2007 - 3 (July-September)

Articles in this issue

Disquiet on the island: Conversion, conflicts and conformity in sixteenth-century Goa

Pages: 269 - 296

South Asian ways of seeing, Muslim ways of knowing: The Indian Muslim niche market in posters

Pages: 297 - 332

Sanskrit and the morning after: The metaphorics and theory of intellectual change

Pages: 333 - 362

Cultural pluralism, empire and the state in early modern South Asia - A review essay

Pages: 363 - 382

Book Review by A. Gangatharan

In Those Days There Was No Coffee

Pages: 383 - 387

Book Review by A. Gangatharan

Muslim Identity, Print Culture and the Dravidian Factor in Tamil Nadu

Pages: 383 - 387

Book Review by A. Gangatharan

The Political Evolution of Muslims in Tamilnadu and Madras, 1930-1947

Pages: 383 - 387

Book Review by James H. Mills

Once upon a Furore: Lost Pages of Indian Cricket

Pages: 388 - 389

Book Review by Samira Sheikh

Sufi Martyrs of Love: The Chishti Order in South Asia and Beyond

Pages: 389 - 394

Book Review by Samira Sheikh

A Social History of the Deccan, 1300-1761: Eight Indian The Chishti Order in South Asia and Beyond

Pages: 389 - 394

Book Review by Sanjay Seth

Stitches on Time: Colonial Textures and Postcolonial Tangles

Pages: 394 - 398

Book Review by Sanjay Seth

Subaltern Studies XII: Muslims, Dalits and the Fabrications of History

Pages: 394 - 398

Book Review by Surinder S. Jodhka

The Other Sikhs: A View from Eastern India and J.S. Grewal, Social and Cultural History of the Punjab: Prehistoric, Ancient and Early Medieval

Pages: 399 - 402

Book Review by Velayutham Saravanan

Tribes, Forest and Social Formation in Indian History

Pages: 402 - 405