Social and Labour History News

Reminder: Drivers of Change. Labour migrants from the Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey and social transformation in Western Europe, 1960-1990

1 month 3 weeks ago

Leuven, 26-27 September 2024

Ever since their arrival in the 1960s, labour migrants from the Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey have been drivers of change in Western European societies. Their labour was essential to Western Europe’s economic growth, while their presence rejuvenated the region’s aging demography. Simultaneously, their cultures prompted a wide array of new encounters, while their mobility was key to the transformations of Europe’s growing urban centres. Migrant communities furthermore introduced new knowledge, and their modes of religiosity added additional complexity to the position of religion in the public sphere. Finally, their precarious economic positions provoked new debates on the role of the welfare state, while their perceived ‘otherness’ challenged Eurocentric understandings of nationalisms, citizenship, social rights, and what it means to co-exist.

Historiography is starting to recognize the transformative power of labour migrants. However, scholars note that it remains challenging to fully integrate migrants’ pivotal roles into our fundamental comprehension of social, cultural, and political change in Western Europe. The histories of migrant communities are often written in parallel with, but largely distinct from, histories of globalization, nationalisms, democratization, social movements and activisms, changing religious landscapes, technological and scientific advances, environmental awareness, …

This workshop aims to merge these subfields and to integrate the history of post-war labour migration into a larger narrative. We welcome contributions of varied historical fields, such as urban history, decolonization studies, gender history, the history of emotions and knowledge, and the history of social movements, with a scope from 1960 to 1990. Interdisciplinary contributions from the fields of anthropology, religious studies, cultural and art studies, and social geography are also encouraged.

 Link to the full CfP

 Extended application deadline: 15th of May 2024

 Abstracts of ca. 350 words can be uploaded online or sent to by the 1st of May 2024.

 Accepted authors will be notified before the 1st of July 2024.

We ask them to provide a substantial working paper by the 1st of September 2024.


Stijn Carpentier

Doctoraal Onderzoeker
Onderzoeksgroep Moderniteit en Samenleving 1800-2000 (MoSa)


Onderzoekseenheid Geschiedenis

KU Leuven
Vlamingenstraat 39
3000 Leuven

Special Issue of the journal Social Movement Studies: New insights into global labour: movement strategy and mobilisation in the context of crisis

1 month 3 weeks ago

Decades of crises — economic, the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic — have placed the labour movement in a precarious situation and delivered novel and new challenges. In almost all locations, trade unions face decreasing membership numbers, weakening bargaining powers, and declining political influence. Proposed revitalisation strategies in this period have ranged from using tactics more commonly associated with social movements such as street protests, cooperating with social movements, engaging more young and migrant workers in innovative ways, and more frequently using information and communication technologies in organising and mobilising activities.

This special issue would like to go beyond discussions of “old” and “new” movements, popular during the 1990s, and instead emphasise the usefulness of using social movement and collective action theories for analysing the development, strategies, and consequences of labour movements — in short, to bring the labour movement back to social movements studies. This approach would allow us to move our understanding of social and labour movements beyond present knowledge and improve our theoretical and conceptual tools.

We welcome theoretically informed empirical analysis and encourage the use of comparative and innovative methods, unique empirical material, and historical and contemporary cases worldwide. Potentially exciting topics could be related, but are certainly not limited, to:

• Labour movements’ coalition building and protest strategies concerning migration.

• First Nations workers movements / First Nations workers in movements.

• Efforts to address climate adaptation and environmental issues.

• Organising through the pandemic.

• Organising in the context of rising populist and radical right parties,

• Gig workers and the platform economy.

• Biographical, economic, and political consequences of labour activism.

To propose papers, please send the 500-word abstract for the 1st of June 2024. The accepted proposals will be notified by the 1st of July 2024, and finalised manuscripts will be due on the 1st of October 2024. All abstracts and inquiries should be sent to:

Please be advised an invitation to submit is no guarantee of publication. All submissions need to follow the guidelines of the SMS and will go through the regular peer review process. Please be advised that authors not meeting the relevant deadlines may be dropped from consideration in the special issue, as everyone is affected by long delays of any individual abstract.…

« Une utopie face au droit. Enjeux politiques des statuts juridiques des coopératives de travailleuses et travailleurs (du XIXe siècle à nos jours) » (French)

1 month 3 weeks ago

Les 12 et 13 décembre 2024, Sciences Po Paris organise un colloque interdisciplinaire intitulé "Une utopie face au droit. Enjeux politiques des statuts juridiques des coopératives de travailleuses et travailleurs (du XIXe siècle à nos jours)".

À cette occasion, nous publions un appel à communications que vous trouverez en pièce-jointe.

Les intentions de communications sont à adresser au plus tard le 30 juin 2024 à l’adresse

Ce colloque s’inscrit dans les activités du projet ANR Theovail (La théorie politique au travail. Reconceptualiser l'exploitation, la démocratie et la justice à travers les écrits réflexifs de travailleurs et de travailleuses).

Der Eurokommunismus. Schlüsseltexte und neue Quellen (German)

1 month 3 weeks ago

Der vorliegende Band beleuchtet anhand von Schlüsseltexten und bisher nicht veröffentlichten Archivdokumenten Argumente und theoretische Grundlagen des Eurokommunismus, aber auch dessen Wahrnehmung und Bekämpfung durch Moskau und Ost-Berlin. Er enthält wissenschaftlich eingeleitete und kommentierte Grundlagentexte der „eurokommunistischen“ Parteien Italiens (PCI), Spaniens (PCE) und Frankreichs (PCF) sowie interne Akten aus den Archiven der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED) und der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion (KPdSU), darunter Texte von und Gesprächsprotokolle mit Enrico Berlinguer (PCI), Santiago Carrillo (PCE), Georges Marchais (PCF) und KPdSU-Chef Leonid Breshnew.

Francesco Di Palma, Historiker, Privatdozent an der Universität Wien.

Walther L. Bernecker, Prof. Dr., Lehrstuhl für Auslandswissenschaft an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 1992–2014; Sonderlehrstuhl Wilhelm und Alexander von Humboldt in Mexiko-Stadt 1999–2000.

Jean-Numa Ducange ist Professeur d’histoire contemporaine an der Universität Rouen Normandie.

Maximilian Graf, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv.

Irina Kasarina, Leiterin der Abteilung für Benutzung und Deklassifizierung von Archivalien, Russisches Staatsarchiv für Neueste Geschichte, Moskau.

Wolfgang Mueller, Professor für Russische Geschichte an der Universität Wien.…

CfP: Dealing with «activist artefacts» : Conservation, valorisation, history

1 month 4 weeks ago

54th Annual Conference
International Association of Labour History Institutions
La Contemporaine, Paris (Nanterre)
September 12-14, 2024

Dealing with «activist artefacts» (products of the workers' movement and social movements):
Conservation, valorisation, history

Call for papers

Since the 1970s, the well-known visual turn has been accompanied by a shift in the focus of museums and archives towards collecting and exhibiting objects. Especially the way of representing society in museums has changed fundamentally, so that nowadays the material history is a major trend. This development has affected museums as well archives dealing with the history of labour movements. A real effort is being made to make icons of activism and the protest movement accessible in museums.
Safeguarding, collecting, conserving, describing, making them available for researchers, promoting them and writing their story raises questions. These concern us all as archivists, museum curators, librarians and researchers of various disciplines. In France, the MATOS project (Mémoires, archives et transmission des objets militants; Memories, Archives and Transmission of Activist Objects) has for several months been engaged in a collective reflection on this subject.

More information, also in French and Spanish, in the attached PDF and here !

WO-NAM - Women and Non-Alignment in the Cold War era: biographical and intersectional perspectives

2 months ago

On Monday, May 13th, 2024, at 5:00 PM, Professor Kristen R. Ghodsee (University of Pennsylvania) will deliver a keynote lecture at Ca’Foscari University of Venice (Room B, Ca'Bernardo) on her recently translated book "Red Valkyries: Feminist Lessons From Five Revolutionary Women" (Verso 2022). Professor Ghodsee will engage in dialogue with Duccio Basosi, Chiara Bonfiglioli, and Bruno Walter Renato Toscano (Ca'Foscari).

On May 14th at 1:00 PM, there will be a seminar for master's and doctoral students on ethnographic writing (registration required).

For any information, please contact or

Both seminars will be held in English and are part of the ERC project “WO-NAM - Women and Non-Alignment in the Cold War era: biographical and intersectional perspectives” ( 

Tracés. Revue de sciences humaines (n° 48): "Politique des objets" (French)

2 months ago

Numéro coordonné par Marie Alauzen, Anthony Pecqueux et Ange Pottin
Possibilité d’envoyer des résumés d’intention avant : 15 septembre 2024
Date limite d’envoi des manuscrits : 1er novembre 2024

Adolphe Alphand, Les promenades de Paris : histoire, description des embellissements, dépenses de création et d’entretien des Bois de Boulogne et de Vincennes, Champs-Élysées, parcs, squares, boulevards, places plantées, études sur l’art des jardins et arboretum. Dessins par E. Hochereau © Gallica/BNF ark:/12148/bpt6k310316c

Les bancs publics font partie des objets que vous voyez au cours de vos déplacements en ville, mais, comme l’a formulé Harold Garfinkel, ils peuvent rester inaperçus1 jusqu’à ce que la rencontre d’une connaissance, l’arrivée d’un rayon de soleil ou la recherche d’un espace pour poser vos paquets le temps d’un appel téléphonique vous amènent à considérer que vous pourriez vous y asseoir quelques minutes (Garfinkel, 1967, p. 36). Cette possibilité de station, ouverte par une attention légèrement transformée à l’écologie urbaine, est notamment liée aux politiques d’aménagement, qui depuis la fin du XIXe siècle, supposent la planification, l’installation, l’entretien et la réparation d’objets fabriqués industriellement. Avec ce banc disposé dans l’alignement du trottoir, kiosques, candélabres, vespasiennes, panneaux d’affichage publicitaire, armoires électriques et fontaines impriment une esthétique à la ville et témoignent de la manière dont des services administratifs dédiés, des ateliers et des agent·e·s mobiles organisent et orientent une partie de nos manières d’être ensemble (voir Sansot, 1995 et plus récemment, Zask, 2023, p. 117-120, dans le cas du kiosque de Tel-Aviv).

Vous examinez maintenant différemment le banc dont vous vous approchez, téléphone à l’oreille : les accotoirs qui séparent l’emplacement des assises, s’ils vous offrent un territoire préservé ou censé l’être, ne vous permettent pas de déposer vos paquets tout près de vous. Le banc auquel vous faites face n’est pas construit d’un seul tenant mais se compose de trois assises distinctes ; serait-ce dans le but d’empêcher que des personnes sans abri ne s’y allongent ? On est loin de la considération sympathique pour les amoureux des bancs publics de la chanson et la perspective suffit à vous irriter ; votre interlocutrice à distance perçoit l’inflexion de votre voix et vous demande ce qui ne va pas. En vous asseyant sur un côté, les sacs empilés sur vos jambes, vous constaterez que, sous la peinture rafraîchie, le bois est fendu. Trop tard, voilà votre collant filé. En plus des choix de conception qui peuvent inclure ou exclure des usages et des usager·e·s du banc public, le façonnement continu par les éléments et les passant·e·s, la vigilance, le soin et le budget accordés à l’entretien configurent aussi d’une manière ou d’une autre votre relation à l’environnement urbain. Autrement dit, cet objet que vous n’aviez jusqu’ici pas pleinement considéré, ce banal banc vissé sur le trottoir, définit un cadre, qui rend possibles certaines interactions, en empêche d’autres, le tout, pour une certaine durée.

C’est à ce moment que vous vous imaginez interpeller la mairie sur les réseaux sociaux, lancer une pétition ou, peut-être, utiliser le marqueur au fond de votre sac, car, après tout, le banc peut aussi devenir un support d’expression de votre parole de citoyenne concernée par l’étiolement de l’espace public. En 2003, le film d’intervention Le repos du Fakir avait esquissé une typologie de mobiliers urbains anti-sans-abri, ils se sont démultipliés depuis ;  il est peut-être  temps de partager votre indignation. À moins que l’exploration, par une rapide requête en ligne, de l’ampleur des mobilisations conservatrices unies sous la bannière du #saccageparis (un mouvement qui dénonce le mauvais entretien du patrimoine, réclame une meilleure gestion de la propreté, se prononce contre les expérimentations urbaines, le tout aiguillonné par le rejet de l’équipe municipale d’Anne Hidalgo) ne vous fasse renoncer à tout engagement et que, rassemblant vos sacs, vous ne repreniez le cours de votre trajet, laissant le banc fêlé aux marges de votre conscience.
Extraits du Repos du fakir, 2003, vidéo DVD VHS, 6 ” 20, réalisée par Gilles Paté et Stéphane Argillet et produit par Canal Marches.

L’appel des objets

Ce prologue est une invitation à remettre sur le métier les questions suivantes : en quoi un objet peut-il être qualifié de politique ? Comment est-il pris dans un agencement politique ? Comment comprendre la manière dont il engage, voire incarne, une multitude de relations politiques ? Parler de politique des objets ce n’est nullement rester sur un plan incantatoire, celui du quasi-slogan. L’exemple de cette passante met en lumière au moins quatre modalités selon lesquelles il est possible de parler de politique des objets. Premièrement, le banc est politique au sens où il participe d’une politique d’aménagement de la ville témoignant d’un mode de présence de l’État dans la société (Alauzen et Gélédan, 2021) : les choix d’implantation par quartiers et de conception sont mis en discussion par les institutions dédiées ; l’installation et la maintenance sont financées par de l’argent public ; dans la division du travail, des agent·e·s administratif·ve·s sont responsables de son état et des élu·e·s en répondent devant les citoyen·ne·s. Deuxièmement, le banc est politique dans la mesure où il fait partie des choses publiques (res publicae) qui trament nos existences (Latour et Weibel, 2005) et fondent les appuis matériels de la citoyenneté urbaine, au sens où celle-ci est le « corrélat d’activités pratiques » (Relieu & Terzi, 2003, p. 374), comme céder sa place ou se décaler pour laisser s’asseoir, pour lesquelles des objets peuvent se révéler centraux (Goffman, 2013 ; Joseph, 1995 ; Pharo, 1985 ; Gayet-Viaud, 2022). Ainsi, le banc est un objet qui, du fait de ses qualités visuelles et tactiles, prend une signification qui rend ou non possibles, pour une passante, certaines actions dans l’environnement urbain. Les objets ne sont pas des entités purement passives, leur matérialité est chargée de potentialités — au point que l’on parle parfois de « matière vibrante » (Bennett, 2010). Et, les affordances, à savoir ces prises ou possibilités d’action renvoyées par l’objet dans son environnement (Gibson, 1986), peuvent être orientées par différentes intentions politiques (en l’espèce, permettre aux passant·e·s de s’asseoir, mais aussi les empêcher de s’allonger). Troisièmement, les concepteurs ont inscrit dans la stabilisation des propriétés physiques du banc un certain programme politique tenant compte de la réglementation en vigueur, des standards des marchés publics, de contraintes des matériaux, de la valeur attribuée à des comportements ou encore de l’esthétique souhaitée pour la ville. Toutefois, il n’est pas évident que l’objet épouse strictement la volonté d’un groupe — pas plus les élu·e·s, les concepteur·ice·s ou des usager·e·s — d’inclure ou d’exclure (ici, personne n’a explicitement cherché à exclure les femmes portant des collants). L’anthropologie des techniques a en effet montré que l’objet n’est pas la stricte matérialisation d’un dessein de contrôle social, mais le résultat toujours temporaire d’une composition de forces hétérogènes (Akrich, 1987 ; Conein et al., 1993). Subséquemment, un objet tel un banc n’est pas autonome, mais dépend d’une politique de la maintenance, soit d’une manière de faire durer, de prendre soin et de gérer les conflits susceptibles d’émerger (Denis et Pontille, 2022). Quatrièmement, les objets sont aussi potentiellement des surfaces d’inscription ou de cristallisation de mots d’ordre et peuvent être appréhendés par les processus de politisation au cours desquels ils deviennent des ressources matérielles ou des symboles (le renouvellement du mobilier urbain comme cristallisation des mobilisations de #saccageparis).

La définition du politique qui émerge de ce paragraphe est délibérément large et celle d’objets que nous voudrions amener dans ce futur numéro l’est tout autant. La catégorie d’objet, qui désigne couramment une chose solide, manipulable, conçue pour des usages particuliers, comme ce banc, peut également inclure des objets techniques (le micro, dont il sera question plus loin) ou des ensembles d’objets techniques, formant des dispositifs et des agencements (comme une installation nucléaire). Cette définition extensive des objets permet, d’une part, de laisser ouvertes questions et analyses sur les catégories (objets d’artisanat, d’art, industriel, etc.) et leurs effets, et, d’autre part, de faire place aux enjeux d’échelles et de combinaisons d’objets. Par exemple, la technique nucléaire, afin de réaliser la fission à l’échelle subatomique, mobilise un ensemble d’objets aux propriétés matérielles et politiques diverses — atomes d’uranium, réacteurs, centrales, boîtes à gants permettant de manipuler les matières radioactives, déchets radioactifs contenus sous diverses formes de conditionnement, etc. 

Une autre manière de synthétiser les questions que soulève l’appel à contribution serait de pointer le double écueil que le numéro voudrait éviter. D’un côté, l’écueil du déterminisme technique selon lequel les objets seraient les causes déterminantes d’un ordre politique donné (ce qui reviendrait à donner au seul design des bancs le pouvoir d’exclure les sans-abris), voire, dans une version plus radicale, considérer que les objets auraient remplacé la politique pour former un système verrouillé par avance (supposer, par exemple, que toute discussion sur l’inclusion et l’exclusion dans l’espace public serait prédéfinie par son organisation matérielle, exprimée entre autres par les bancs). L’enjeu analytique et descriptif du numéro est, bien au contraire, de prêter attention à l’hétérogénéité politique et aux effets inattendus des objets (ce que peut, ou non, ouvrir la maille d’un collant). D’un autre côté, nous voulons nous tenir à distance d’un double réductionnisme dans lequel les objets ne seraient que des supports fonctionnels d’interaction, de médiation, de traduction, sans consistance propre (thèse parfois nommée la neutralité technique, faisant tout reposer sur l’usage) ; soit ne seraient que des signes sociaux, symboliques, dissous dans la force du dispositif. Ainsi, le banc ne saurait être réduit à un signal envoyé aux passants par les aménageurs ou un symbole d’exclusion, car c’est aussi un objet de bois et de fonte, nécessitant d’être repeint et réparé au fil des saisons, par un personnel municipal vigilant. L’enjeu est donc de trouver, dans la description, la juste place des objets, sans sur- ni sous-détermination politique.

Pour travailler les questionnements spécifiquement politiques émergeant des objets, nous proposons trois axes : d’abord en appelant des contributions qui reviendraient sur des concepts, des notions ou des méthodes forgées dans la littérature pour appréhender les implications des objets dans la politique, voire, dans une version plus forte, les qualités politiques des objets ; ensuite en invitant des enquêtes sur la participation et la représentation politique par les objets ; enfin, en rouvrant la discussion sur la normativité ou l’idéologie logées dans certains objets spécifiques.

Axe 1 : Perspectives critiques sur l’analyse des objets

Depuis près de quarante ans, la mise en lumière de la politique des objets est au cœur du programme de recherche des science and technology studies (STS) qui ont pris très au sérieux la double question de la détermination sociale des objets et, inversement, de la détermination de la société par les objets, poussant d’un cran l’optique constructiviste qui avait été appliquée aux sciences (ie. montrer, depuis le poste d’observation du laboratoire, la manière dont les technologies sont faites, après avoir montré la manière dont les faits scientifiques sont faits). En effet, peuvent être rassemblés sous cette étiquette de STS, les travaux pionniers de sociologie des usagers et des usages des objets ordinaires comme le photocopieur, la voiture, le vélo ou le rasoir électrique qui ont mis en avant la flexibilité interprétative des technologies, soit la capacité des groupes sociaux à appréhender et faire usage en contexte d’une technologie donnée (Bijker et al. 1987 ; Oudshoorn et Pinch, 2003 ; Pinch et Bijker, 1984). Sur ce terreau, se sont développés des travaux d’histoire et de sociologie historique des connaissances scientifiques et des savoirs techniques visant à examiner les objets les plus opaques de la modernité, les missiles, les centrales nucléaires ou encore les modèles d’intelligence artificielle, afin de les rendre discutables dans des arènes publiques et de rouvrir les modalités de la confiance (MacKenzie, 1990). S’ajoutent à ces écrits pionniers les contributions d’anthropologie cognitive et de sociologie pragmatique (pour le dire rapidement et au regard de l’époque), qui ont déplié le rôle d’appui des objets représentationnels dans les cours d’action (boussoles, plans, étiquettes, compteurs, etc.) et ont invité à se débarrasser définitivement d’une compréhension statique des objets (Conein et al., 1993 ; Hutchins, 1995 ; Suchman, 1987). En France, les travaux sur le façonnement social des objets techniques ont donné naissance à une nouvelle anthropologie des techniques, qui a insisté sur l’actantialité des objets (leurs capacités d’action dans leur environnement) et le rôle des médiations (Akrich, 1987 ; Hennion et Latour, 1993 ; Latour, 1993, 1996), allant jusqu’à invoquer la nécessité d’un Parlement des choses pour débattre des questions écologiques (Latour, 1994) et plaider pour un renouvellement général de la pensée politique par la « Dingpolitik » (Latour et Weibel, 2005), soit l’appel à faire pleinement entrer les objets techniques en politique. Attachements, boîte noire, délégation, dingpolitik, flexibilité interprétative, ingénierie hétérogène, médiations, Parlement des choses, porte-parole, script, etc. : les STS ont ouvert une multitude de questions sur les objets techniques et proposé nombre d’opérateurs analytiques dont le présent appel offre l’occasion de retravailler la pertinence et l’articulation pour penser la politique des objets à la lumière de nouvelles enquêtes de terrain ou de nouveaux enjeux pour les sciences humaines et sociales.

La richesse de ces pistes est loin d’avoir épuisé toutes les questions ni d’avoir convaincu en dehors des cercles d’initiés — voir en particulier les réticences de Winner (1993) à considérer que les questions politiques aient entièrement été prises en charge par les STS. De plus, d’autres disciplines prennent en charge, et depuis longtemps, la question de la politique des objets. En effet, elle parcourt aussi bien la philosophie des techniques, l’ontologie orientée objet, la théorie critique, la psychologie environnementale, la sociologie politique, l’histoire et l’anthropologie des techniques, l’archéologie, la géographie, l’architecture, les sciences du design, les sciences politiques, le droit, l’économie, mais aussi les sciences de l’information et de la communication ou encore la littérature.

Pour Marx, le machinisme industriel donne une “réalité technique” aux rapports de production capitalistes (2010 [1867], p. 504), thématique reprise et travaillée par différentes traditions marxistes ultérieures (Castoriadis, 1975 ; Tronti, 1964) ; en phénoménologie, la technique a été pensée comme porteuse d’une manière de dévoiler le monde comme un fonds exploitable (Heidegger, 1953) ; l’analyse critique des dispositifs marchands a ouvert des pistes pour penser les entrelacs entre techniques de production industrielle, utopies politiques et fantasmagories (Benjamin, 1935) ; la théorie critique issue de l’École de Francfort a questionné la domination de la rationalité instrumentale associée à la société industrielle (Marcuse, 1968) ; l’écologie politique a pu s’alimenter à ces différents gestes, en questionnant le rôle de certains objets dans la domination des humains et de la nature (Gorz, 1975). Fournissant l’occasion de revisiter ces traditions-là, le présent appel souhaiterait susciter des réponses à des questions telles que celles-ci : comment saisir les modes d’existence et les principes d’individuation propres des objets afin de ne pas les réduire à un rôle d’instrument de l’action (Simondon, 2012) ? Comment penser le pouvoir politique des objets sans succomber à un déterminisme technique qui ne laisse pas place à la possibilité de mise en débat et de modification des propriétés et du rôle des objets (Feenberg, 1995, 2004) ? Comment les objets peuvent-ils être compris comme des agents politiques sans perdre leurs caractéristiques spécifiques ? Comment penser à la fois leur consistance ontologique propre et leurs modes d’inclusion dans des collectifs ? Sont-ils les dépositaires transparents d’une action, d’un code ou d’un programme, ou des entités opaques qui résistent à ce programme, qui le complexifient ? Quelles sont les échelles pertinentes pour identifier et étudier des objets politiques – l’objet d’usage, l’infrastructure (Jarrige et al., 2018), le réseau sociotechnique, voire les objets-monde (Serres, 1990) ? Comment humains et objets s’agencent-ils pour former des milieux dans lesquels s’insère l’action politique ?

Des contributions théoriques ou empiriques pouvant éclairer l’une ou l’autre de ces questions sont attendues de l’ensemble des disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales, de la littérature de science-fiction à la paléoanthropologie : la mise en question de la politique des objets touche de nombreux domaines et toutes les périodes historiques. 

Axe 2 : Participation et représentation 

Prendre au sérieux un rôle politique des objets nécessite d’affronter des questions qui ont trait à la représentation et à la participation politiques. Du côté de la représentation : en prolongeant les pistes ouvertes par les STS, qui peut se faire porte-parole non pas de sujets, mais d’objets ? À l’inverse, qui les objets représentent-ils ? Leurs concepteur·rice·s – et la représentation qu’ielles ont du monde social – ou des groupes plus larges, plus divers, moins visibles ? Dans quelles circonstances se construisent ces mécanismes de représentation ? Sont-ils le relais des intérêts d’un groupe au détriment d’autres ? Ou d’une orientation idéologique spécifique ? De telles questions croisent l’épistémologie (obtenir une représentation vraie ou juste) et la délégation politique, mais aussi des questions d’échelle et de description des objets et des actions associées. Elles peuvent également ouvrir des pistes de dialogue, par exemple, avec les historien·ne·s du politique qui, de plus en plus intéressé·e·s par la matérialité, ont entrepris d’étudier l’engagement des objets dans des actions situées en ne se restreignant pas aux objets porteurs de signes et de symboles (une plaque commémorative, une médaille, une banderole, un cadeau diplomatique), pour mettre la focale sur des objets qui n’étaient pas a priori perçus comme politiques : un phonographe ou une boîte de corned-beef (Brice, Fureix, 2022 ; Fletcher, 2021). Du côté de la participation : quels collectifs les objets favorisent-ils ? Ou, à l’inverse, empêchent-ils ou masquent-ils ? Comment animent-ils, ou au contraire dévitalisent-ils, les collectifs qui s’agrègent et s’affairent autour d’eux ?

Prenons un dispositif utilisé comme un kit sur mesure de démocratie participative : un microphone relié à un amplificateur (Pecqueux, 2020). Au cours d’un débat public, le micro fonctionne comme un dispositif d’audibilité et d’ordonnancement de la parole. Sa présence en contexte (et souvent l’obligation d’utilisation) permet d’être audible et fonctionne comme un bâton de parole individualisant (voire infantilisant) : chacun son tour, et chacun ne parle que lorsque lui échoit cet objet. Seulement, l’accomplissement d’un débat public ne remplit pas toujours ce programme : d’un sifflement à l’autre, la dynamique de circulation de micro ouvre une brèche de politisation par la mise en avant du collectif et du pluralisme, laissant place à de l’inattendu. Au lieu du bâton de parole performant un ordre préinscrit, il devient le support d’accomplissement d’une modalité de débat plus complexe : se mettre à plusieurs pour signaler à l’animateur une personne qui a réclamé le micro ; refuser le micro en signalant une personne prioritaire ou une parole plus urgente (« après vous », « lui d’abord ») ; prendre le micro pour le passer immédiatement à une autre personne… La participation devient plus collective à mesure que la trajectoire du micro dans la salle fait émerger un autre ordre, celui d’une priorisation, par exemple en direction des « premier·e·s concerné·e·s » par le débat, faisant de l’objet lui-même une partie prenante de cette dynamique politique. On peut ainsi rediscuter la notion d’affordance : tandis qu’elle semble s’inscrire dans l’idée d’un dispositif dont l’usage serait pré-écrit et s’accomplirait de manière quasi automatique (la boîte aux lettres appelle ma lettre à poster), la situation se complique lorsqu’on prête attention à l’objet qui porte ce potentiel d’action et à l’environnement institutionnel qui contribue à lui donner sens (Quéré, 1999). Ce dernier ne se limite pas à une action privilégiée par des concepteuri·ce·s tout·es·-puissant·es·s, mais donne accès à une palette d’actions possibles laissant une part d’inventivité aux usager·e·s et appelant à considérer pleinement la vie de l’objet (panne, effet Larsen, portée, etc.). C’était également la perspective travaillée Christian Bessy et Francis Chateauraynaud (2014, p. 287 sqq) en croisant les notions de prise, de repère et de pli dans le cas d’expert·e·s engagé·e·s dans des épreuves d’authentification avec toutes sortes d’objets. Pour revenir au débat public : le processus n’a rien de nécessairement vertueux ni de définitif : l’ordonnancement individualisant peut toujours devenir prééminent, durablement ou momentanément ; le micro peut également être l’occasion d’usages détournés ou déviants (par exemple : le confisquer en ne le rendant plus, donc en empêchant la circulation de la parole, etc.).

Le mic drop de Barack Obama après son discours lors du dîner des correspondants de la Maison-Blanche en 2016. Source : Wikipédia.

Cet exemple esquisse une manière de saisir, en même temps, la participation et la représentation de publics lors d’un débat, à partir de la circulation d’un objet technique ; on y voit un microphone contribuer à la performance d’une parole politique, l’animer suivant des règles accomplies en situation et l’ouvrir à la contingence. Toutefois, la politique des objets ne renvoie pas de manière privilégiée à des activités et des situations labellisées comme politiques (voter, participer à une instance délibérative, etc.), à la représentation du pouvoir en majesté (le couronne, le spectre, l’hermine, etc.) ni à des « symboles » de contestation (gilets jaunes ou casseroles dont toute l’épaisseur matérielle, en termes de rétroréflexion pour le gilet ou de sonorité métallique venue des cuisines pour les casseroles, resterait à décrire). Nous entendons donner une place à des comportements plus ordinaires, comme la façon de prendre ou non la parole et de prendre part à la bonne tenue d’une conversation à plusieurs (voir Dewey [1995] sur cette conception du politique comme irriguant les activités routinières de coordination). Autrement dit, des objets plus quotidiens que le micro, des “objets usuels” (Thévenot, 1993) appellent à relancer l’investigation sur la représentation et la participation politiques. C’est la perspective privilégiée par Noortje Marres, à partir des objets domestiques déployés dans le cadre d’initiatives d’habitat durable. Elle interroge « le rôle des technologies, des réglages et des objets dans la réalisation (performance) d’un engagement public » (Marres, 2012, p. 22-23), et, pour ce faire, examine la manière dont les dispositifs de mesure des émissions de carbone du chauffage et de la cuisine permettent aux citoyens-habitants de la maison de prendre de conscience de leur empreinte environnementale et de participer consciemment à l’engagement de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (ibid, p. 62-83). Voici donc les questions politiques relancées : ces objets de quantification nous permettent-ils de devenir des citoyens concernés par l’environnement ? La participation par les objets du quotidien (le smartphone, parmi une multitude d’exemples possibles) serait-elle avant tout individualiste ? Ou peut-elle, comme le micro circulant dans la salle, donner naissance à d’autres paroles et actions politiques ? Voici quelques-unes des pistes de réflexion que vise à alimenter ce second axe.

Nous n’évacuons pas pour autant les propositions portant sur des gestes militants dans la mesure où ceux-ci ne feraient pas de l’objet un simple symbole, mais travailleraient sa dimension matérielle propre. On peut penser par exemple aux mouvements féministes utilisant alternativement des cintres ou des représentations de clitoris dans l’espace public. Précisément, on pourra questionner ces objets en considérant qu’ils sont le produit d’une synthèse de travaux de dissection anatomique, de différentes étapes de modélisation, d’une mise à disposition des matrices pour imprimante 3D, avant de devenir des pochoirs ou des autocollants ; ce qui permet de ne pas les réduire à des “symboles de” et de renouveler les enquêtes à leur propos (il en irait de même pour les gilets jaunes ou les casseroles mentionnées plus haut).

À gauche, première version du clitoris d’Odile Fillod en 3D, réalisée en 2016. Source : Carrefour Numérique de la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie. À droite, fresque comportant la deuxième version du clitoris d’Odile Fillod, peint sur un mur à Genève, janvier 2024. Source : auteur·ice·s.

Axe 3 : Normativité et idéologies

Une autre manière de penser la politique des objets consisterait à interroger la normativité dont ceux-ci sont intrinsèquement porteurs. Y a-t-il une bienveillance de certains objets, à l’instar de celle travaillée en propre par Emmanuel Belin (2001) à partir de notions de Donald Winnicott (comme celle d’espace potentiel), puisque ce qu’il désigne comme “bienveillance dispositive” est bien une médiation technique, reposant sur la mise en place d’un environnement aménagé ? Y a-t-il des objets plus autoritaires ou plus démocratiques que d’autres (Mumford, 2021) ? Les objets peuvent-ils porter, à même leur matérialité, une idéologie ou les germes d’une société donnée que l’on pourrait analyser à la manière dont d’autres ont identifié, à partir de principes de justice et d’épreuves, des cités (Boltanski et Thévenot, 1991) ? Comment les idéologies des concepteur·rice·s — architectes, designer·eus·s, ingénieur·e·s, urbanistes, etc. – sont-elles intégrées dans les objets ? Les exigences spécifiques des objets — pour leur durabilité, leur stabilité, leur alimentation — dessinent-ils un ordre politique au détriment d’autres ? Les objets sont-ils traversés par une idéologie technicienne qui viendrait masquer les relations de pouvoir sous les aspects de la neutralité rationnelle (Habermas, 1975) ? Que deviennent les idéologies, si elles ne sont plus seulement comprises comme des justifications instituées d’un ordre matériel donné (Althusser, 1970), mais comme existant à même les objets ? Ces questions ont animé un article séminal sur la politique des objets : comment les objets incarnent-ils (embody) des options politiques déterminées et des décisions aux conséquences durables concernant l’ordre social (Winner, 1980) ? Et, de même que pour les objets militants précédemment mentionnés, ces interrogations ont également été celles de mouvements sociaux, dont le luddisme dans l’Angleterre du début du XIXe siècle, qui s’est manifesté par des épisodes de bris de machines comme autant de mises en doute et de résistances d’un ordre économique (Jarrige, 2009; Noble, 1995; Cachard, 2022) et qui peuvent être étudiés à nouveaux frais dans la perspective d’une histoire de la mise en politique d’objets — notamment quand on pense à l’étymologie plus ou moins fantasmée de sabotage, qui viendrait du jet des sabots des ouvriers dans les machines pour les abîmer ou les détruire.  

Pour évoquer un cas emblématique, les questions de normativité et d’idéologie ont jalonné l’intrusion brutale, le développement et les défaillances des objets produits par l’industrie nucléaire. Les bombardements d’Hiroshima et de Nagasaki en 1945 ont pu être compris comme annonciateurs d’un âge dont les traits seraient spécifiquement définis par cette technologie et son potentiel de destruction (Anders, 2008). Les discours des industriels et des représentants politiques ont cependant cherché à dessiner un nucléaire biface : d’un côté, le potentiel destructeur qu’il faut confiner ; de l’autre, la perspective d’une abondance énergétique, où le nucléaire ferait au contraire entrer le monde dans une société d’abondance pacifiée (Pottin, 2024). Le développement industriel de l’énergie nucléaire dans les années 1970 a fait naître d’autres figures de la politique des objets nucléaires parmi ses critiques : par son gigantisme, ses liens avec les usages militaires et son imposition sans débat démocratique, le nucléaire serait une technologie intrinsèquement autoritaire (Gorz, 1988). Pour la génération de militant·e·s des années 1970 (Cambourakis, Houdart et Gauthier, 2021 ; Starhawk, 2015 ; Touraine et al., 1980), le nucléaire est un objet intrinsèquement politique, porteur d’une idéologie technocratique et d’une organisation sociale rigide qui serait sa condition de possibilité — situation qui appelle, selon elles et eux, de nouvelles formes de contestation. En prenant leurs distances vis-à-vis des accents de déterminisme technique qui imprégnaient les critiques des années 1970-1980, la recherche sur le nucléaire a pu mettre au jour d’autres manières de penser la normativité et le mode d’existence des idéologies dans la technique – et ce en allant la chercher à même les objets du nucléaire. Dans le cas français, les réacteurs nucléaires ont été construits et conçus, jusque dans leur plan, comme des incarnations du “rayonnement” national dans le contexte de l’après-guerre (Hecht, 1998) ; quant aux déchets nucléaires entreposés sur différents sites, la reconnaissance de leur poids sur la communauté nécessite un travail préalable de mise en politique (Barthe, 2006). Mais cette dialectique plus subtile entre les objets nucléaires et la société n’en laisse pas moins ouverte une question : comment démanteler les objets qui font l’héritage matériel que nous lèguent les choix techniques passés (Bonnet et al., 2022), dont les conséquences nous engagent sur le long terme, et dont nous dépendons encore aujourd’hui ?

Affiche sous forme de faux journal, Comité antinucléaire de Bordeaux, ca. 1985.  Source : ficedl, site international d’affiches anarchistes, licence creative commons.

Nous invitons ici des contributions qui décriront finement les normativités et idéologies enchâssées ou attribuées aux objets, les enquêtes, les débats qui les entourent, ainsi que les arènes publiques de leur déploiement (Cefaï, 2016; Chateauraynaud, 2011) ; mais aussi des contributions plus conceptuelles qui pourront revenir sur des débats classiques sur ces sujets dans l’histoire des idées.


Pour appréhender en quoi un objet peut être qualifié de politique, nous invitons les contributeur·ice·s à ne pas considérer ces trois axes de retour sur les notions, sur la participation et la représentation et sur la normativité et l’idéologie comme formant des cheminements séparés ; ils dessinent ensemble l’ambition du numéro. Nous cherchons à réunir des propositions qui s’efforceront aussi bien de faire le point sur des contributions passées, que de proposer des voies originales de description et d’analyse des questions et problèmes soulevés par la politique des objets, par exemple dans le contexte environnemental présent. Loin de ne renvoyer qu’à une unique chapelle théorique ou de privilégier une approche méthodologique ou disciplinaire, ce numéro de Tracés a vocation à accueillir les contributions (articles, notes, entretiens ou traductions), dans toute leur diversité potentielle, qui prendront à bras le corps ces questions.

1 « Seen but unnoticed background expectancies » (Garfinkel, 1967, p. 36), soit « […] l’arrière-plan des activités quotidiennes, qui est vu dans l’attitude ordinaire sans que l’on y prête attention »  (trad. M. Barthélémy et L. Quéré, 2007, p. 99).

Modalités de soumission

L’appel à contribution a valeur de cadrage et permet la sélection des contributions en fonction de leur pertinence par rapport au thème et aux enjeux du numéro. Il a, en outre, vocation à suggérer aux rédacteur·ice·s potentiel·le·s quelques pistes générales de réflexion.


Les articles représentent des contributions originales à la recherche, qui suivent les normes habituelles de la production scientifique. Ils doivent tous se positionner par rapport à l’appel à contribution.

Différents types d’approches sont possibles, permettant de diversifier la manière d’aborder la thématique : nous accueillons tant des articles à vocation essentiellement théorique, que des contributions fondées sur des recherches empiriques, où les enjeux méthodologiques seront précisés et discutés.

Tracés étant une revue interdisciplinaire, les articles doivent pouvoir être compréhensibles et pertinents pour des lecteurs et des lectrices non spécialistes ; ils peuvent également faire appel à des méthodes et des références de plusieurs disciplines, ou interroger les présupposés ou les outils empiriques et théoriques d’une discipline à partir du point de vue d’une autre discipline. Les articles soumis ne peuvent excéder 50 000 signes (espaces, notes, et bibliographie incluses).


Nous publions des notes critiques qui présentent un ensemble de travaux (éventuellement un ouvrage en particulier), une controverse scientifique, ou l’état d’une question actuelle. Elles doivent dans tous les cas se rattacher explicitement à la thématique du numéro et permettre d’éclairer des orientations de recherche ou des débats inhérents à cette dernière, notamment pour des lecteurs et des lectrices non spécialistes des disciplines concernées.

Les notes soumises ne peuvent excéder 25 000 signes (espaces, notes, et bibliographie incluses).


Des entretiens avec des chercheurs, chercheuses ou d’autres expert·e·s des questions étudiées sont également publiés dans chaque numéro. Les contributeurs et les contributrices qui souhaiteraient en réaliser sont invité·e·s à prendre contact directement avec les coordinateurs du dossier : Marie Alauzen (,), Anthony Pecqueux ( et Ange Pottin (


Les traductions sont l’occasion de mettre à la disposition du public des textes peu ou pas connus en France et qui constituent un apport capital à la question traitée. Il doit s’agir d’une traduction originale. Le choix du texte devra se faire en accord avec les coordinateurs du dossier et le comité de rédaction ; les questions de droits devront être réglées en amont de la publication.

Recommandations pratiques

Il est donc demandé aux contributeur·ice·s de bien préciser pour quelle rubrique l’article est proposé. La soumission d’articles en anglais est également possible, mais si l’article venait à être retenu pour la publication, sa traduction nécessaire en français demeure à la charge de l’auteur·ice·s.

Les auteurs et autrices devront envoyer leur contribution (article complet) pour le 1er novembre  2024 aux coordinateurs du dossier (, et et à l’adresse Les auteur·ice·s peuvent, s’ils le souhaitent, en outre adresser un résumé (en indiquant le titre de leur contribution, la rubrique dans laquelle ils le proposent, ainsi qu’un bref résumé du propos) aux coordinateur·ice·s du dossier, pour leur faire part de leur intention de soumettre un article et entamer un premier dialogue avec l’équipe de coordination.

Chaque article est lu par un·e membre du comité de rédaction et par deux évaluateurs et évaluatrices extérieur-e-s. Nous maintenons l’anonymat des lecteurs et lectrices et des auteur·ice·s. À l’aide de ces rapports de lecture, le comité de rédaction de Tracés rend un avis sur la publication et décide des modifications à demander aux auteur·ice·s afin de pouvoir publier l’article. Dans le cas de propositions trop éloignées de l’appel à contribution ou des exigences scientifiques de la revue, le comité de rédaction se réserve le droit de rendre un avis négatif sur la publication sans faire appel à une évaluation extérieure. Hormis ces exceptions, une réponse motivée et argumentée est transmise aux auteur·ice·s suite à la délibération du comité de lecture.

Nous demandons aux contributeurs et contributrices de tenir compte des recommandations en matière de présentation indiquées sur notre site (

Les articles envoyés à la revue Tracés doivent être des articles originaux. L’auteur·ice s’engage à réserver l’exclusivité de sa proposition à Tracés jusqu’à ce que l’avis du comité de lecture soit rendu. Elle ou il s’engage également à ne pas retirer son article une fois que la publication a été acceptée et que l’article a été retravaillé en fonction des commentaires des lecteurs et lectrices.

NB : L’insertion d’images et de supports iconographiques en noir et blanc et en couleurs est possible en nombre limité (Précisez-le dans votre déclaration d’intention). Celles-ci doivent être livrées libres de droit (sauf exception, la revue ne prend pas en charge les droits de reproduction) ; elles limitent le nombre de signes à hauteur de 2500 signes par image pleine page, et de 1500 signes par image demi-format. Pour des projets spécifiques, il est possible de faire établir un devis pour un cahier hors-texte

We Are One – Honoring Immigrant Garment Workers’

2 months ago

We Are One – Honoring Immigrant Garment Workers’ exhibit by Rachel Bernstein and May Ying Chen at The American Labor Museum, May 1st – Aug. 24th, 2024

Haledon, New Jersey The American Labor Museum/Botto House National Landmark proudly opens the exhibit We Are One – Honoring Immigrant Garment Workers by Rachel Bernstein and May Ying Chen on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024.

We Are One – Honoring immigrant Garment Workers features historic photographs and more to celebrate the workers in garment manufacturing, many of whom were recent immigrants, who formed the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU). Composed of Jewish and Italian workers in the early 1900s, a wave of Puerto Rican and southern Black American workers joined the union by the 1950’s. After changes to immigration laws in 1965, they were soon joined by new waves of Asian and Latin American immigrants. Though often underestimated, immigrant women were always essential to the factories, the union, and the fight for safety laws.

Rachel Bernstein directs LaborArts, a website which presents exhibits collections, and events to further public understanding of the past and present lives of working people. Ms. Berstein researches, writes about and teaches American working-class history.  Until her retirement in 2009, May Ying Chen was the Manager of ILGWU Local 23-25, and Vice President of the International Union.  She continues organizing and educating workers through LaborArts, the Museum of Chinese Americans, and other organizations.

We Are One – Honoring Immigrant Garment Workers is on view at the Museum from May 1st through August 24th, 2024.  

This program is made possible in part by a grant administered by the Passaic County Cultural and Heritage Council from funds granted by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.

The Botto House National Landmark, headquarters of the American Labor Museum, is located at 83 Norwood Street in Haledon, NJ.  The Museum's hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9AM-5PM.  Visitors are welcome Wednesday through Saturday from 1PM-4PM and at other times by appointment.  For further information about the Museum, call 973-595-7953 and visit

Genealogies of Memory 2024 Gentry, Nobility and Aristocracy: the Post-Feudal Perspectives

2 months ago

The conference will take place in Warsaw at the Faculty of Modern Languages ​​at the University of Warsaw
(ul. Dobra 55) on 25-27 September 2024 in a hybrid format with possible online participation. 

The vital and complex role of the landowning elites in the political, economic, and cultural history of Europe has been extensively researched, resulting in a wealth of literature. However, the question of how this role has been remembered since the dissolution of these elites as a social class, and what the implications of this memory and legacy are for contemporary European societies, has only recently been addressed by sociologists, historians, and anthropologists.

The opening hypothesis of the conference is that post-feudal social structures, which were a consequence of the power dynamics between the landowners and peasants, can be examined through a perspective of the longue durée. The existence of landowners as a class was brought to an end by political decisions and revolutionary movements, or gradually transitioned into social and political systems based on more democratic principles. This led to various legacies from the past, modes of remembrance, and finally, legal and economic circumstances. These diverse trajectories serve as a reminder of the East-West dichotomy in Europe, as in part of Central and Eastern Europe the end of the landowners' domination came with bloodshed and violence, as part of the making of the ‘Bloodlands’. However, our aim is to go beyond this dichotomy and see whether schemes other than East-West can be employed to understand the diversity of the gentry, nobility and aristocracy history in Europe.

An illustration of this diversity is also the multitude of terms used to describe the phenomena we discuss and its internal stratification. While we use the ahistorical terms "landowners" or the „landowning elites” as the overarching terms for the purpose of this call for papers, we acknowledge that in different regional contexts, more specific categories such as gentry, nobility, and aristocracy are relevant. We also welcome discussion on the terms used in the papers.

Individual and collective memory of the gentry, nobility and aristocracy, and in a broader sense, of the post-feudal period with all its complexities, will, however, vary depending not only on how the landowners' era concluded, but also on its characteristics in different regions of Central and Eastern Europe. The landowning elites might have shared the same ethnicity and religion as the subordinate classes, or they could have been of different backgrounds, such as in Eastern Galicia, where Poles owned vast swathes of land populated by ethnic Ukrainians. They could have also belonged to the titular nation of the nation-state, as in interwar Poland, or been ethnically connected to another nation, as was the case with the German aristocracy in interwar Czechoslovakia. Its social and political standing, as well as its proportion within the general population, could range from significant, as seen in Hungary, to marginal, as observed in Romania. Moreover, the gentry, nobility and aristocracy could either be the sole elite in the country or blend, compete with, or even give rise to other influential groups, as exemplified by the Polish intelligentsia. Lastly, the current status of the landowning elites and their (former) property varies greatly across Europe: from regions where its status was never formally challenged, such as in Great Britain, to countries where extensive (re)privatization laws were enacted after the collapse of communism, like in the Czech Republic and Lithuania, and to the post-Soviet states of Ukraine and Belarus, where the issue of reprivatization was never politicized and remains largely absent from public discourse.

With this complex agenda in mind, we want to approach the topic of this conference in a comparative and contextualised perspective. We wish to pose questions about memory of the gentry, nobility and aristocracy as inscribed in the official narrative, vernacular beliefs, cultural practices and art. We will have a close look at the approach to the their material heritage, the role its history and legacy plays in maintaining collective identities on the local and national levels, as well as the complexity of the legal constraints involved. We will be interested in broadening our approach to the dynamics of the social relations between various actors and seeing among them not only the landowning elites and peasantry, but also Jews in their traditional and less conventional roles, city dwellers as a counter-community, rich bourgeoisie as the competing and/or aspiring class, and intelligentsia with its multifaceted role. Thus, we will include the internal and external perspective of various memory actors and keepers. Additionally, our key focus will be the material heritage: objects, buildings and spaces as spheres of interference, contested property battleground and non-sites of difficult memories.
The proposed papers might address, but not be limited, to the following issues:

• How did the memory of the landowning elites, their role and status change over the time? What were the dividing lines or the turning points? 
• What is the group memory dynamics among the descendants of the gentry, nobility and aristocracy themselves, among people with peasant origins, and in local village communities where once the gentry resided?
• What are the main determinants of this memory – how are violence, power relations and class dependencies remembered?
• How can the longue durée of the post-feudal social mechanisms and structures be discovered in the cultural memory, values and elements of the identity of different social groups?
• How are various aspects of the gentry, nobility and aristocracy ethos perceived in contemporary social life, art and culture?
• Who endeavours to uphold this ethos as the ethos of their own group – in other words, who currently belongs to the group that regards the landowning elites’ legacy as its own?

• How the ways the post-feudal system was dissolved in different countries influenced the memory of the gentry, nobility and aristocracy?
• How the categories of guilt, victimhood and historical justice have been employed in the narratives about the end of these groups’ domination on various levels (local, group, national)?
• How is the violence against the gentry, nobility and aristocracy that accompanied their dissolution as a social strata – physical, political and symbolic – remembered today?
• In which form, if any, is the past social order reactivated if an estate is bought by a new owner?  How does such new ownership, be it by descendants of a historical landowning family, or by new people,  resonate with the legacy of the past?
• How did the memory and survival strategies of the gentry, nobility and aristocracy families form and evolve during the communist and post-communist period?

• What is the status of the material heritage of the gentry, nobility and aristocracy – manors, parks and palaces? To what extent is it considered common heritage – by local communities, by the national community, and by authorities on various levels?
• What does the memoryscape of such places look like?
• What are the commemorative practices connected with such spaces?
• Does the issue of the post-1989 (re)privatisation influence attitudes towards the landowning elites’ material heritage?
• What is the specificity of memory related to the gentry, nobility and aristocracy in various European countries? Is the East-West division the main important one?
• Is the memory of the aristocracy different from the memory of the lower nobility, or landowners without noble titles? How does the social and political diversification of the landowning elites in the past influence its memory today?
• Which historical factors influence the collective and individual memory, as well as memorial practices?
• Is the overlapping of class, ethnicity and religion in the past decisive for the contemporary memory of the landowning elites and post-feudality?
• Is there any specific memory of the Jewish landed gentry?
• Can any parallels be found outside Europe? What is the postcolonial aspect of the landowning elites’ historical presence in these countries?

We welcome submissions from memory studies, heritage studies, and other related disciplines. The comparative approach will be particularly welcome.

Organisational information
The conference will take place in Warsaw on 25-27 September 2024 in a hybrid format with possible online participation.
The conference language is English. The organisers provide accommodation for the participants. There is no conference fee.

Organiser le pouvoir ouvrier. Le laboratoire opéraïste de la Vénétie (1960-1973) (French)

2 months ago

Auteur: Marie Thirion

Du point de vue opéraïste, les travailleurs de la chimie sont l’incarnation d’une classe ouvrière montrant la voie à suivre. L’intervention à ses côtés semble d’autant plus urgente que le secteur se prépare à se mobiliser pour le renouvellement des conventions collectives à la suite des métallurgistes. Ces derniers ne sont pas parvenus à surmonter la division entre public et privé, ni à créer les conditions d’une lutte commune.

Les opéraïstes sont convaincus que les chimistes peuvent éviter ces écueils en portant des revendications pertinentes (notamment sur le temps de travail et l’augmentation des effectifs) et en s’assurant de pouvoir généraliser et contrôler eux-mêmes la lutte. Pour les opéraïstes, la classe ouvrière est désormais seule face au capital. Ce sont “les premiers pas vers un nouveau type d’organisation, totalement autonome” qu’ils croient déceler dans les grèves de l’été 1963. Quant au reflux de la conflictualité ouvrière qui suit, il est inter- prété comme un refus de suivre les syndicats, et non comme un refus de la lutte.

Aux « années de plomb » italiennes est associée la violence de groupes radicalisant la contestation issue de Mai 68. Parmi eux figure l’opéraïsme, courant marxiste né en Italie au début de la décennie. Loin du cliché d’une extrême gauche enfermée dans ses spéculations théoriques et condamnée à sombrer dans une fuite en avant mortifère, l’histoire que retrace Marie Thirion restitue toute l’ampleur d’un mouvement ancré dans la classe ouvrière. Cette tentative de mener une lutte autonome, détachée des bureaucraties syndicales et politiques, fait écho à tout questionnement sur l’articulation entre production intellectuelle et mobilisation des travailleurs.

Marie Thirion est agrégée d’italien et docteure à l’université Grenoble Alpes. Elle a mené une enquête sociologique et historique au chevet de la mémoire ouvrière et militante italienne, dont elle a tiré son premier livre.

Women and Ports. Re-evaluating a Gendered Space

2 months ago

Despite its dynamic and multifaceted character, the port is often presented as a masculine place where men worked, sought entertainment and traveled from and to. In the 43rd edition of the Yearbook of Women’s History, with guest editor Irene Jacobs (Maritiem Museum Rotterdam), we want to question this stereotypical image by focusing on women who worked and lived in the port, who arrived or sailed from there, and the gendered constructions that shaped this environment.

Women and Ports. Re-evaluating a Gendered Space

Ports have played an important role in history as spaces of transit and transitions, of encounters and exchanges, of comings and goings. As nodes in trading networks and hubs of economic activity, ports serve as dynamic meeting spaces for peoples and cultures throughout time. Ports were also zones of conflict, spaces where wars and battles were fought, and where interests and convictions clashed. For some, ports signified freedom and possibilities; for others – such as enslaved people – captivity and extraction.

Despite its dynamic and multifaceted character, the port is often presented as a masculine place where men worked, sought entertainment and traveled from and to. In the 43rd edition of the Yearbook of Women’s History, with guest editor Irene Jacobs (Maritiem Museum Rotterdam), we want to question this stereotypical image by focusing on women who worked and lived in the port, who arrived or sailed from there, and the gendered constructions that shaped this environment. The volume wants to emphasize that women were and are active participants in all sections of the maritime industry on shore. From the repairing of nets, the selling of fish, making navigational instruments, housing sailors or keeping inns, to the maintaining of communities while the men were away at sea: women were key players in maritime societies. This new volume aims to travel to many ports around the world to investigate the role women have played in ports from economic, political, social, and cultural perspectives. In doing so, the volume will help scholars gain the broadest possible insight into the actions and influences of women in the port areas and the influence of the port on women from ancient times to the present.

In doing so, the volume focuses on the following questions: How were ports considered as a gendered space? Which forms of cultural expression did ports produce, and which role did gender play in them? Why do we know so little about women working, living, and staying in ports? Which (new) sources or methodologies could change this? From a more socio-economic perspective, this volume also considers the jobs and positions women held and their contribution to the maritime sector. How were gender roles imposed or negotiated in port labour? Was there occupational segregation, and in which jobs do we see the largest distributions? Which labour was traditionally seen as female labour, and why? Which roles did women take up in the port environment?

In addition to women, this collection also aims to focus on the broader effect of gender and the role of femininity and masculinity in the port. In this way, this collection touches on various intersections of gender with other political, socioeconomic, and cultural phenomena in the port.

We welcome contributions that employ different scales of analysis from all over the world, written by (academic) researchers, teachers, museum professionals, and other cultural and heritage experts. We are looking for articles that vary in length (3000-6000 words) and are written in Dutch or English. We also want to encourage authors to send in more creative expressions of (academic) writing, such as essays, image essays, or poems. Abstracts (200-300 words) written in English or Dutch are to be submitted by 1 June 2024 to

Possible topics include:
- Women who worked in maritime industries ashore
- The port as a gendered place
- Women and slavery in ports
- Women’s roles in ports
- Women’s agency in ports
- Transoceanic perspectives on women in ports
- Gender, women, and criminality in ports
- Female piracy and ports
- Stigma, maritime world, and ports
- Ports and (ideas and practices of) masculinity and femininity

Important dates:
1 June 2024: Deadline for abstracts.
15 June 2024: Information concerning acceptance will be sent to the writers.
1 October 2024: Submission deadline first drafts to be submitted to editorial/peer review.
1 June 2025: Submission deadline for final versions


Displaced, Exiled: Thinking and Making Europe through the Experience of Exile and Displacement (20th–21st century)

2 months ago

Clermont-Ferrand (France), 25-27 November 2024

The conference “Displaced, Exiled: Thinking and making Europe through the experience of exile and displacement” will explore the role of displaced and exiled populations in the construction of Europe, whether they came from European countries or other regions of the world. Taking a resolutely multi-disciplinary approach, it will especially focus on the period that began with the Spanish Civil War and the outbreak of the Second World War, although it will not exclude looking at earlier periods. The central question will be to examine how these populations conceived of and made Europe — how they contributed to its construction, or on the contrary to its failure.

Displaced, Exiled: Thinking and Making Europe through the Experience of Exile and Displacement (20th–21st century)

At the end of the Second World War, Europe faced the twofold challenge of restoring peace and rebuilding, as well as confronting the displacement and exile of millions of people as a result of the war and the Holocaust. In the ensuing decades, decolonization and the violent conflicts connected to it induced further movements that came on top of and intertwined with previous displacements, including those whom historian Andrea Smith has referred to as “invisible migrants”. Since then, Europe has never ceased to be “on the move”, to use the phrase coined by sociologist Eugen Kulischer, himself a Jewish refugee of Russian origin who arrived in the United States in 1941. This also brings to mind the boat people of the 1970s, those displaced by the Yugoslav Wars in the 1990s, and more recently Ukrainian refugees. Europe continues to be confronted with population displacements in the twenty-first century, contending with a major challenge over the last decade: in 2015 alone, one million people crossed the Mediterranean on their way to what Aleida Assmann has called the “European dream”.

The conference “Displaced, Exiled: Thinking and making Europe through the experience of exile and displacement”, to be held in Clermont-Ferrand from 25-27 November 2024, will explore the role of displaced and exiled populations in the construction of Europe, whether they came from European countries or other regions of the world. Taking a resolutely multi-disciplinary approach, the conference will especially focus on the period that began with the Spanish Civil War and the outbreak of the Second World War, although it will not exclude looking at earlier periods. The central question will be to examine how these actors conceived of and made Europe — how they contributed to its construction, or on the contrary to its failure. We will explore how these populations experienced European conflicts, violence, and control mechanisms, in other words the resources, uses, representations, and statements that have shaped this Europe on the move.

We notably seek to question not only what Europe is and wants to be, but also its transnational dynamic and ability to respect the norms and values it affirms, human rights in particular, as demonstrated by the recent pantheonization of Missak and Mélinée Manouchian in France. We thereby hope to confront Europe with its history and memory. The conference ties in with research that approaches Europe through the prism of its multiple movements, such as Eugen Kulischer's Europe on the Move, Klaus Bade's Europa in Bewegung, and more recently Aleida Assmann's Der Europäische Traum, in addition to Peter Gatrell's The Great Migration. Special emphasis will be given to three topics: spatial reconfigurations, the experience of regulatory frameworks, and representations of Europe in the face of exile and population displacement.

The conference is part of the commemorations held each year by the University of Clermont Auvergne to honour victims of the raid that occurred in Clermont-Ferrand on 25 November 1943. The topic of this year’s conference is highly symbolic, as it marks the 85th anniversary of the University of Strasbourg’s arrival in Clermont-Ferrand, as well as the 80th anniversary of the return of Strasbourg’s exiles from Clermont-Ferrand to Alsace.

Proposals for papers (maximum 500 words), accompanied by a brief CV (maximum 1 page), should be sent before 15 June 2024 to the following address:

Participants' travel and accommodation costs will be covered. The working languages of the conference will be French and English.

Scientific Committee:
Laura CALABRESE (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique), Dorota DAKOWSKA (Science Po, Aix en Provence), Corine DEFRANCE (CNRS, Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne), Karim FERTIKH (Science Po Strasbourg), Oscar FREÁN-HERNANÁNDEZ (Université de Lyon 2), Ségolène PLYER (Université de Strasbourg), Brian SHAEV (Leiden University), Lina VENTURAS (Panteion University, Athènes)


Where is the Sex in Sex Work History? Accessing sexual practices through histories of sex work and prostitution

2 months ago
Workshop at Freie Universität Berlin, 10-11 November 2024

In the past decades, the history of commercial sex has become a burgeoning field of research. While early scholarship confined “prostitution” to the fields of social history and women’s history, the past decade has witnessed a broadening of perspectives and methodological approaches – from cultural history to global history and histories of labor, gender, the body, and sexualities. Despite the development of the field and the evident centrality of sex to sex work, it is precisely these sex practices that have received the least analytical attention in historical research. This stems in part from the methodological difficulties involved in accessing past sexual practices and experiences in historical sources. It might also be due to the “respectability” politics that historians engage in when trying to research sex work while avoiding the “prostitution stigma” attached to the topic and to the subjects who performed it. By focusing on governmental perspectives, social and economic factors, and media and social constructions of “prostitution”, historians could attempt to avoid the sex of sex work. Nevertheless, as trends in the fields of the history of sexuality and queer histories have shown, concrete sexual practices are situated in specific times and social environments.

Histories of sexuality have increasingly moved away from a focus on discourse and policing and towards a study of sexual practices and experiences. We propose using the sources and methodologies used by historians of sex work/prostitution to give us an insight into the sexual practices and the subjectivities of historical actors more generally. In doing so, we can also fight back against the stigma surrounding this topic, and against “respectability” politics, by openly and analytically discussing the still-taboo topic of sex practices in the history of sex work and prostitution. The goal of this workshop is to bring the sex of sex work into the centre of historical analysis and to thus truly integrate histories of sex work into histories of sexuality. We also hope to bring the history of sex work closer to queer history, where commercial sex so far had a problematic status since the sex of sex work was and is not associated with the leisure or sexual identity of the sex worker. We plan to explore the methodological, theoretical, and ethical dimensions of researching the histories of sexual practice and sexuality through sex work and prostitution history.

We welcome submissions that address one or more of the following questions (as well as all submissions that engage with the histories of sexual practice and sexuality in the field of sex work/prostitution from a variety of perspectives and methodologies):

- How do we access sexual practices in historical sources?
- Many sources used in sex work history are regulatory and transmit governmental and institutional perspectives, such as police reports, court records, and medical examinations: how can we best use these sources while still acknowledging their limits and biases?
- What methodologies can be made fruitful for the history of sex work and prostitution, especially when examining body and sex practices?
- How can we meaningfully frame, analyze, compare, and differentiate sexual practices and sexual identities in our work?
- How do historical actors themselves distinguish between sex for pleasure, sex for work, and other types of sex, how do they discuss sexual practices in general, and what topics do they engage in or avoid?
- What can this research add to the history of sexuality, gender history, and queer/trans- histories?
- What are the ethical concerns in this approach, and how can we approach our subjects’ voices and experiences while (as historians and researchers) avoiding voyeurism and over-sexualisation of the historical actors?

Submissions from all disciplines are welcome (and we hope to have a fruitful interdisciplinary exchange), as long as they have a historical perspective. We especially welcome submissions from MA students, PhD students and early career researchers. Please send an abstract of 250 words and a short bio to by the 5th July 2024. Please indicate whether you can get funding from your institution or require financial assistance to attend the workshop, as we have a limited budget.

10.10-11.10.2024, Freie Universität Berlin

Organised by Working Group: Sex work history (Adrina Schulz (Zurich), Alisha Edwards (Bochum), Annalisa Martin (Greifswald), Nora Lehner (Vienna/FU Berlin), Priska Komaromi (HU Berlin), Sonja Dolinsek (Magdeburg)


Nora Lehner (

Rock, Activism and Liberation (1950-2020)

2 months ago

Université de Rouen Normandie, GRHis - Le 106, 12-14 March 2025

The objective of this conference is to take a closer look at the various forms of activism and empowerment of rock and contemporary music performers, through their work, their positions and their career, focusing in particular on activism based on a desire for liberation and in opposition to ideological, social, economic, cultural or religious norms. These topics will be addressed within a broad chronology, from the aftermath of the Second World War to the present day, through all types of music that fall within the loose definition of "rock", and on the basis of deliberately interdisciplinary approach.


International conference organised by Jean-Christophe Aplincourt, Pascal Dupuy and Joann Élart


In the collective consciousness, Woody Guthrie (1912-1967) represents the embodiment of a musician fighting social and economic injustices. One of the most renowned singers of the first half of the twentieth-century, Guthrie, in a testament to his conviction of the power of music and lyrics, inscribed on his guitar, "This machine kills fascists." John Steinbeck even associated him with the spirit of freedom and resistance that animates the American people. The reality, as revealed to us by his biographers, suggests a musician whose progressive ideological commitment needs to be partially tempered. Nevertheless, despite his ambiguities, he represents a singer who, through his words, courageously expressed his convictions against oppression and in favor of freedom of expression. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly for rock fans, he was the artist who inspired Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen in the United States and Joe Strummer (known as Woody during his pre-Clash years) in the United Kingdom, three emblematic figures of the politically engaged musician of the last third of the twentieth century. Similarly, though more discreetly, there have been a number of bands / singer-songwriters who have displayed support for right-wing and/or extremist ideologies. A tradition of political commitment from various ideological perspectives animates rock music and can be traced back to individual charismatic musicians from the past. This tradition is constantly being reified, renewed, and reshaped by new generations of musicians.

Political activism in songs is obviously not a new phenomenon. From the ballads of the Middle Ages through to the songwriters of the nineteenth and twentieth-centuries, various crises (wars, revolts, uprisings, revolutions) inspired the creation of music that was like a weapon, utilized by activists and feared by authorities. Rock music and all its variations have also never been immune from political discourse, even if in the case of a genre born in the early 50s, it has occasionally appeared naïve or rather superficial. Similarly, in recent decades this political awareness has been transformed into a device for empowerment, raising awareness on many fronts, from the defense of a number of major environmental causes to the fight against sexual, social, political and economic injustice on a global scale

The objective of this conference is to take a closer look at the various forms of activism and empowerment of rock and contemporary music performers, through their work, their positions and their career, focusing in particular on activism based on a desire for liberation and in opposition to ideological, social, economic, cultural or religious norms. These topics will be addressed within a broad chronology, from the aftermath of the Second World War to the present day, through all types of music that fall within the loose definition of "rock", and on the basis of deliberately interdisciplinary approach. Proposals from historians, sociologists, musicologists and political scholars are particularly welcome. Proposals must address one of the following predefined topics:

Theme 1. Creation, activism and emancipation

At its inception, rock music was decidedly apolitical. However, beginning with the political turmoil of the 1960s and continuing to the present, bands and singer-songwriters have tackled controversial topics and engaged actively in the cultural conflicts, social causes, and political battles of their day. The papers in this section will interrogate the positions adopted by musicians through their statements, music, and activism with regard to contemporary controversial issues; artists who became generational spokespersons; and music and musicians that became counter-cultural touchstones.

Theme 2. Promoting activism

Papers in this section will focus on venues for music and activism. More specifically, papers will address concerts and festivals as platforms for promoting activism and expressing empowerment, and solidarity. These spaces of communion brought together artists and their audiences in support of particular causes and shared values.

Theme 3. Activism and protest

The second aspect of public activism involves protest concerts and rallies. In addition to humanitarian causes, artists can also take part in major protest events. The artists' notoriety helps to publicize the struggle or to legitimize their beliefs to a wider community. In addition to the organization of these events, the causes and the role of the artists - a whole range of issues that could be the subject of communications - this section welcome papers on international organizations (UNICEF, UN, Amnesty International, etc.) for whom these major media concerts become an extraordinary mass communication tool and a means of federating or attracting new supporters.

Theme 4. Empowerment and cultural sector

What are the effects of a song or concert on personal liberation? How does one become involved in supporting a cause and how is the activism of an artist and/or their audience generated? Does the cultural sector promote these emancipatory impulses or, on the contrary, does it seek to normalize, appropriate or erase them? 

This section will address issues relating to radio, television, cinema, the press, record companies, social networks, advertising, etc. In an attempt to gauge the attitudes of the above to activism and empowerment, the following questions are amongst the many that can be asked: how does the cultural sector serve a cause or, on the contrary, manipulate it? What role have records companies played in the ideological disputes that emerged over the last fifty years.

Theme 5. SMAc and emancipation: assessment and current situation

The Scènes de Musiques Actuelles (live music venues) were created by a mix of players and by public authorities, and are dedicated to a variety of practices (concerts, rehearsals, creation, cultural action, etc.). Created in the 1980s, these venues have spread across France and have had a transformative effect on the cultural and artistic landscape. However, this emergence is now subject to the test of time, and the SMAc, like all organizations, are faced with queries about their future. This uncertainty and these questions raise fundamental interrogations such as whether empowerment is transitive. If so, can a collective body such as these be sustainably liberating? What historical examples can we point to? Popular education, trade unions, the associative movement and cooperatives all have points in common, as do certain public services (social security, museums, theatres, music conservatoires, etc.). By broadening the scope, it is certainly possible to identify solidarities, similarities and historical points of reference in order to place the Scènes de Musiques Actuelles epic more firmly within the context of numerous civic movements and thus update their perspectives. If we consider them over the long run, we are not only taking reality into account, but also reinventing a new relevance for each time period, thus making new futures possible on the basis of contemporary thinking. These reflections and questions will be at the heart of Theme 5, which invites anyone involves with the Scènes de Musiques Actuelles to submit a paper.

Conditions of Registration

Proposals for papers should be sent in either French or English and addressed to Pascal Dupuy ( and Joann Élart (

before 30 June 2024.

They should include the paper’s title, a brief abstract (1000 characters maximum), and a short bibliography (500 characters maximum).

Papers accepted by the scientific committee will have to be presented in French or in English.

Unfortunately, we are unable to cover travel expenses (special conditions will be granted to doctoral students), but meals and accommodation will be provided for all participants.

Organising committee
  • Jean-Christophe Aplincourt (106, directeur)
  • Nathalie Cordier (106, responsable action culturelle)
  • Pascal Dupuy (université de Rouen Normandie, Maître de conférences, historien)
  • Joann Élart (université de Rouen Normandie, Maître de conférences, musicologue
Scientific committee
  • Jean-Christophe Aplincourt (106, directeur)
  • Pascal Dupuy (université de Rouen Normandie, Maître de conférences, historien)
  • Joann Élart (université de Rouen Normandie, Maître de conférences, musicologue)
  • Stéphane Escoubet (université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, PRAG, musicologue)
  • Gérôme Guibert (Sorbonne Nouvelle, Professeur des universités, sociologue)
  • Christophe Pirenne (Université de Liège, Professeur, musicologue)
  • Florence Tamagne (Université de Lille III, Maître de conférences, historienne)
  • Sophie Victorien (CNRS, CLAMOR UAR 3726, Ingénieure de recherche, historienne)
Bibliographic references

Baker Catherine, The Routledge Handbook of Popular Music and Politics of the Balkans, Routledge, 2024, 704 p. 

Carlet Yasmine, Stand Down Margaret ! L’engagement de la musique populaire britannique contre les gouvernements Thatcher, Clermont-Ferrand, Éditions Mélanie Séteun, 2004, 114 p. [en ligne sur OpenEdition Books]

Delmas Yves, Gancel Charles, Protest song. La chanson contestataire dans l’Amérique des sixties, Paris, Textuel, 2005.

Guibert Gérôme, « Détourner le contrôle ? Le cas de la Fédération des lieux de musiques actuelles », Sociologies pratiques, 2011/1, n° 22, p. 79-92 [en ligne sur CAIRN]

Peddie Jan, Popular Music and Human Rights, Routledge, 2012, 222 p. 

Reed Thomas, « Famine, Apartheid and the Politics of “Agit-Pop”- Music as (Anti)colonial Discourse », Cercles, n° 3, 2001 (Musique Populaire Britannique et Americaine: Subversion et/ou Divertissement ?), p. 96-113 [en ligne et téléchargeable]

Seca Jean-Marie, Carlet Yasmine, « Vingt ans de Live Aid : comment le charity rock a-t-il transformé l’engagement politique en musique populaire », Cahiers de psychologie politique n°7, juillet 2005 (Musiques et politique), p. 16-40, 2007 [en ligne]

Renton David, Never again. Rock Against Racism and the Anti-Nazi Leaugue (1976-1982), Routledge Books, 2018.

Springer Robert. « Chuck Berry: conformiste ou contestataire ? », Cercles, n° 3, 2001 (Musique Populaire Britannique et Americaine: Subversion et/ou Divertissement ?), p. 96-113 [en ligne et téléchargeable]

Cologne Lectures: Global Labour History between Colonialism and Development Policy (English/German)

2 months 1 week ago

This summer semester, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung is participating in the "Cologne Lectures" organised by the Historical Institute of the University of Cologne. We cordially invite you to the four events of the lecture series "Global Labour History between Colonialism and Development Policy". The FES itself is represented with a contribution on our work in Africa.


30 April 2024 (17:45 to 19:15)

Global Labour History: An Interim Assesment

Prof. Dr. Marcel van der Linden (University of Amsterdam)


28 May 2024 (17:45 to 19:15)

Labour in Rural and Agricultural Development Schemes: Reducing or Deepening Inequalities? A Twentieth-Century Perspective

Prof. Dr. Corinna Unger (European University Institute Florenz)


11 June 2024 (17:45 bis 19:15)

Anschluss an den Weltmarkt: Infrastrukturbau in den deutschen Kolonien, ca. 1880 - 1914

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nina Kleinöder (Universität Bamberg)


09. July 2024 (17:45 to 19:15)

Solidarität und Arbeit postkolonial!? Die Demokratieförderung der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Afrika

Dr. Henrik Maihack (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)


For online access via Zoom, please send an email to


Best regards

Stefan Müller

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e. V.
Archiv der sozialen Demokratie

XVI Nordic Labour History Conference 2025: Labouring lives at the intersection of institutions, structures, and experiences

2 months 2 weeks ago

Tampere University, Finland from 7-10 May 2025


Deadline for session and paper proposals: October 31, 2024

Notification of acceptance: November 29, 2024


The XVI Nordic Labour History Conference, taking place at Tampere University, Finland from 7th to 10th May 2025, continues the trajectory set forth by previous conferences in Copenhagen 2022 and Reykjavík 2016 of broadening the scope of labour history with new approaches. This includes defining what constitutes labour, examining where labour occurs and under what conditions, reconsidering the notions of the working class and ‘the worker,’ and acknowledging diverse forms of labour organising, collective action as well as working-class culture.

Operating under the thematic umbrella of Labouring lives at the intersection of institutions, structures, and experiences, the conference seeks to spotlight different factors that have shaped the lives of workers in the Nordic region and beyond. We will explore the challenges faced by the Nordic welfare state and social democracy, as well as disruptions in the labor market. Additionally, we will address topics such as labour coercion, gender equality, and the evolving perspectives within the histories of colonialism and indigenous peoples that prompt a reexamination of labour history. We are also keen to explore methodologies and embrace new opportunities presented by digital tools in the historical study of labour.

The conference invites contributions from both established and emerging fields within the realm of labour history. It will feature the following recurring tracks (find details on the conference website

• Labour Market in Times of Crisis
• Controlled and Disciplined Workers
• Feminist Labour History
• Idols, Oddballs and Human Beings – Biography in Nordic Labour History
• Digital Labour History
• The Intertwined History of Labour, Colonialism and Indigenous People in the Nordic and Arctic Region
• Oral History and Labour Culture
• Borders and Border Crossings in Labour History
• Working-Class Literary Culture in Nordic Countries and Beyond.

Within or outside these tracks, proposals are invited for 90-minute sessions, including three papers and discussion with possible commentators. Session proposals should include the session title, a brief abstract (maximum 1000 words), and the names of all participants with their contact information. The person submitting the proposal can chair the session or provide the name of a chairperson. The conference also welcomes proposals for individual papers, from which the organizers will form sessions. Each paper proposal should include a title, a 300-word abstract, the name/s of presenter/s, and contact information. All abstracts should introduce the object of the study, aims, and scope, as well as source material.

Paper and session proposals within the thematic tracks will be reviewed by the conference organising team in collaboration with the coordinators responsible for each track. Paper and session proposals outside the tracks will be reviewed by the organizing team.

We encourage researchers proposing sessions within or outside the tracks to collaborate and exchange ideas well in advance to ensure session coherence. Each session should ideally include contributions from three different countries. Accepted individual papers will be grouped into sessions with attention to both topic and cross-Nordic exchange. Please note that each participant can deliver only one presentation at the conference.

The conference’s primary language is English, but we also consider proposals for sessions and papers in Nordic languages.

Please submit your proposal by 31st October 2024 through this form:

For further information, please contact or the organisers of the thematic tracks.

World History Bulletin | Spring 2024: "Water in World History"

2 months 2 weeks ago

The Spring 2024 issue of the World History Bulletin, “Water in World History,” is dedicated to the question of how water has shaped and continues to shape the human world historical experience.

Call for Papers | World History Bulletin | Spring 2024: "Water in World History"

World History Bulletin is seeking quality research essays, experiential learning case studies, and classroom activities for inclusion in its upcoming Spring 2024 issue, “Water in World History.”

Historians and archaeologists have for some time acknowledged the role of water management in the formation and development of civilization. The role of water in shaping human history is not limited to past experience, however. In The American Future: A History, historian Simon Schama argues that “future history” will be determined by competition for water. The Spring 2024 issue of the World History Bulletin, “Water in World History,” is dedicated to the question of how water has shaped and continues to shape the human world historical experience.

The Bulletin is interested in a range of topics related to the theme of water in world history, including:

- The role of water in nation-state formation, from earliest human times to the modern age.
- How access to water (or the lack of it) has influenced social outcomes historically, including the shaping of societies.
- How water has influenced cultural development, from religious practices among the peoples of the Indus Valley to the “water wars” of the American West.
- The role of water in determining economic outcomes, from vital oases facilitating trans-Saharan trade and the rise of the Sahelian kingdoms of West Africa to the impact of piracy in the Red Sea on modern global economies.
- Historical lessons Case studies examining how instructors have used water as a defining feature of course instruction.
- Interdisciplinarity and water in world history.
- Recent trends in water in world history research.
- Historiographies of theories and practice of water in world history.

World History Bulletin therefore invites contributions to a thematic issue on water in world history. We are especially interested in articles that share fresh research or historiographical perspectives which explore the questions of water in world history; present innovative teaching at all levels that employs techniques related to sustainability and resource availability in world history; or explore the connection between student engagement and world history as a result of coursework related to the theme “water in world history.” We also welcome short interviews with designers, artists, writers, and scholars and small roundtables on a book, film, or other work.

Submission Guidelines: Research and pedagogical articles should range between 1,500 and 8,000 words in length, including endnote text. The Bulletin accepts submissions which adhere to the style, format, and documentation requirements as outlined in the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. The Bulletin uses endnote citations, rather than footnote citations. Text of submissions should be spelled according to American English standard usage (e.g., favorite, rather than favourite). Submissions should be written in past tense, rather than the literary present, and passive voice should be avoided.

Submission Deadline: May 15, 2024

Essays and questions should be directed to Joseph M. Snyder, Editor-in-Chief of World History Bulletin, at

Contact (announcement)

Joseph M. Snyder

Confronting Decline – Challenges of Deindustrialization in European Societies since the 1970s

2 months 2 weeks ago

Luxembourg, 25-27 June 2025

Since the 1970s, deindustrialization has fundamentally changed Western societies, their industrial-economic base and their sociostructural composition. Beginning in the United States, the decline in industrial production, closure of plants and the loss of industrial jobs mainly affected the classic industrial sectors and regions of the first industrialization, but also the production of electronic consumer goods. The conference asks in a historical perspective about the supra-regional, economic, global, cultural and gender-specific effects and meanings of deindustrialization.

Confronting Decline – Challenges of Deindustrialization in European Societies since the 1970s

Since the 1970s, deindustrialization has fundamentally changed Western industrial societies. In North America and Europe, thousands of jobs have been lost in traditional industrial regions, in particular in the textile industry, coal mining, the iron and steel industry and shipbuilding. Even in the electronic consumer goods sector and the watch and photography industries, many millions of jobs have been eliminated or relocated to other regions of the world. There is no question that deindustrialization is one of the most far-reaching transformation processes in contemporary history, fundamentally changing landscapes, economic structures and socio-cultural environments.

Starting from this observation, the conference, organized by the CONDE research group, will reflect on the impact and wider historical reverberations of deindustrialization in Europe from the 1970s onwards. While deindustrialization was initially addressed mainly by the social sciences, in recent years historians have increasingly turned their attention to the subject, pointing to the complexity of the historical phenomenon. In contrast to economic concepts such as "restructuring" or "downsizing", which do not adequately capture societal and social change, a historical approach to deindustrialization can offer a broader view, encompassing multiple dimensions: first, the economic development of production, turnover and sales; second, the political shaping of the policy field; third, the cultural ramifications; and fourth, a perspective from below, which takes into account personal memories of workers, the dissolution of traditional social and cultural communities and changes in social spaces.
The conference will focus on the European particularities of deindustrialization since the 1970s – in Western and Eastern Europe, with an East-West comparison over the epochal years 1989/90, and in terms of entanglements among European states and beyond. What distinguished Europe from the US and Canada, from the North American experience of deindustrialization? To what extent did European reactions to deindustrialization differ from one country to the next? Did the Cold War resonate in deindustrialization policies, in the ensuing political mobilization or in personal experiences? In what ways did deindustrialization leave its mark on the co-transformation process after 1989/90, both in the East and in the West? Last but not least: is it possible to conceive of a specifically ‘European’ deindustrialization?

The aim of the conference is to widen our understanding of deindustrialization and its multidimensional impact on European politics and societies in the period of its most recent history. The conference organizers are especially interested in papers addressing the following seven fields of research:

1) International politics: What were the strategies implemented by European states faced with the rapid dismantling of industries on an international stage? Was the realm of international politics used by individual nation states, and if so, how did they address the issue of deindustrialization in this context? In what way was the challenge taken up by supranational and international organizations such as the EC/EU or the OECD or by trade unions, employers’ organizations and NGOs? Were there any joint industrial or economic policy measures to save existing industries or to accelerate the transition to a service society?

2) Welfare state: Although European welfare states played a key part in the integration of large swathes of European society after 1945, they were challenged by the demands and burdens placed on them by deindustrialization. Were they prepared for the loss of traditional industrial enterprises? What social and educational policy measures were adopted to compensate socially for job losses or to retrain workers within a different type of economic system?

3) Gender, migration, race: Men were particularly affected by the loss of hard physical work in mines and steelworks, whereas women were often disproportionately affected by job losses in the textile industry. Migrant workers were an important part of the industrial workforce and were hit hard by the decline of the manufacturing sector. The ensuing distribution battles laid bare the social and cultural inequalities of European societies. What role did gender, migration and race play in deindustrialization? How did European experiences differ from deindustrialization in the United States? How did gender and racial inequalities show during deindustrialization? And what consequences did disparities in treatment have for social cohesion?

4) Religion and culture: What was the significance of religion and other cultural influences in the context of deindustrialization? The task of the workplace chaplaincy was to help employees with problems, conflicts or other emotional challenges in the workplace. Moreover, as a result of migration, separate communities, some of them Islamic organizations, emerged in Western Europe to engage with the concerns of “their” employees. What role did these organizations, networks and influences play in coping with deindustrialization? Deindustrialization also led to cultural manifestations in the form of images, music, visual art, literature, etc. Taking deindustrialization as a distinct lens through which to make sense of the world, the conference welcomes papers that reflect on Europe’s cultural history.

5) Ideas: From the perspective of the history of ideas, the conference will be an opportunity to reflect on the ideas, theories and approaches that circulated in order to prevent, manage or overcome deindustrialization. Where and from whom did these ideas originate – in the political or academic sphere, in companies or in trade unions? What political discourse was used to describe the fundamental change in industries, work and social life? And what ideational transfer processes took place between different nation states or industrial regions?

6) Economic landscapes: What impact did deindustrialization have on the European economic landscape? How did certain regions react in order to develop into successful clusters of future industries? Why did other European regions slip into crisis? What factors favoured or prevented the successful transformation of regions? Were there (supra-)national models – such as Anglo-American liberalism or Rhenish capitalism – whose specific characteristics helped to overcome deindustrialization?

7) Environment: Last but not least, the conference organizers invite participants to consider the effects of deindustrialization on the environment. As early as 1961, Willy Brandt called for the sky over the Ruhr area to become blue again. The book "Silent Spring" (1962) by Rachel Carson is often seen as the starting point of the global environmental movement. Many workers looked wistfully at the loss of their traditional jobs, but there is no doubt that the industrial age was also accompanied by enormous damage to the environment. The limits to growth had become apparent by the 1970s with the Club of Rome study. Particularly in view of current calls for the decarbonization of the economy, i.e. the conversion of the economy to carbon-free production, a historicization of the relationship between deindustrialization and environmental history is essential.

We welcome submissions for 20-minutes papers across these fields of deindustrialization research. Please submit your abstract (around 250 words) and a brief CV in English to Stefan Krebs ( and Christian Marx ( by 30 June 2024.

The conference will take place at the University of Luxembourg in Esch-Belval (Luxembourg) from 25 to 27 June 2025 and will be hosted by the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), which is well known for organizing international academic conferences at the highest level. The conference venue on Esch-Belval campus – a former location for iron and steel production – is the result of an industrial wasteland that has been converted into a new hub for science and education. It is one of the largest urban repurposing projects in Europe and offers a relaxed but exclusive atmosphere for discussion. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered; publication of the lectures in an English-language edited volume is planned.

Deadline: 30 June 2024, at 23:59 (CEST)

Decisions by: end of August

Contact: Stefan Krebs ( and Christian Marx (


Stefan Krebs ( and Christian Marx (

Capitalism and Insecure Positions of Minorities

2 months 2 weeks ago

Gießen (Germany), 4-5 November 2024

We are looking for abstracts for a 15- to 20-minute presentation in the field of social theory. The workshop deals with seeing racism, anti-Semitism, and antigypsyism through the lens of materialist critique.

Theorizations of social marginalization and exclusion place minorities in a position of insecurity in two respects: On the one hand, the actual insecurity of their positions in society is a starting point for research and a phenomenon to be explained. On the other hand, minorities are also insecurely situated within the theories used in social sciences. The workshop will focus on theoretical approaches that analyze racism, anti-Semitism, and antigypsyism against the background of capitalist dynamics. Such approaches are strong in that they explain the insecure positions of minorities in the context of material, social structures rather than attributing them solely to prejudice. They show how the ideological localization of minorities in specific positions within capitalist society, for example as “exploitable blacks”, “backward Muslims”, “money-grubbing Jews” or “begging gypsies”, legitimizes the fact that people are exposed to the pressures of expanding capitalist value on unequal terms. Yet what is striking about current capitalism-critical theorizing on anti-Semitism, racism, and antigypsyism is that the analyses of the different ideologies are largely detached from one another, they become blind to the other ideologies, or even reproduce them. It is all too easy to overlook the fact that members of all minorities can find themselves in precarious and insecure social positions.
The workshop aims at generating a constructive counter-dynamic by providing a forum for discussion on how different theories of marginalization and exclusion of minorities that are critical of capitalism can enrich each other. In order to do justice to anti-Semitism, racism, and antigypsyism as specific forms of domination and ideology, they need to be examined separately. At the same time, however, it is also necessary to look at them together in order to work out their differences and relate them to capitalism. Therefore, the project is complex. All the more reason for the three fields of research to reflect on each other's methodological premises and findings.
However, the epistemological potential of such mutual enrichment has hardly been exploited to date. In most contributions on Racial Capitalism, which focus on concrete social hierarchies and their effects on the material living conditions of racialized people, the topic of anti-Semitism does not appear. In some cases, simplified explanations of Racial Capitalism even make use of anti-Semitic stereotypes. There are also anti-Semitism researchers who, following early critical theory of the Frankfurt School, for example, attempt to understand their subject matter as a ramification of the capitalist form of society, and attribute it to a misguided, personalized critique of capitalism. This often leaves social inequality along racialized lines underexposed. In the shadow of these discussions is the relatively new field of materialist antigypsyism research. In German-speaking research contexts, perspectives from both the subject-theoretical analysis of anti-Semitism and Marx's critique of capitalism have been incorporated here. Such theories of antigypsyism complement anthropological and prejudice-related approaches, but have so far been little developed.
The workshop aims at exploring ways in which capitalist forms of accumulation and subjectivation can be taken into account in order to adequately theorize the particularities of anti-Semitism, racism, and antigypsyism.

We are looking for contributions that address one or more of the following questions or related topics:
1) In what ways can materialist approaches to the critique of racism, antigypsyism, or anti-Semitism enrich each other? Where does a joint approach have its limits?
2) Is the concept of Racial Capitalism suitable for approaching the phenomena of anti-Semitism and antigypsyism? Where are possible points of contact?
3) How is the use of antisemitic stereotypes in theories of Racial Capitalism to be explained?
4) How can we mediate the claim of materialist theory to precise conceptual work and a critique of ideology with other types of theory that are concerned with hierarchies between social groups?
5) How can the strengths of different theoretical strands in research on anti-Semitism and racism be productively combined as part of a materialist analysis of antigypsyism?
6) To what extent does a perspective critical of capitalism allow us to show that the various ideologies directed against social minorities are complementary to one another?

Please send abstracts in German or English with a maximum of 400 words for a 15- to 20-minute presentation by May 30, 2024. We will notify the applicants about the status of their submission by June 30, 2024. The lectures and discussions will be held in German or English. Travel and accommodation costs for speakers can be partially covered.

Ulrike Marz, Lukas Egger, Christine Achinger, Floris Biskamp, Randi Becker, and Tobias Neuburger have already confirmed their participation at the workshop.


Anna-Sophie Schönfelder ( und Dr. Laura Soréna Tittel (

(Un)Freedom in Global Perspective Actors – Perceptions – Agencies

2 months 2 weeks ago

Innsbruck (Austria), 3-4 February 2025

(Un)Freedom in Global Perspective Actors – Perceptions – Agencies

Volume 37 of the "Innsbrucker Historische Studien" and the preliminary workshop in Innsbruck address the perceptions, agency, and strategies of people who in research have been characterized as unfree, especially in connection with slavery, captivity, serfdom, and other forms of oppression. The aim of the workshop is to undertake a critical examination of the historical analysis of (un)freedoms, locating the topics within an open geographical framework (local, regional, global histories) and chronologically with a focus on the modern age (c. 1450–1920). The workshop encourages participants to submit contributions that overcome a dichotomous juxtaposition of freedom and unfreedom and a static idea of these concepts in order to facilitate a more nuanced understanding of different agencies.
The following questions may be helpful to shed light on the various nuances between freedom and unfreedom from a global perspective: What characterizes (un)freedom of individual actors or collectives? How is this (un)freedom perceived? Which strategies are used to render these individuals and collectives (un)free or to portray them as such? What possibilities and strategies do individuals and communities find to revolt against this unfreedom, to break out of it, or to escape it? Which effects does (un)freedom have on personal and collective identities? Can unfreedom in certain situations and contexts also become a resource from which people might obtain personal, social, economic, or political capital? Do slavery and other forms of unfreedom and bondage really mean "social death" for those affected or can the status or attribution of freedom and unfreedom be changed? How, when, and why can transitions from freedom to unfreedom and vice versa be made? Are such transitions temporary or permanent, linear or abrupt, reversible or irreversible? Which forms of interaction and conflicts can be found between free and unfree people and between people under different forms of unfreedom (e.g. enslaved Africans, European indentured servants, and Asian coolie workers on the plantations)? Is (un)freedom a permanent condition or can it be interrupted temporarily? In which forms does dependence persist after the transition from unfreedom to freedom (e.g. in the case of escaped prisoners, ransomed slaves, exchanged hostages)? Which correlations exist between (un)freedom and decisions about the own body and lifestyle?
Topics may include but are not limited to:
- Slaveries (Transatlantic slavery, Mediterranean slavery, Trans-Saharan slave trade, slavery in the Indian Ocean World, Intra-African slavery, slavery in the Ottoman Empire, indigenous slaveries, ...) and human trafficking; agency of enslaved people in different geographical, social, and structural contexts (plantation slavery, domestic slavery, palace slavery, forced sex work, ...)
- Escaping unfreedom: runaways (runaway slaves), freedmen (manumitted and ransomed slaves or former slaves who achieved their freedom through reforms and revolutions), freedom seekers, maroons, cimarrones, escaped prisoners
- Hostage-taking, kidnapping, hijacking, and war captivity (hostage-taking in the context of political, dynastic and religious conflicts, extortion of ransom, exchanging of hostages and prisoners of war, maritime hijacking, piracy, privateering, war captivity, negotiations for the ransom, release and exchange of hostages/prisoners)
- Debt bondage, pawnship, indentured servitude (within Europe; indentured servitude and colonialism; continuities with indigenous forms of labor, e.g. encomienda and mita; blackbirding in the Pacific Ocean)
- Serfdom, servitude, bonded labor, corvée, robot, manorialism (e.g. Habsburg Empire, Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire)
- Imprisonment (reasons for imprisonment, prison conditions, forms of coercion, prisons and penal labor houses as economic enterprises, death sentences)
- Religiously motivated forms of (un)freedom (e.g. hermitage, enclosure, extreme forms of asceticism)
- other forms of (un)freedom …

We invite applicants to submit an abstract (max. 350 words) and a short CV (max. 150 words) to by 20 June 2024. We also encourage PhD students and early career researchers to contribute in the workshop and the volume. The workshop will take place in person at the University of Innsbruck. However, participation in the workshop can also take place online. Accommodation costs will be covered by the University of Innsbruck if possible.


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