suggestions and debates

"Rank and filism": in British Labour history: a critique

Pages: 42 - 61

Suggestions and debates

"What's in a name?": workplace history and "rank and filism"

Pages: 62 - 77

Suggestions and debates

The "rank and file" in the social history of the working class

Pages: 78 - 88

Suggestions and debates

"Rank and Filism" and Labour History: A Rejoinder to Price and Cronin

Pages: 89 - 102

Review essay

Foundations for a qualitative comparative method [review of Charles C. Ragin The comparative method: moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies (1987)]

Pages: 103 - 109

Review essay

Reinterpreting Kautsky

Pages: 110 - 116

Book Review by Charles Tilly

Centre formation, protest movements and class structure in Europe and the United States. (1987)

Pages: 117 - 120

Book Review by Ronaldo Munck

Working-class formation: nineteenth-century patterns in Western Europe and the United States. (1986)

Pages: 120 - 122

Book Review by Christi Boerdam

Industry and devotion: the transformation of women's work in England, 1500-1660. (1987)

Pages: 122 - 124

Book Review by Richard Rathbone

South Africa's city of diamonds: mine workers and monopoly capitalism in Kimberley, 1867-1895. (1987)

Pages: 124 - 126

Book Review by Rex A. Wade

Alexander Kerensky: the first love of the Revolution. (1987)

Pages: 126 - 128

Book Review by Eberhard Kolb

Gustav Noske: eine politische Biographie. (1987)

Pages: 128 - 130

Book Review by Samuel Farber

Castro and the Cuban Labor movement: statecraft and society in a revolutionary period (1959-1961). (1987)

Pages: 131 - 133


Pages: 134 - 181

News of the Profession I: Institutional News

The Ohara Institute for Social Research

Pages: 182 - 184

News of the Profession II: Announcements

Pages: 184 - 186


Pages: 187 - 188


Page: 187


Page: 188

Notes on Contributors

Page: 189