CfP: Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies in Ottoman South Eastern Europe

The research group “The Ottoman Europe: Methods and Perspectives of Early Modern Studies on Southeast Europe” ( is a Germany-based, open circle of scholars from different fields of historical research as East- and Southeast European history, Ottoman studies and philology of all relevant languages. Our common interest lies in multidisciplinary Early-Modern studies on Southeast Europe, roughly the zone of Ottoman dominance or influence.

CfP: Narratives of Precarious Migrancy in the Global South

In recent years a small number of studies have sought to realign postcolonial studies with the material realities of disenfranchised, often illegalized modes of migration to the Global North. In his Postcolonial Asylum, David Farrier declared the figure of the asylum seeker a ‘scandal for postcolonial studies’ (1). A scandal first because asylum seekers expose a blindspot in the field, which has tended to understand mobility and displacement as empowering and has paid little heed to the material experience of migration for the politically, socially and economically dispossessed.