The Second Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN) took place in Paris, France, from 2 to 4 Novembere 2017, at the Campus Nanterre and the Campus Sorbonne of the Université Paris. The second gathering of the ELHN Conference drew 356 participants from 32 countries, who discussed all aspects of labour history in 72 sessions, numbers far exceeding those of the first edition.
The Paris 2017 editon of the ELHN Conference was hosted by L'Association Française de l'Histoire des Mondes du Travail (AFHMT), with the collaboration of Società Italiana di Storia del Lavoro (SISLav), Istituto per la Memoria e la Cultura del Lavoro, dell'Impresa e dei Diritti Sociali (ISMEL), International Institute of Social History (IISH), Society for the Study of Labour History (SSLH), International Conference of Labour and Social History (ITH), Asociación de Historia Social (AHS), Treball, Institucions i Gènere (TIG), L’Association pour l’étude de l’histoire du mouvement ouvrier (AÉHMO) and Global Labour History Network (GLHN).
Beside the parallel sessions there were keynote speeches on Récits d'ouvriers et histoire du travail (Arthur McIvor), Labour, voice and exit. A longue durée perspective (Alessandro Stanziani) and What do we need to revisit in labour history by counting women’s work (Cristina Borderias), finalized by a Buffet déjeunatoire in the luxuruous Appartement décanal of Paris Sorbonne and a guided thematic walk Le Paris des travailleurs - Visite des lieux emblématiques du Paris ouvrier.
The next ELHN Conference will take place in Amsterdam, September 2019.