2011 - 1

Articles in this issue


Pages: 7 - 13

Reflecting on Concepts of Coloniality / Postcolonialty in Latin American, South Asian and African Historiography

Pages: 14 - 31

Colonial Governmentality: Critical Notes from a Perspective of South Asian Studies

Pages: 32 - 40

Foucault Hardly Came to Africa: Some Notes on Colonial and Post-Colonial Governmentality

Pages: 41 - 59

Resisting Modernisation? Two African Responses to the Kariba Dam Scheme in the Central African Federation

Pages: 60 - 75

"Techniques éprouvées au cours des siècles": African Students at the Former School for Colonial Administrators in Paris, 1951-1967

Pages: 76 - 88

Representations of Emancipation: (Post-)Coloniality and the Zapatista Insurgency in Mexico

Pages: 89 - 128

Über die Gewalttheorie von Georges Bataille und ihren Nutzen für die Gewaltsoziologie

Pages: 105 - 128

Book review by Martin C. Wald

Die europäische Expansion und ihre Feinde, Kolonialismuskritik vom 18. bis in das 20. Jahrhundert (Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte, Bd. 24)

Pages: 129 - 132

Book review by Silke Marburg

Aufsteigen und Obenbleiben in den europäischen Gesellschaften des 19. Jahrhunderts. Akteure, Arenen und Aushandlungsprozesse (= Elitenwandel in der Moderne, Bd. 10), Berlin, Akademie-Verlag 2009, 294 S.

Pages: 132 - 136

Book review by Björn Hofmeister

Warlands. Population Resettlement and State Reconstruction in the Soviet-East European Borderlands, 1945-1950, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, 276 S.

Pages: 136 - 139

Book review by Julian Plenefisch

Defining Engagement. Japan and Global Contexts, 1640-1868 (= Harvard East Asian Monographs, Bd. 326), Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2010, 281 S.

Pages: 140 - 143

Book review by Manju Ludwig

Geschichte Südasiens. 1500 bis heute (= Geschichte kompakt), Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2010, 138 S.

Pages: 143 - 147

Book review by Ulf Engel

When Things Fell Apart. State Failure in Late-Century Africa (= Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, 191 S.

Pages: 147 - 148

Book review by Andreas Eckert

Das Britische Empire. Geschichte eines Weltreichs, München: Beck, 2008, 367 S.

Pages: 149 - 150
Pages: 151 - 152