2007 - 93 (November)

Articles in this issue


Page: v

President's Column

Page: vii

Sifting the Evidence: Labour History and the Transcripts of Industrial Arbitration Proceedings

Pages: 3 - 13

Reconciliation and Conciliation: The Irreconcilable Dilemma of the 1965 'Equal' Wage Case for Aboriginal Station Workers

Pages: 15 - 33

Mobilising at the Workplace: State Regulation and Collective Action in Three Workplaces, 1900 to the 1920s

Pages: 35 - 55

Making Liberal Citizens: Justice Higgings and His Witnesses

Pages: 57 - 72

'The skilful unskilled labourer': The Decline of Artisanal Discourses of Skill in the NSW Arbitration Court, 1905-15

Pages: 73 - 86

A Theatre of Words and Wages: Reading the Script of the Harvester Hearing

Pages: 87 - 107

'War conducted under certain rules, but nonetheless war': Arbitration, Capital and Labour in the Western Australian Gold Mining Industry, 1901-14

Pages: 109 - 126

The Dirtiest of Jobs: Maintaining Sydney's Sewers, 1890-1910

Pages: 127 - 144

[Research Note] Industrial Arbitration Transcripts and Related Sources in the NSW State Archives, 1902-91

Pages: 145 - 153

Interrogating Arbitration: Reflections on Work, Nation and History

Pages: 155 - 159

The Lost Labour Force: Working-Class Approaches to Military Service During the Great War

Pages: 161 - 176

'Bucking the Machine': Clarrie Martin and the NSW Socialisation Units, 1929-35

Pages: 177 - 195

Labour Traditions: The 10th National Labour History Conference, 4-6 July 2007

Pages: 213 - 216


E.L. 'Ted' Wheelwright, 1921-2007

Pages: 217 - 220

Book Review by Phillip Deery

Australian's Own Cold War: The Waterfront Under Menzies

Pages: 221 - 222

Book Review by Bill Leadbetter

Teaching the Nation: Politics and Pedagogy in Australian History

Pages: 222 - 224

Book Review by Brian Martin

Silencing Dissent: How the Australian Government is Controlling Public Opinion and Stifling Debate

Pages: 224 - 226

Book Review by Brian Martin

An Historian's Life: Max Crawford and the Politics of Academic Freedom

Pages: 224 - 226

Book Review by Mike Anson

The Workshop: A History of the Midland Government Railway Workshops

Pages: 226 - 227

Book Review by Nick Wailes

Revolution: The 1913 Great Strike in New Zealand

Pages: 227 - 230

Book Review by Carolyn Allport

Power at Work: Rebuilding the Australian Union Movement

Pages: 230 - 232

Book Review by Elsa Underhill

Trade Unions and Democracy: Strategies and Perspectives

Pages: 232 - 234

Book Review by Leanne Cutcher

Bodies at Work

Pages: 234 - 235

Book Review by Margaret Tennant

Kin: A Collective Biography of A New Zealand Working Class Family

Pages: 236 - 237

Book Review by Melanie Oppenheimer

Lucy Osburn, a Lady Displaced: Forence Nightingale's Envoy to Australia

Pages: 237 - 238

Book Review by Naomi Parry

'No fit place for women'? Women in New South Wales Politics, 1856-2006

Pages: 238 - 239

Book Review by Sarah Maddison

Political Parties in Transition?

Pages: 240 - 241

Book Review by Peter Henderson

The Nationals: The Progressive, Country and National Party in New South Wales 1919 to 2006

Pages: 241 - 241