The First Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN) took place in Turin, Italy, from 14 to 16 December 2015, at the Campus Luigi Einaudi of the Università di Torino (Lunga Dora Siena 100). For its first gathering the ELHN Conference drew some 200 participants who discussed all aspects of labour history in 72 sessions, numbers far exceeding the most optimistic expectations.
The Turin 2015 edition of the ELHN Conference was hosted by SISLav-Italian Society for Labour History, in collaboration with ISMEL-Istituto per la Memoria e la Cultura del Lavoro, dell’Impresa e dei Diritti Sociali (Turin), IISH-International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam) and ITH-International Conference Labour and Social History (Vienna).
Beside the parallel sessions there was a keynote speech on Labour History Perspective (Geoff Eley, Sussex University), round tables on the publication of the six volumes of the Storia del Lavoro in Italia, from the Ancient Roman Age to the Globalization Era (director Fabio Fabbri) and on Labour History Journals, and the projection of the movie La zuppa del demonio.
The next ELHN Conference will take place in Paris, 2-4 November 2017.