2006 - 187 (September)

Articles in this issue

Land and Territorial Politics in Urban China

Pages: 575 - 591

The Politics of Lawmaking in Chinese People's Congresses

Pages: 592 - 609

Dynamics of Internationalization and Outward Investment: Chinese Corporations' Strategies

Pages: 610 - 634

Charting the State of SOcial Cohesion in Hong Kong

Pages: 635 - 658

Mao in Perspective

Pages: 659 - 679

Jack Gray, Mao Zedong and the Political Economy of Chinese Development

Pages: 680 - 685

The Last of the Romantics? Maoist Economic Development in Retrospect

Pages: 686 - 692

Culture, Revolution, and the Times of History: Mao and 20th-Century China

Pages: 693 - 699

Mao and Agriculture in China's Industrialization: Three Antitheses in a 50-Year Perspective

Pages: 700 - 723

The Origins of the General Line for the Transition Period and of the Acceleration of the Chinese Socialist Transformation in Summer 1995

Pages: 724 - 731

Why Did It Go So High? Political Mobilization and Agricultural Collectivization in China

Pages: 732 - 742

The High Tide in Jiangsu: A Perspective from Local Sources of the Time

Pages: 743 - 753

Postscript: China's High Tide of Socialism of 1955: Strategic Choices and Paths not Taken, Some Changing Perspectives

Pages: 754 - 762

Book Review by Marc Blecher

Patrolling the Revolution: Worker Militias, Citizenship, and the Modern Chinese State

Pages: 763 - 765

Book Review by Joyce K. Kallgren

Governing China's Population: From Leninist to Neoliberal Biopolitics

Pages: 765 - 767

Book Review by Elisabeth J. Croll

Fertility, Family Planning, and Population Policy in China

Pages: 767 - 769

Book Review by Dafydd Fell

China's Rise, Taiwan's Dilemmas and International Peace

Pages: 769 - 771

Book Review by Richard P. Suttmeier

Technological Superpower China

Pages: 771 - 773

Book Review by Marc Laperrouza

Historicizing Online Politics: Telegraphy, the Internet and Political Participation in China

Pages: 773 - 775

Book Review by Gregory W. Noble

Interfirm Relations under Late Industrialization in China: The Supplier System in the Motorcycle Industry

Pages: 775 - 777

Book Review by Judith Shapiro

Discovering Environmentalism: Globalization and Environmental Culture in China and Taiwan

Pages: 778 - 779

Book Review by Jane Duckett

Health Care in Rural China: Lessons from Hebei Province

Pages: 779 - 782

Book Review by Jane Duckett

Health Care Transition in Urban Cina

Pages: 779 - 782

Book Review by Edward Vickers

Education and Social Change in China: Inedquality in a Market Economy

Pages: 782 - 784

Book Review by Mark Hansell

Rendering the Regional: Local Language in Contemporary Chinese Media

Pages: 784 - 786

Book Review by Ramses Amer

China and Vietnam: The Politics of Asymmetry

Pages: 786 - 788

Book Review by Ramon H. Myers

Jacqueries et révolution dans la Chine du XXe siècle

Pages: 788 - 790

Book Review by Ramon H. Myers

Peasants without the Party: Grass-roots Movements in Twentieth-Century China

Pages: 788 - 790

Book Review by Terence J. Byres

Chinese Discourses on the Peasant, 1900-1949

Pages: 790 - 792

Book Review by Susette Cooke

Contemporary Tibet: Politics, Development, and Society in a Disputed Region

Pages: 792 - 794

Book Review by Yangdon Dhondrup

Lhasa: Streets with Memories

Pages: 795 - 796

Book Review by Zhao Dingxin

Yang tian chang xiao: yige dan jian shiyi nian de hongweibing yuzhong yutianhu (Outcry from a Red Guard Imprisoned during the Cultural Revolution)

Pages: 796 - 798

Book Review by Thomas Ertman

War and State Formation in Ancient China and Early Modern Europe

Pages: 798 - 800

Book Review by Mark Harrison

Lien Heng (1887-1936): Taiwan's Search for Identity and Tradition

Pages: 800 - 802

Book Review by Andrea McElderry

The Merchants of Zigong, Industrial Entrepreneurship in Early Modern China

Pages: 802 - 804

Book Review by T.H. Barrett

Telling Stories: Witchcraft and Scapegoating in Chinese History

Pages: 804 - 806

Book Review by Zheng Tiantian

Negotiating Masculinities in Late Imperial China

Pages: 806 - 807

Book Review by Ann Huss

Paper Swordsmen: Jin Yong and the Modern Chinese Martial Arts Novel

Pages: 808 - 810

Book Review by Cosima Bruno

Unreal City: A Chinese Poet in Auckland

Pages: 810 - 812

Book Review by Jacob Edmond

East by South: China in the Australasian Imagination

Pages: 812 - 813

Books Received

Pages: 814 - 818

Quarterly Chronicle and Documentation (April-June 2006) compiled by Robert Ash

Pages: 819 - 847


Pages: 848 - 852