The Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seura (Finnish Society for Labour History) is an academic society which organizes seminars and publishes scientific texts covering the history of the working class, working life, the Labour movement and working-class culture. Since its establishment in 1984, the Society has actively taken into account the changes taking place both in Finland and elsewhere in the world. The structures of society, activities in parties and the trade union movement, people's daily lives at work and at home, crisis years and working women have been an integral part of the studies, using quantitative and qualitative data. The diversity, multidisciplinarity, and strong position of labour force research are also demonstrated by organizational histories, local descriptions, and personal histories. THPTS has been actively involved in all this and as a nationwide and politically independent organization, it has supported the emergence of new research trends. The Society promotes cooperation between professional researchers and enthusiasts, as well as archives, libraries, museums, trade unions and other organizations operating in the field.
The Finnish Society for Labour History (THPTS) is a scientific society that organizes seminars and other events related to its field and publishes scientific publications related to, for example, labour, the labour market, the labour movement and work culture. An important traditional event is the THPTS summer seminar, which brings together experts and enthusiasts in the field every year. In addition to the summer seminar, we organize other seminars related to the field of labour force research, also cooperating with other scientific societies. We are also proud of our master’s and researcher seminar, which is organized to support the work of young researchers. In this rather unique event, dozens of students and beginning graduate students reflect on their research themes with more experienced researchers. The Society's yearbook Väki Voimakas provides an excellent picture of research on the working population and working life in recent decades.
Any researcher, enthusiast or person who otherwise accepts the purpose of the workforce may join the research of the history and tradition of the workforce. The purpose of the society, as a politically independent national organization, is to support and promote research on the history, tradition and theory of the working population and labor movement, to develop co-operation between researchers and enthusiasts, and to arouse interest in the subject more broadly.
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[last updated 10 July 2020]