Social and Labour History News

L’industrie textile en France : une affaire d’État ? (milieu XVIIe -XXIe siècle) (French)

2 months 2 weeks ago

Pierrefitte-sur-Seine/France, 23-24 January 2025

Dans le cadre de l’exposition Made in France, une histoire du textile qui se déroulera du 16 octobre 2024 au 25 janvier 2025, les Archives nationales organisent un colloque de clôture centré sur le rôle joué par l’État dans l’encadrement et le soutien de l’industrie textile, de Colbert à nos jours.


À l’heure où l’industrie textile est au cœur d’une prise de conscience environnementale et éthique, revenir sur son histoire et sur ce qu’elle a représenté aux yeux de l’administration est un moyen de saisir l’importance économique et sociale majeure qu’elle a occupée en France, avant qu’elle ne s’effondre à la fin du XXe siècle.

Des draps de laine du Nord ou du Languedoc aux soieries lyonnaises, en passant par les toilesde lin de Bretagne ou le coton du Beaujolais, cette industrie a façonné des paysages, dynamisé l’innovation et construit économiquement des régions. La France incarne aujourd’hui l’image de la mode et de la haute couture, mais elle a été durant trois siècles le centre d’une production textile variée, extrêmement puissante et exportée dans le monde entier.

À l’initiative de cette réussite française l’Etat, royal, impérial ou républicain, a façonné les productions textiles à travers son implication dans les règlements, l’encouragement à l’innovation et à la compétitivité, sa volonté de connaissance de la production sur le territoire français comme à l’étranger.

Une mise en perspective internationale serait un contrepoint nécessaire afin de comprendre les différences et les similarités des politiques publiques menées à travers le monde. Comment cette industrie était-elle soutenue et encouragée par les gouvernements en dehors de la France ? Cette comparaison permettrait de mettre en perspective et de relativiser la notion de production nationale.

De plus, le regard international pourrait également se porter sur ce qui caractérise les productions françaises. Comment parler de Made in France quand les matières premières, lesteintures, les cotons, ont été et sont encore produits à l’étranger pour un usage en France. Le textile made in France existe-t-il encore aujourd’hui et comment s’affirme sa spécificité ? Quel est son avenir ?

Enfin, il apparaît essentiel de consacrer un volet de ce colloque au coûts humains, sociaux etenvironnementaux, et à la façon dont l’État a appréhendé ou non ces différents aspects dans sa politique économique et sociale. Il convient de ne pas oublier la face sombre de cette industrie en la confrontant à son histoire et ses dérives : son lien avec l’esclavage dans sa production et son commerce, mais aussi l’exploitation des enfants, des femmes et des ouvriers. Comment cette industrie est-elle devenue l’une des plus polluantes au monde ? Quels sont les enjeux dela prise de conscience récente de la nécessité de produire différemment ?

Toutes ces thématiques pourront être abordées à travers des communications de 20 minutes.

Les actes feront l’objet d’une publication.

Date et lieu

Dates du colloque : 23 et 24 janvier 2025

Lieu du colloque : Archives nationales, site de Pierrefitte sur Seine

Modalités de contribution Date limite de réception des propositions : 20 septembre 2024

Un résumé de 500 mots accompagné d’une biographie de 100 mots est à envoyer à

Les réponses seront apportées dans un délai de deux semaines

Comité de sélection
  • Anne-Sophie Lienhard, Archives nationales
  • Esclarmonde Monteil, ministère de la Culture
  • Alexia Raimondo, Archives nationales

Basic book on syndicalism

2 months 2 weeks ago

In the fall of 2021, the Umeå Local of SAC published Swedish syndicalism as a simple PDF file. In 2024, SAC releases the text as a printed book, ebook and audio book in collaboration with Federativ Publishing House. The text has been refined before printing and SAC’s central committee has added a preface.

Buy the book >>here>>

The book as printer-friendly PDF >>here>> (vertical A4) and >>here>> (horizontal A4)

Articles on the book’s subject matter
Below, we list articles about the book and a selection of other texts related to the book’s subject matter.

Basic book on syndicalism – some tips on how to use it by Rasmus Hästbacka on the website Libcom
What is union action? Bust the myths! by Rasmus Hästbacka in the US labor magazine Industrial Worker
Ten years ago, Chicago teachers gave us all a jolt of hope by Alexandra Bradbury on the website of Labor Notes
Let’s find alternatives to striking by Kristian Falk and Rasmus Hästbacka on the union website Organizing Work
What worked and what didn’t: A history of organizing at Starbucks by Nick Driedger on Organizing Work.
The ABC of syndicalist sections by Rasmus Hästbacka on the website Znetwork
It starts on your job: Syndicalist proposals by Rasmus Hästbacka on Libcom
Don’t complain, organize! by Ellen David Friedman on Labor Notes
A syndicalist strategy for the Swedish labour market by Jenny Stendahl, Erik Bonk and Rasmus Hästbacka on the website Counterpunch
The upside-down pyramid on Organizing Work
Bust the myths about collective agreements by Emil Broberg and Rasmus Hästbacka on the website Znetwork
Swedish unions, why do we suck? by Rasmus Hästbacka on Organizing Work
Sweden’s unions need to wake up to new forms of exploitation by Volodya Vagner in Jacobin Magazine
Swedish syndicalists organizing at Zalando by Jon Bekken on Libcom
Boom without bust: Solidarity unionism for the long term by MK Lees and Marianne Garneau on Organizing Work
Socialist leaders won’t save unions – Interview with Nick Driedger about the “rank-and-file strategy” on Organizing Work
Big strikes and the sabotage of the labor movement by Marianne Garneau on Organizing Work.
Syndicalism for the 21st century: From unionism to class-struggle militancy by Torsten Bewernitz and Gabriel Kuhn on Counterpunch
The case for building new unions by Tom Wetzel on the website Black Rose, a shortened text from Wetzel’s book Overcoming Capitalism.
Anarcho-syndicalism: A historical closed door…or not? by Harald Beyer-Arnesen in the US labor magazine ASR
Let’s build class unions by Rasmus Hästbacka in the Industrial Worker
Make economic democracy popular again! by Rasmus Hästbacka on the website Znetwork
Militant unions – the backbone of ”movement socialism” by Edvin Dahlgren on Znetwork
A history of IWW’s organizer training program by Marianne Garneau on Organizing Work
(R)evolution in the 21st Century? by Rasmus Hästbacka on Znetwork

There are many good union podcasts in English. For instance, check out Wobcast, produced by members of the North American union IWW.

What is the difference between the book Swedish syndicalism (2024) and the PDF (2021)?
As said, the script was refined before printing and a preface was added. The book reflects bylaw changes made at the 2022 SAC congress.The refinement also means that the term non-binary has been included in the text. It refers to persons who do not identify as male or female. The term LGBTQIA has also been added. It is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual persons.

Database of primary sources for the history of environnemental struggles in West Switzerland

2 months 3 weeks ago

The Archives contestataires of Geneva have developed a database of primary sources on environmental struggles in West (French-speaking) Switzerland in the second half of the 20th century. The site offers an overview of the main archival holdings on the subject in Switzerland, enriched with brief descriptions, metadata and tags to facilitate research.

The site also offers two bibliographic brochures in PDF format on the themes of "Ville et transports" and "Production, énergies, écologie" (in French) guiding through books and grey material collections hold by Archives contestataires. Users are invited to indicate other documents that could be included.


Archives contestataires
2bis rue de la Tannerie - 1227 Carouge


We Are One – Honoring Immigrant Garment Workers’

2 months 3 weeks ago

Haledon, New Jersey The American Labor Museum/Botto House National Landmark proudly opens the exhibit We Are One – Honoring Immigrant Garment Workers by Rachel Bernstein and May Ying Chen on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024.

We Are One – Honoring immigrant Garment Workers features historic photographs and more to celebrate the workers in garment manufacturing, many of whom were recent immigrants, who formed the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU). Composed of Jewish and Italian workers in the early 1900s, a wave of Puerto Rican and southern Black American workers joined the union by the 1950’s. After changes to immigration laws in 1965, they were soon joined by new waves of Asian and Latin American immigrants. Though often underestimated, immigrant women were always essential to the factories, the union, and the fight for safety laws.

Rachel Bernstein directs LaborArts, a website which presents exhibits collections, and events to further public understanding of the past and present lives of working people. Ms. Berstein researches, writes about and teaches American working-class history.  Until her retirement in 2009, May Ying Chen was the Manager of ILGWU Local 23-25, and Vice President of the International Union.  She continues organizing and educating workers through LaborArts, the Museum of Chinese Americans, and other organizations.

We Are One – Honoring Immigrant Garment Workers is on view at the Museum from May 1st through August 24th, 2024.  

This program is made possible in part by a grant administered by the Passaic County Cultural and Heritage Council from funds granted by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.

      The Botto House National Landmark, headquarters of the American Labor Museum, is located at 83 Norwood Street in Haledon, NJ.  The Museum's hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9AM-5PM.  Visitors are welcome Wednesday through Saturday from 1PM-4PM and at other times by appointment.  For further information about the Museum, call 973-595-7953 and visit

International Congress: Decolonizing Museums and Resignifying Monuments (November, 20-22, 2024)

2 months 3 weeks ago

Dear colleagues,

We cordially invite you to contribute your cutting-edge research to the international conference Decolonizing Museums and Resignifying Monuments. The event is scheduled to take place in Madrid, Spain, on November 20-22, 2024 at the National University of Distance Education (UNED).

This conference aims to bring together experts from different fields and countries to discuss decolonization processes from various perspectives and experiences. We encourage discussions to be grounded on case studies while also incorporating concepts, frameworks, questions, and arguments from various sectoral and disciplinary perspectives.

The Congress’s main goals are:

  • -To promote an informed and interdisciplinary discussion on the  decolonization of museums and the resignification of monuments.

-To promote an cross-sectoral dialogue between academics, museologists, museum and memorial workers, cultural managers and mediators, artists and activists.

-To meet, exchange, learn and systematize initiatives of decolonization and resignification in different socio-cultural contexts.

-To facilitate the creation of a critical community on decolonization, made up of academics, cultural managers, museologists and artists, among others.

-To promote academic-social initiatives in this regard.

The deadline for submission is July 15th, 2024.

Also, you can find more information and the guidelines for submission proposal here:

We hope to spark your interest and look forward to receiving your proposal soon. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us:




Mariana Stoler

Investigadora Posdoctoral del Programa Margarita Salas

Departamento de Historia Social y del Pensamiento Político

Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología

Calle del Obispo Trejo, 2 28040 Madrid


Miembro de:

Proyecto de Investigación “Territorios de la Memoria. Otras Culturas, otros espacios en Iberoamérica, Siglos XX y XXI” (Referencia: PID2020-113492RB-I00)

Proyecto de Investigación 101086106---- “MAKINGHISTORIES (HORIZON TMA MSCA Staff Exchanges)”, EUROPEAN RESEARCH EXECUTIVE AGENCY (REA)

London Socialist Film Co-op - Orgreave Anniversary Screening

3 months ago

Join us for our all-day event commemorating the 40th anniversary of the events at Orgreave on 18 June 1984. We will present two screenings, morning and afternoon, exploring the history, legacy and contemporary significance of state violence and media manipulation during the 1984/5 Miners Strike.

We also present the premier of a new LSFC production: No Right on Earth: The Featherstone Massacre

The morning screening will present three documentaries from 1985, produced in solidarity with the miners’ campaign. Straight Speaking: Miners Campaign Tape 4 was produced in 1985 to counter media-manipulation during the strike and introduces the lies and broken promises made by the National Coal Board. Following this, two films by pioneering filmmaker Yvette Vanson, The Battle For Orgreave and Taking Libertiesdirectly explore the police intimidation and violence at Orgreave and in mining communities across the UK.

The screening will be followed by a panel and Q&A with Kate Flannery, Secretary of the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign and Arlen Harris, award-winning filmmaker, broadcaster and researcher in the histories of colonial and state violence.

In the afternoon, we will screen two documentaries, Yvette Vanson's Battle For Orgreave: The Sequel (1991) and BBC Yorkshire's Inside Out (2012) which consider the legacy of Orgreave, the police corruption during the trials of miners wrongly accused of Riot and the connection to the police cover-up during the Hillsborough Disaster of 1989, enacted by the same force. Following this we will screen The Featherstone Massacre, a short documentary from 1975, presented by historian and broadcaster Michael Wood. In his first ever film, he chose to commemorate the Featherstone Massacre of 1893. He details how, after reading the Riot Act, the British Army opened fire on an unarmed group of striking miners leaving two dead and many injured. The afternoon screening will close with the premier of No Right on Earth a new film produced by LSFC on the Featherstone Massacre as a historical precedent to the state violence perpetrated against miners in 1984; including a new interview with Arthur Scargill, former President of the National Union of Mineworkers, filmed on International Workers’ Day 2024.

The screening and premier will be followed by a panel and Q&A with the filmmakers: Ian Clayton, Featherstone author and writer / presenter of the new film; Neil Kemp, producer / director and Michael Wood, historian and broadcaster.


Programme for the Morning Screening:

Straight Speaking: Miners Campaign Tape 4 (1985), Platform Films

The Battle For Orgreave (1985), Yvette Vanson, Channel 4

Open Space: Taking Liberties (1985), Yvette Vanson, BBC

Programme for the Afternoon Screening:

Battle For Orgreave: The Sequel (1991) Yvette Vanson, C4 Critical Eye

Inside Out (2012) BBC Yorkshire

The Featherstone Massacre (1975), Michael Wood, YTV

No Right On Earth: The Featherstone Massacre (2024), Neil Kemp, Ian Clayton, LSFC

With thanks to Yvette Vanson, Platform Films, ITV and the British Film Institute


The London Socialist Film Co-op was established in the early 1990s as part of a solidarity movement with the striking miners of 1984/5 and as a response to the media manipulation around the strike. Today we continue to present films which pose a counterpoint to the dominant voices in political media. Our events provide a space for debate through Q&As with speakers at the centre of socialist filmmaking and politics.

Socialist ideas of Europe in the world - 1871 to 1968

3 months ago

Friday 14 June 2024 9.00am to 6.00pm hosted by the Department of International History

The issue of a distinct left-wing international vision seems relatively overlooked in contemporary academic work and politics, with profound implications for public life. 

Weighed down by its international contradictions, Europe is ill-prepared to grapple with illiberalism, climate breakdown, war, and migration in a coherent- let alone leftist- manner. 

This conference aims to reflect on how socialist thinkers in the 80 years between the Paris Commune and the explosion of the New Left tried to shape a distinctly international outlook and devise a new role for Europe in a changing world. 

The keynote address will be delivered by Professor Donald Sassoon (QMUL).


  • Matt Broomfield (Journalist, Rojava Information Center) - Roundtable Discussant
  • Udeepta Chakravarty (NSSR) 
  • Lorenzo Costaguta (Bristol)
  • Nick Devlin (LSE) 
  • Dr Dina Gusejnova (LSE) - CHAIR/ORGANISER
  • David Klemperer (QMUL)
  • Charles C. H. Lee (ACADEMIA SINICA) 
  • Marzia Maccaferri (QMUL) - Roundtable Discussant
  • Marius S. Ostrowski (Nottingham)
  • Dr Andrea Pisauro (Plymouth)
  • Lucas Poy (Vrije U., Amsterdam) 
  • Tanroop Sandhu (QMUL) - CHAIR/ORGANISER
  • Charlie Thomas (QMUL)
  • Francesca Tortorella (Lille) 
  • Edoardo Vaccari (LSE) - CHAIR/ORGANISER
  • Rida Vaquas (Editor, Oneworld Publications) - Roundtable Discussant
  • Helen Williams (East Anglia) 
  • Alexander Zevin (CUNY)

"Histoire d'objets - le militant et le populaire entre archives et patrimoine" (French)

3 months ago

Cette journée d’études prendra appui sur le projet «Mémoires, Archives, Transmission des Objets militantS en Pays de la Loire» (MATOS-PDL) qui associe des membres de trois laboratoires de recherche (CENS, TEMOS, CHS) et plusieurs institutions partenaires (Archives départementales de Loire-Atlantique, Centre d’histoire du travail, Centre de Documentation sur l’Histoire du Mouvement Ouvrier et du Travail, Centre des Archives du féminisme). En combinant approches historiques, sociologiques, archivistiques et muséologiques, le projet déploie une étude pluridisciplinaire des objets produits en contexte militant et conservés par les archives publiques, privées ou dans des lieux d’archivage alternatifs afin d’offrir un angle inédit sur l’histoire sociale et la sociologie des mobilisations et du mouvement ouvrier et de contribuer à la réflexion sur les pratiques professionnelles et privées d’archivage et de valorisation des objets. À travers la mise en perspective de cas contrastés (objets politiques, féministes, de lutte ou populaires), les communications de la journée permettront d’aborder tant les enjeux scientifiques d’une approche par les objets que ceux sous-jacents aux processus de valorisation et de patrimonialisation des objets et de leurs archives.


Paul Boulland

CNRS, Centre d'histoire sociale des mondes contemporains

Zimmerwald 1915. L’internationalisme contre la Première Guerre mondiale (French)

3 months ago

En septembre 1915, des militant·es socialistes de différents pays d’Europe se rassemblent dans le village de Zimmerwald, en Suisse, pour tenir une conférence contre la Première Guerre mondiale. Réaffirmant leur opposition au conflit en cours, les participant·es s’inscrivent résolument à contre-courant du discours dominant et adoptent un retentissant manifeste qui appelle à une paix immédiate, dénonçant la guerre impérialiste et tous les États belligérants. Zimmerwald devient alors le symbole de la lutte contre la guerre et marque la résurgence de l’internationalisme ouvrier.

Outre l’ensemble des textes officiels de la conférence et les notices biographiques des 38 délégué·es qui y participèrent, le présent ouvrage comprend également un inédit du syndicaliste Alphonse Merrheim et le compte-rendu de la conférence de Kienthal qui prit la suite de Zimmerwald en avril 1916.

Préface de Jean-Numa Ducange

Textes présentés et annotés par Julien Chuzeville

Nouvelle édition illustrée

12 x 19 cm / 160 pages

Special Issue of the journal traverse – Zeitschrift für Geschichte – Revue d'Histoire: Industrialisation - Deindustrialisation - Reindustrialisation

3 months 1 week ago

Since the 1970s, Western Europe and North America have experienced a socio-economic transformation that scholars and policy-makers have termed deindustrialisation. Initially analysed as a trend towards a post-industrial society, deindustrialisation is now viewed as a symptom of deep crisis in the age of globalisation. In Switzerland many companies relocated their factories to low-wage countries, closed production sites, or restructured departments. Workers were laid off, and factory buildings were left to rust or placed on the property market. In many instances, the environmental damage caused by industrial production only became visible or was recognised after the factories had closed. The watchmaking and mechanical engineering industries, along with their associated industrial towns and villages, were particularly affected. The employment structure of Switzerland, which had industrialised early, changed significantly. By the 2010s, approximately half of all industrial jobs had been cut, while employment in the service sector had risen sharply.[1][1] However, certain industrial sectors, such as the watchmaking industry, observed a resurgence in employment during the 21st century.

Despite this profound change, the deindustrialisation of Switzerland remains a blank spot in the collective memory. The same is true for research. This special issue of traverse seeks contributions that explore the reasons for this lack of interest. Conversely, we invite empirical contributions that examine the processes of deindustrialisation in Switzerland since the 1970s. Furthermore, we are looking for contributions that examine deindustrialisation from a longue durée perspective and question the often unilinear sequence of industrialisation and deindustrialisation.

Just as with deindustrialisation, proto-industrialisation and the second industrial revolution of the late 19th century, these phases of economic upheaval were characterised by fundamental restructuring of production networks, infrastructure, housing arrangements, innovations in production technology, and a new composition of the working class. They underscore the inherent precariousness of industrial capitalist societies. Examining the spatially and temporally nested processes of industrialisation, deindustrialisation and, potentially, reindustrialisation reveals how social orders under capitalism are continually being dissolved and reconstituted. The special issue aims to capture these dynamics within industrial societies, understanding them as contested terrains populated by a variety of interests and actors. In doing so, it helps to sharpen the concept of deindustrialisation, rather than merely using it as a periodisation for developments in the global North since the 1970s.

 Potential topics:

- The establishment and relocation of production facilities in Switzerland and their social, political, cultural, and ecological consequences

- De-/re-industrialisation as a translocal or transnational process, unveiling interdependencies and dependencies

- Shifts in gendered dynamics within the spheres of production and reproduction

- The relationship between deindustrialisation, migration, and gender history, including the impact of economic crises, downsizing, and relocation on migrants and women

- Industrial conflicts surrounding plant closures and restructuring: (wildcat) strikes, the political negotiation of plant closures, the formation of local or regional solidarity structures of working-class communities, transnational experiences

- The complex interplay between ecology, industrialisation and deindustrialisation: the tense relationship between the environmental movement and trade unions, environmental criticism of industrial production, the effects of industrial disasters and the search for ecological alternatives

- Culture of remembrance and collective memory: commemoration of industrial heritage, the commercialisation of industrial aesthetics by the real estate industry, Switzerland’s constructed self-image, the role of migration policy and gender relations in (not) remembering deindustrialisation

- The cultural echo of deindustrialisation post-1970s: deindustrialisation as a context for the emergence and spread of punk, industrial and techno, subcultural appropriations of former industrial sites (e.g. squats, cultural centres, illegal parties)

The forthcoming special issue of traverse, slated for publication as issue 2/2026, invites contributions exploring the phenomena of industrialization, deindustrialization, and reindustrialization across various historical epochs. Submissions (in german, french, english or italian) should not exceed 30,000 characters (including spaces) and will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Detailed guidelines and the style sheet can be accessed at

Interested scholars are encouraged to submit an abstract of approx. 600 words, a concise CV, and a list of prior relevant publications no later than 15 August 2024. Abstracts should be sent to Authors will receive notification of the editorial decision by 1 October 2024. The deadline for article submission is 1 April 2025.


Special issue editors:

Tina Asmussen, Gianenrico Bernasconi, Andreas Fasel, Leo Grob, Matthias Ruoss


[1][1] Frank Schmidbauer, Martin Baur, Serge Gaillard, Deindustrialisierung: Langfristige Tendenzen und Auswirkungen der Frankenstärke für die Schweiz (Working Paper der Eidgenössischen Finanzverwaltung Nr. 23), Bern 2018, p. 23.

Enfants en décolonisation : migrations contraintes et construction individuelle 1945-1980 (French)

3 months 1 week ago

19-20 June 2024

Ce colloque du programme ANR EN-MIG organisé à l’Université d’Angers par l’UMR TEMOS, le Pôle universitaire ligérien d’études sur l’enfance-jeunesse et sa chaire ‘Parole et pouvoir d’agir des enfants et des jeunes’ a pour objectif de restituer des résultats du programme EN-MIG qui porte sur le cas français et d’amorcer une comparaison et un dialogue avec les autres empires coloniaux et les territoires qui ont connu des migrations contraintes d’enfants en contexte de décolonisation.


Ce colloque du programme ANR EN-MIG organisé à l’Université d’Angers par l’UMR TEMOS, le Pôle universitaire ligérien d’études sur l’enfance-jeunesse et sa chaire ‘Parole et pouvoir d’agir des enfants et des jeunes’ a pour objectif de restituer des résultats du programme EN-MIG qui porte sur le cas français et d’amorcer une comparaison et un dialogue avec les autres empires coloniaux et les territoires qui ont connu des migrations contraintes d’enfants en contexte de décolonisation.

Programme Mercredi 19 juin

9h30 Accueil

9h45 : Introduction par Yves Denéchère, coordinateur scientifique d’EN-MIG

10h00 1ère séance : Marges de manœuvre
  • Daouda Gary-Tounkara, chargé de recherche au CNRS en histoire (IMAF), membre d’EN-MIG : « Ni contrainte, ni trauma, expériences et récits de jeunes migrants de l’AOF arrivés en métropole »
  • Yves Denéchère, professeur d’histoire contemporaine (Université d’Angers-TEMOS), coordinateur d’EN-MIG : « Saisir l’agentivité des enfants eurasiens d’Indochine déplacés en France des années 1940 aux années 1970 »

11h45 pause

  • 12h00 Parcours d’enfants eurasiens : présentation de story map réalisées par des étudiantes du master archives, encadrées par Bénédicte Grailles, maîtresse de conférences en archivistique (Université d’Angers-TEMOS)

12h30 pause méridienne

14h00 2ème séance : Acculturation et identités
  • Martino Oppizzi, docteur en histoire (Université Paris VIII), membre de l’École française de Rome : « Une jeunesse disputée : trajectoires migratoires d’enfants juifs italiens en Tunisie, entre guerre et décolonisation (1945-1967) ».
  • Josiane Toussé Djou, docteure en sciences politiques, enseignante-chercheure
(Université de Yaoundé II Soa, Cameroun) : « “Ni noirs”, “ni blancs” : stratégies d’acculturation et d’intégration socio-culturelle postcoloniale des enfants métis en France »

15h15 pause

15h30 3ème séance : Relations familiales
  • Gilbert Wate Sayem, docteur en histoire, chercheur à l’Université de Dschang (Cameroun) : « Les enfants en pays bamiléké (Ouest-Cameroun) pendant la Guerre de Libération Nationale du Cameroun : Rupture du lien familial, déplacements forcés, enrôlement dans les branches armées et difficile reconstitution de la cellule familiale post-guerre (1957-1971) ».
  • Raphaëlle Branche, professeure d’histoire contemporaine (Université Paris-Nanterre-ISP), responsable scientifique d’EN-MIG : « Ce que l’exil a fait aux enfants d’ex-harki : relations adelphiques et expériences contrastées des effets de la migration familiale »
  • Michèle Baussant, directrice de recherche CNRS en anthropologie (ISP, Nanterre), membre d’EN-MIG : « Exil et inversion des rôles familiaux : analyse comparée de trajectoires d’enfants européens d’Algérie et Juifs d’Égypte ».

17h15 fin de la première journée 

Jeudi 20 juin 9h30 4ème séance : L’école, la formation
  • Christelle Gomis, docteure en histoire (Institut Universitaire Européen, Florence) : « Écrits d’enfants migrants comme agents de renouveau éducatif dans le Londres des années 1960-1970 »
  • Magali Bigaud, docteure en histoire contemporaine (Université Rennes 2) : « Trajectoires scolaires d’enfants métis “rapatriés” par la FOEFI, 1953-1970 : du cadre vers l’autonomie »
  • Zoé Poli, doctorante en histoire contemporaine (Université Lyon 2) :  « Se déplacer pour se former ? Migrations d’adolescentes guadeloupéennes, martiniquaises et réunionnaises en France métropolitaine via le BUMIDOM (1974-1980) ».

11h15 pause

11h30 5ème séance Constructions subjectives par le déplacement
  • Alvine Henriette Assembe Ndi, Ph.D Département d’Histoire, Université de Douala (Cameroun) : « Des enfants “déplacés internes” ? À propos de la délocalisation de la Cité des métis de Yaoundé pour Ayos (Cameroun) en 1951 »
  • Violaine Tisseau, chargée de recherche au CNRS en histoire (IMAF), responsable scientifique d’EN-MIG : « Devenir Sakayen : quand la mobilité juvénile forge l’identité (Madagascar, 1952-1977 et au-delà) »

12h45 pause méridienne

14h00 6ème séance : Mémoire, histoire, écritures
  • Gilles Gauvin, docteur en histoire, chargé de cours à l’Université de la Réunion et Philippe Vitale, professeur de sociologie (Aix-Marseille Université-LEST) : « L’affaire de la transplantation desdits Réunionnais de la Creuse (1962-1984) : la dialectique des mémoires et de l’histoire »
  • Zoé Grumberg, docteure en histoire contemporaine, post-doctorante d’EN-MIG (Université d’Angers-TEMOS) : « Retour sur une expérience de recherche : atelier de recherche et expérience de co-écriture de l’histoire entre une historienne et des Eurasien·nes ».
  • Daniel Foliard, professeur d’histoire contemporaine (Université de Paris), membre d’EN-MIG : « Les valeurs du visage : lire le portrait biométrique dans les laissez-passer des enfants eurasiens de la FOEFI »

15h30 Conclusions et perspectives de fin du programme EN-MIG

Fin du colloque à 16h00

Comité scientifique
  • Jennifer A. Boittin, Professor of French, Francophone Studies and History,Penn State University 
  • Amandine Lauro, chercheuse qualifiée du FNRS en histoire, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • David M. Pomfret, professor of History, University of Hong Kong
  • Emmanuelle Saada, professor, departments of French and of History, Columbia University
  • Raphaëlle Branche
  • Yves Denéchère
  • Daniel Foliard
  • Zoé Grumberg
  • Violaine Tisseau
Comité d’organisation
  • Blandine Blaiteau
  • Raphaëlle Branche
  • Yves Denéchère
  • Daniel Foliard
  • Bertrand François
  • Zoé Grumberg
  • Valérie Moh-Sia Koffi
  • Violaine Tisseau
  • Magali Vautelin

Eighth European Congress on Universal and Global History: Critical Global Histories: Methodological Reflections and Thematic Expansions

3 months 1 week ago
Växjö (Sweden), 10-12 September 2025

Since its foundation in 2002, the European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH) has emerged as the leading international association for research and teaching in world and global history. Following seven successful congresses in Leipzig, Dresden, London, Paris, Budapest, Turku, and The Hague, the next ENIUGH congress will be held at Linnaeus University in Växjö, Sweden. The congress will be on site only, although panel chairs may in exceptional cases allow participants to present their papers remotely. Under the overall theme of “Critical Global Histories” we aim to further discussion, self-reflection, and the exploration of new avenues in global history.

Eighth European Congress on Universal and Global History Critical Global Histories: Methodological Reflections and Thematic Expansions

Since its foundation in 2002, the European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH) has emerged as the leading international association for research and teaching in world and global history. Following seven successful congresses in Leipzig, Dresden, London, Paris, Budapest, Turku, and The Hague, the next ENIUGH congress will be held at Linnaeus University in Växjö, Sweden. The congress will be on site only, although panel chairs may in exceptional cases allow participants to present their papers remotely.

Under the overall theme of “Critical Global Histories” we aim to further discussion, self-reflection, and the exploration of new avenues in global history. Over the past decade, global history has expanded internally (quantitatively and thematically, as well as methodologically and theoretically) and has, in doing so, influenced many other fields of research in the humanities and social sciences. At the same time, the expansion has led to debate and criticism, not least within the field. Objections have been raised against global history’s alleged macro-historical emphasis, connectivity bias, Eurocentrism, Anglophone dominance, and lack of attention to gender perspectives and Indigenous methodologies. Global history has also been accused of being imbued with neo-imperial, teleological, globalizing, exoticizing and neoliberal leanings. In recent years, decoloniality as a research practice and method has raised further questions regarding the situatedness of knowledge and the role of local sources for global history. At the same time, a current nationalist backlash in many countries has led to calls for a return to national history, thereby challenging the fundamental premises of global history.

At the Eighth ENIUGH Congress, we aim to pick up on these discussions and take a step forward by opening a space of dialogue, both between global historians and between global historians and their colleagues in other disciplines who are involved in the study of the global human pasts or who work with transnational, transregional, transcultural approaches in their respective fields. The Eighth ENIUGH-Congress will be a meeting place for scholars from all of the fields that go beyond methodological nationalism and Eurocentrism. We believe that critical thinking – both in the sense of impartial and intellectually disciplined thinking and in the sense of an augmented awareness of the many pitfalls associated with global history – can provide some of the means by which the field can evolve and retain its intellectual vigour and contemporary relevance. By framing the theme in terms of “global histories” in the plural, we aim to promote the inclusion of a broad range of voices, perspectives and orientations within the field, while forcefully rejecting the possibility of insisting on a single, dominating story or grand narrative of global history. The overall theme of the congress will be explored in a series of keynote events, roundtables, and panel discussions and in several of the regular panels and presentations at the congress.

Aside from the events related to the overall theme of the congress, we expect the congress to reflect the entire span of current research in global history, and we look forward to welcoming to Växjö scholars from all over world working on global and world history and related fields of study. Proposals can include a wide range of topics related to global, entangled, and transnational historical processes and phenomena, with no geographic or chronological limitations. While we expect most of the congress delegates to be historians, we also welcome scholars from other disciplines engaged in the study of humanity’s global pasts.

We invite contributions consisting of presentations of original research and empirically grounded work in progress, as well as theoretical, methodological, ethical, and historiographical reflections. We particularly encourage contributions that reflect on how critical thinking can be applied in global historical investigations. Although the main language of the congress will be English, individual presentations and panels in other languages can be accommodated (see further below).

In particular, we welcome contributions (both panels and individual papers) tailored to one of the following themes:
- Temporalities and periodizations in global history
- Ethical aspects of doing global history
- Expanding the global archive
- Multivocality in global history
- Global history and decoloniality
- Transdisciplinary approaches
- Indigenous perspectives and methodologies
- Challenging modernity from the perspective of global history
- National history, nationalist backlash, and identity politics
- Global environmental history
- Nordic colonialism

In addition to the main conference themes we also invite proposals dealing with relations, transfers and entanglements between states, peoples, communities and individuals located in or spanning different parts and regions of the world.

We invite proposals for panels, double panels, roundtables, and individual papers. Papers and presentations may be in any language, but abstracts for all panels, roundtables, and papers must be provided in English. Panel chairs must ensure the openness, accessibility, and coherence of their panel, and it is recommended that Q&A sessions be held in English regardless of the language of the presentations. All congress delegates are expected to participate on site in Växjö. In exceptional circumstances, panel chairs may allow a minority of presentations to be held remotely.

Panels may comprise up to four presentations, and double panels may comprise up to eight presentations, in addition to commentators and chairs. Panels must consist of scholars representing at least two different institutions in at least two different countries. Double panels must include participants from at least three different institutions in at least three different countries.

Roundtables may include up to five participants, in addition to commentators and chairs. Like double panels, roundtables must include scholars from at least three different institutions in at least three different countries.
We also welcome proposals for individual papers, which, if accepted, will be assigned to a panel by the steering committee of ENIUGH. Papers that speak to one or several of the themes listed above are particularly welcome, and the theme of most relevance to the proposal should be indicated in the submission form.

All abstracts for panels and papers must be submitted by October 15 via the congress website:
Please note that all speakers of a panel must submit their papers individually in addition to the collective panel submission.
Abstracts for panels should be 250 - 300 words long and should indicate all panellists, their institutional affiliations as well as their paper titles. Additionally, panel abstracts should be pertaining to one of the conference themes.
Abstracts for papers should be 200 – 250 words long and indicate whether the paper is submitted as an individual paper or as part of a panel. In the latter case the abstract should name the panel title as well as the convenor’s name.
All abstracts should be in English. If the presentation is in a language other than English, please state this in the abstract. (Papers are selected solely on the basis of content, not linguistic criteria.)
Abstracts should also indicate whether you plan to participate in person or online. Please note that the convenor and a majority of participants in each panel must participate on site.
Selected panels and papers will be notified in December 2024.

Kind regards from the Organizing Committee,

Stefan Eklöf Amirell (Professor of Global History, Director, Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies)
Birgit Tremml-Werner (Stockholm University, affiliated researcher at Linnaeus University)
Katrin Köster (Leipzig University)

Contact (announcement)

Anti-Fascism(s) from 1989 to the present. Actors, Meanings, Practices and Circulation

3 months 1 week ago

Reggio-Emilia, 28-30 April 2025

Anti-fascism emerged in Italy in the early 1920s to counter the tide of Fascism, but it soon became a
global phenomenon, following the various autonomous trajectories of political émigrés and the
international circulation of ideas. The original Italian political cultures that had eventually formed a
united anti-fascist front by overcoming divisions and divergences thus travelled around the world and
adapted themselves to different spaces and times (Garcia 2016; Brasken, Copsey, Featherstone 2020;
Camurri 2024).
After World War II, anti-fascism was one of the pillars on which the European political and symbolic
order was based, both to the east of the Iron Curtain – where it became a kind of state religion – and
in the West (De Bernardi, Ferrari 2004). Here, it influenced the birth of mass democracy depending
on the presence and strength of local resistance movements, without excluding countries that had a
different timing such as Spain and Portugal (De Felice 1997; Gallerano 1993, 1999).
In the following decades, anti-fascisms had a complex life and were never just an object of memory,
although the politics of memory and collective memories played an important role. Anti-fascisms came
across new issues, cultures, vocabularies, repertoires of action and social actors who opened up new
horizons of meaning by appropriating this tradition. Think, for example, of the Black Panther Party
and the various themes it brought together and re-worked: anti-fascism, anti-racism, abolitionism,
socialism, feminism, generational issues, the tension between historical decolonisation and
postcolonial openings (Mullen, Vials 2020).
The fall of ‘real socialism’ between 1989 and 1991 strongly contributed to the erosion of anti-fascism
on an international scale. In the European Community, anti-communism, anti-totalitarianism and the
memory of the Shoah have progressively obscured anti-fascism as a symbolic foundational moment.
Italy – the original cradle of anti-fascism – is probably the country where the crisis was felt the most
(Luzzatto 2004). The end of the parties that had written the Italian Constitution and the birth of postconstitutional
parties such as the Northern League, National Alliance, Forza Italia, Five Star
Movement (M5S) weakened the link between anti-fascism and the Republican political field. In
particular, the dissolution of the Partito comunista italiano has had a huge impact on the disintegration
of anti-fascism in local and national institutions and in a part of Italian society that identified with it.
In fact, the largest communist party in the Western world had based its post-war legitimacy precisely
on the fight against Fascism and had therefore been one of the strongest vectors of transmission of
this political tradition. At the international level, the implosion of the Soviet Union and the
acceleration of neoliberal globalisation allowed for the affirmation of an extended neoliberal
hegemony capable of destroying the breeding ground for any transformation project. In addition to
being a symbolic and constitutional pact, anti-fascism was also a (positive) project for the expansion
of democracy (De Luna, Revelli 1995: Rapini 2007, 2024). Finally, globalisation has confronted Italy
with unprecedented problems such as increased immigration, inadequate citizenship laws and the
climate crisis, or has exacerbated old problems such as racism, and anti-fascist cultures have struggled
to find effective solutions.

While the period that runs from the birth of anti-fascism until 1989 – especially before 1945 (Droz
2001) – has been the subject of a rich international literature that cannot be summarised in a few lines,
the crisis of anti-fascism in subsequent decades has been covered by a much more limited number of
studies (Vergnon 2009; Garcia, Yusta, Tabet, Climaco 2016; Bray 2017; Bresciani 2017). Only more
recently has there been a resurgence of interest (Chiantera-Stutte, Pagano 2023; Pirjevec, Pelikan,
Ramet 2023; Fulvetti, Ventura, 2024). Still, knowledge about the various transformations of antifascism
from 1989 to the present remains scarce or limited to the field of public memory (Focardi,
Groppo 2013; Focardi 2020; Palheta, Roueff 2020; Bantigny, Palheta 2021; Hofstra 2022; Palheta
Jones, Piotrowski, Schuhmacher 2024).

The conference will focus on the last 35 years to answer the following questions: What forms,
meanings and practices has anti-fascism taken in Italy and beyond? Which actors have picked up its
tradition? What horizon of meanings can it open up in the present? What are the potential seeds of a
future anti-fascism and where must we look for them?

Approach and conference themes
The conference has an interdisciplinary approach. It is aimed at scholars from all human and social
sciences, in particular history, sociology, anthropology, political science, law, political philosophy,
literature, pedagogy, linguistics, arts and media studies. The conference also adopts a multi-scalar
approach: it calls for ‘micro’ analyses, biographies, national case studies, international macrocomparisons
and transnational perspectives.

Proposals should include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following conference themes:

1) The political-institutional field
The first theme concerns the relationship between anti-fascism and international (e.g. EU, UN, ILO,
etc.), national and/or local institutions. Proposals should address – but not exclusively – the following
themes: regulations and legislation, political parties, public memory politics, political symbolism,
toponymy, the meaning of urban space and the use of history and memory by political parties and

2) Anti-fascist actors and practices
The second theme focuses on individual and collective social actors who, over the last 35 years, have
reclaimed the tradition of anti-fascism, adapting its meaning through concrete practices: student
associations; anti-racist, pacifist, feminist, environmentalist, immigrant, teacher and workers’ groups
or movements; schools and educational experiences.

3) Cultures and countercultures
The third theme looks at culture in its various forms, with a distinction between representations and
languages (anti-fascist or pertaining to anti-fascism), on the one hand, and lifestyles, on the other:
music, cinema, theatre, literature, TV series, figurative art, comics, posters and graphics, street art, the
‘style’ of subcultures (Hebdige 1979) and sport.

4) Global anti-fascism
The last theme does not focus on a specific object, but on a perspective: anti-fascism as a global and
transnational phenomenon. It seeks to document, for example, what social and political conditions,
networks or actors allowed – and still allows – books, words, symbols, theories, practices, memories
and myths to travel through time and space (Bourdieu 2002).

Submission of abstracts
Abstracts should not exceed 500 words and may be written in Italian, French or English. They must
be accompanied by a short bio of max. 150 words. They must be submitted by 15 September 2024 to Authors will be notified of the selection of their abstract by
the end of October 2024.
Participants/speakers must cover their own travel expenses. Accommodation and food will be
provided by the conference organisation.

Languages of the conference
Italian, French, English

Date and location
The conference will be held in Reggio Emilia in the historical ‘casa Cervi’, where the “Alcide Cervi”
Institute is based, from 28 to 30 April 2025, on the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Italy from

“Alcide Cervi” Institute, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, “Ferruccio Parri” National

Scientific Advisory Board
Mirco Carrattieri, University of Bergamo, Liberation Route Europe
Donatella Della Porta, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence
Filippo Focardi, University of Padova/Scientific Director of “Ferruccio Parri” National Institute
Silvana Patriarca, Fordham University, New York
Andrea Rapini, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Toni Rovatti, University of Bologna
Zanoni Mirco, Istituto “Alcide Cervi”

Bantigny L., Palheta U., Face à la menace fasciste, Textuel, Paris, 2021.
Bourdieu P., “Les conditions sociales de la circulation internationale des idées”, Actes de la recherche en
sciences sociales, n. 145, 2002, pp. 3-8.
Brasken K., Copsey N., Featherstone D., eds., Anti-fascism in a Global Perspective: Transnational Networks,
Exile Communities, and Radical Internationalism, Routledge, London-New York, 2020.
Bray M., Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, Melville House, New York, 2017.
Bresciani M., Quale antifascismo? Storia di Giustizia e Libertà, Carocci, 2017.
Camurri R., “Crossing Borders: esilio e antifascismo”, in G. Fulvetti, A. Ventura, eds., Antifasciste e
antifascisti. Storie, culture politiche e memorie dal fascismo alla Repubblica, Viella, Roma, 2024, pp. 41-61.
Chiantera-Stutte P., Pagano, eds., La forza della libertà. L’antifascismo dall’Aventino alla Seconda guerra
mondiale, M. Pacini, Pisa, 2023.
De Bernardi A., Ferrari P., Antifascismo e identità europea, Carocci, Roma, 2004.
De Felice F., ed., “Antifascismi e Resistenze”, Annali della Fondazione Istituto Gramsci, VI, La Nuova Italia
scientifica, Roma, 1997.
De Luna G., Revelli M., Fascismo/antifascismo. Le idee, le identità, La Nuova Italia, Firenze, 1995.
Focardi F., Groppo B., eds., L’Europa e le sue memorie. Politiche e culture del ricordo dopo il 1989, Viella,
Roma, 2013.
Droz J., Histoire de l'antifascisme en Europe (1923-1939), La Découverte, Paris, 2001 (1985).
Focardi F., Nel cantiere della memoria. Fascismo, Resistenza, Shoah, Foibe, Viella, Roma, 2020.
Gallerano N., “La memoria pubblica del fascismo e dell’antifascismo”, in G. Calchi Novati, ed., Politiche
della memoria, Manifestolibri, Roma, 1993, pp. 7-20.
Gallerano N., ed., La resistenza tra storia e memoria, Ed. Mursia, Milano, 1999.
García H., “Transnational History: A New Paradigm for Anti-Fascist Studies?”, Contemporary European
History, n. 4, 2016, pp. 563-572.
García H., Yusta M., Tabet X., Clímaco C., eds., Rethinking Antifascism: History, Memory and Politics, 1922
to the Present, Berghahn Books New York, 2016.
Hebdige D., Subculture: The Meaning of Style, Routledge, London 1979.
Hofstra, Anti-Fascism in the 21st Century, Conference in New York, 2-3 November 2022.
Jones A., Piotrowski G., Schuhmacher N., eds., “Antifascism from Below”, Partecipazione e conflitto, n. 1,
Mullen B. V., Vials C., eds., The US Antifascism Reader, Verso, London-New York, 2020.
Palheta U., Roueff O., eds., “Pratiques de l’antifascisme, France 2020. Table ronde AFA-PB, la Horde,
Jeune Garde Lyon”, Mouvements, n. 4, 2020, pp. 147-166.
Pirjevec J., Pelikan E., Ramet S. P., eds., Anti-fascism in European history : from the 1920s to today, Central
European University Press, Budapest, 2023.
Rapini A., “Antifascist Movements in Republican Italy (1945-2018)”, in A. Gagliardi, M. Pasetti, eds.,
“Fascism in the Public Sphere of Post-Fascist Italy”, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 29, n. 3, 2024,
pp. 1-16.
Rapini A., Antifascismo e cittadinanza. Giovani, identità e memoria nell’Italia repubblicana, Bononia University
Press, 2007.
Vergnon G., L'antifascisme en France. De Mussolini à Le Pen, Presses universitaires de Rennes, Rennes,

Colloque international "La sueur et la poussière. Une histoire environnementale des mondes du travail" (French)

3 months 1 week ago

Toulouse, 19-21 June 2024

(Maison de la recherche – Amphi F 417, 5, allée Antonio-Machado, 31058 TOULOUSE Cedex 9)



Mercredi 19 juin

9h30 – Accueil – café

9h45 – Introduction : Renaud Bécot (Sciences Po Grenoble, PACTE), Romain Grancher (CNRS, FRAMESPA), Judith Rainhorn (Université Paris 1, CHS) et Solène Rivoal (INUC Albi, FRAMESPA)

Session 1. Respirer au travail

10h00-10h20 − Patrick Fournier (Université Clermont-Auvergne, CHEC), « S’exposer au mauvais air : travailleuses et travailleurs dans les hôpitaux français (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) »

10h20-10h40 – Charles-Antoine Wanecq (CNRS, CHS), « Les limites de l’irrespirable. Masques et appareils respiratoires dans la protection du corps des mineurs (années 1860-1950) »

10h40-11h00 − Arthur Emile (EPFL), « Les fumées des trains à vapeur, un débordement industriel et professionnel (France et Grande-Bretagne, années 1860-1930) »

11h00-11h20 − Jennifer Klein (Yale University), « “We’re Taking All the Risks and They’re Getting All the Profits”: The Social Geography and Class Politics of Toxicity in Southeastern Louisiana »

11h20-12h00 – Discussion modérée par Nicolas Hatzfeld (Université d’Évry, IDHES)

Pause déjeuner : 12h00 – 13h30

Session 2. Travailleurs et environnements liquides

13h30-13h50 – Claire Judde de Larivière (UT2J, FRAMEPSA), « Ramasser les ordures et curer les canaux. Le travail de gestion des immondices à Venise à la fin du Moyen-Âge »

13h50-14h10 − Benjamin Bothereau (EHESS, CAK) et Raphaël Morera (CNRS, CRH) « Les “travailleurs” de l’ile de Camargue face aux aléas naturels. Une histoire au ras du sol des communs hydrauliques arlésiens (XVIIIe siècle) »

14h10-14h30 – Émilie Pasquier (Sciences Po, Paris, Centre d’histoire), « La domestication de l’eau du Nil et les recompositions du travail urbain au Caire (1865-1919) »

14h30-14h50 – Anaël Marrec (Nantes Université, Centre François Viète), Séverine Misset (Nantes Université, CENS) et Collectif ESTUER « Les ouvriers de Cheviré face aux transformations de l’estuaire de la Loire. Conflits socio-environnementaux et stratégies d’alliance (1954-1986) »

14h50-15h30 – Discussion modérée par François Jarrige (Université de Bourgogne, LIR3S)

Pause-café : 15h30 – 16h00

Session 3. Subsistances et travail de la nature

16h00-16h20 − Maëlys Blandenet (ENS Lyon, HISoMA), « L’agriculture est-elle juste ? Enquête écocritique sur la valorisation axiologique du travail de la terre dans le monde romain (République-Haut Empire) »

16h20-16h40 – Jack Bouchard (Rutgers University), « The bourgeois’ fishery: Urban centers, agriculture, and the energy flows of fishwork in the sixteenth century »

16h40-17h00 − Rémi Grisal (Aix-Marseille Université, TELEMMe), « "La viande de la terre". Une émeute de briquetiers pour le travail de l’argile sur le chantier du premier chemin de fer à Marseille »

17h00-17h20 − Ferruccio Ricciardi (CNRS, Lise), « Extraire les ressources dans une concession coloniale : une étude sous l’angle du travail de subsistance (Afrique équatoriale française, 1900-1940) »

17h20-18h00 – Discussion modérée par Corine Maitte (Université Gustave Eiffel, ACP)

18h15-19h15 – Assemblée générale du RUCHE


Jeudi 20 juin

9h15-10h00 – Conférence : Molly Warsh (University of Pittsburg), « Noble Fish and Beastly Humans: Gender, Reproduction, and Labor in the Early Modern Spanish Tuna Fisheries »

Session 4. Collaborations professionnelles 

10h00-10h20 − Clothilde Noé (Université de Tours, Citeres), « Le destrier fort et delivre, isnel et remuant, un acteur sur le champ de bataille ? »

10h20-10h40 – Mickaël Wilmart (EHESS, CRH), « Travailler avec son environnement dans les campagnes du XIVe siècle. Le cas des bergers »

10h40-11h00 − Emmanuel Porte (Aix-Marseille Université, TELEMMe), « Le matachin et l’alano. Sublimer une relation anthropocanine par de nouvelles normes professionnelles dans les abattoirs madrilènes (1719-1847) »

11h00-11h20 − Daniel Faget (Aix-Marseille Université, TELEMMe) et Hugo Vermeren (CNRS, TELEMMe), « Le moine au travail. Marchandisation des phoques dans la Méditerranée contemporaine »

11h20-12h00 – Discussion modérée par Violette Pouillard (CNRS, LARHRA)

Pause déjeuner : 12h00 – 13h30

Session 5. Alertes silencieuses et mobilisations à bas bruit

13h30-13h50 – Daniel Samson (Brock University), « Mill Dust and the 19th-century Worker: James Barry of Six Mile Brook, Nova Scotia »

13h50-14h10 − Bastien Cabot (Sciences Po, Paris, Centre d’histoire), « Les travailleurs, sentinelles de l’environnement ? Mineurs, ouvriers et riverains à Salsigne (Aude), des années 1930 aux années 1980 »

14h10-14h30 – Renaud Meltz (UPF/CNRS, CRESAT) et Florence Mury (MSH-P/CNRS & EASTCO), « Poussières radioactives et sueurs polynésiennes : retombées des essais nucléaires et rapport à l'environnement des travailleurs du CEP »

14h30-14h50 – Marc Elie (CNRS, CERCEC), « Métaux lourds et silence pesant. Ouvrières et ouvriers face à la crise environnementale et sanitaire de l’URSS finissante »

14h50-15h30 – Discussion modérée par Thomas Le Roux (CNRS, CRH)

Pause-café : 15h30 – 16h00

Session 6. La part du travail en contexte colonial

16h00-16h20 − Guillaume Gaudin (UT2J, FRAMESPA) et Jean-Paul Zuñiga (EHESS, CRH), « Le bois et la forêt en contexte colonial : exploitation de la main d’œuvre et de la ressource (Amérique, Philippines XVIe-XVIIe siècle) »

16h20-16h40 – Jonas Matheron (Université Paris 1/Université Rennes 2, SIRICE), « Travailler en forêt dans l'Algérie coloniale (années 1860-années 1950) »

16h40-17h00 − Pascal Marichalar (CNRS, Iris), « Travailler sur la montagne aux étoiles et la protéger. Le cas du Mauna Kea à Hawai'i »

17h00-17h20 − Nathalia Capellini (Université de Genève), « Travailler dans la forêt tropicale : apprentissage et craintes dans la mise en place de l'exploitation pétrolière en Amazonie 1960-1980 »

17h20-18h00 – Discussion modérée par Emmanuelle Pérez Tisserant (UT2J, FRAMESPA)


Vendredi 21 juin

Session 7. Paysages au travail, paysages du travail

9h00-9h20 − Anna Speyart (Princeton University), « Labor, Landscape, and the Seasons in the Early Modern Tuscan Ice Industry »

9h20-9h40 – Anne Montenach (Aix-Marseille Université, TELEMMe), « Gendering workscapes. Genre, travail et environnement montagnard au XVIIIe siècle »

9h40-10h00 – Jawad Daheur (CNRS, CERCEC), « L’attraction terrestre au secours de la sylviculture : le transport des bois par gravité dans les montagnes d’Europe centrale (milieu du XIXe-début du XXe siècle) »

10h00-10h20 − Matti Leprêtre (EHESS, CERMES3), « Des workscapes aux chaînes de commodités globales : approvisionner l’Empire allemand en plantes médicinales (1884-1945) »

10h20-11h00 – Discussion modérée par Adeline Grand-Clément (UT2J)

Pause-café : 11h00 – 11h15

Session 8. De l’environnement pathogène aux métiers qui tuent

11h15-11h35 − Marsha McCoy (Southern Methodist University, Dallas), « The Athenian Silver Mines of Laurion: The Sweat, Dust, and Environmental Challenges of Ancient Metal Extraction »

11h35-11h55 – Florian Julien (Université Paris 8, IDHES), L’espace de travail souterrain des carrières du XIXe siècle : entre dommages manifestes et opacité des pratiques

11h55-12h15 – Marie Thirion (Université Grenoble-Alpes, LUHCIE), « ‘Des luttes sur la santé au travail aux luttes environnementales : les mobilisations autonomes à Porto Marghera (1967-1980) »

12h15-13h00 – Discussion modérée par Alexis Vrignon (Université d’Orléans, POLEN)


14h30-16h30 – Visite guidée autour du site d’AZF : Laure Teulières (UT2J, FRAMESPA), Olivier Saint-Hilaire (EHESS, Iris) et Michael Llopart (FRAMESPA)

Gender, Family, and Deindustrialization

3 months 1 week ago

Strathclyde University Glasgow, 25-26 June 2024

In deindustrialization studies, representations of industrial closures have often dwelled on the ways that masculinity is threatened or reconfigured through the experience of job loss and on the erosion of collective ties and spaces linked to the world of work. Conversely, women have appeared only on the fringes of the literature on deindustrialization, sometimes in their capacities as wives and mothers, but increasingly also as displaced workers in their own right. DePOT seeks to bring the history of deindustrialisation into productive dialogue with histories of youth, the body, health, the home and the caring economy. 

This conference, the culmination of our project’s Gender, Family, and Deindustrialization research initiative, features researchers from a variety of disciplinary and regional backgrounds. Registration is free. With a program of three concurrent panels, two keynotes, and a plenary with DePOT’s artists-in-residence planned, we are excited to see you in Glasgow! 


Organizing committee: Jackie Clarke, Arthur McIvor, Rebekah Chatellier, Piyusha Chatterjee, and Yvonne McFadden

Links and resources

The Many-Headed Hydra Twenty-Five Years Later

3 months 2 weeks ago

University of Pittsburgh, 16-17 May 2025

2025 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of The Many-Headed Hydra: Slaves, Sailors, Commoners, and the Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic (Beacon Press, 2000), by Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker. Although focused on the early history of capitalism in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the book sought to provide the so-called anti-globalization movement of the 1990s and early 2000s with a knowledge of its own long history, and to connect the rebels against neoliberal capitalism today with their ancestors struggling against European enclosures, African enslavement, and Native American genocide in the past. Yet despite its popularity with readers around the world (the book has been or will be translated into Arabic, Catalan, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish), and the resonance it has found in many activist communities (at least two anarchist bookstores have been named after it, in France and the UK), as well as among artists from San Francisco to Marseille to Cairo, the book has never received the serious scholarly attention it deserves. Published at a time when the field of Atlantic history was only just emerging, and a decade before the history of capitalism saw a resurgence in the US academy following the 2008 financial crisis, The Many-Headed Hydra was ahead of its time, and with its unapologetic partisanship for the dispossessed out of step with the mainstream of the historical profession.

This conference aims to bridge the gap between activists, artists, and scholars, and to critically assess the contributions of The Many-Headed Hydra in light of contemporary anti-capitalist struggles around the world, as well as scholarly and political debates on the history of global capitalism in the past twenty-five years. We do not want discussions to focus only on the book itself, but rather hope the conference will treat the concepts, themes, questions, and arguments it proposed as simply a starting point for debate. Peter and Marcus will attend and participate in the conference.

Core questions we hope to address include:

  • To what extent are the arguments put forward in the book useful for understanding the history of resistance against capitalism beyond the Atlantic (e.g. in the greater Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific, Oceania, Eurasia, the Americas, Africa and the African diaspora, or the world as a whole)?
  • How do the historical processes depicted in the book resonate with contemporary social struggles around the world, including movements focused on extractivism and land-grabbing, free movement of people, commoning, coercive labor relations, social reproduction, militarized policing, mass incarceration, imperialist warfare, and more?
  • What role has the evocation of monstrosity played in the history of class struggle? What myths, lore, literature, or art have sustained or reflected resistance to domination across the world?
  • How do revolutionary movements spread? Through what channels do global movements from below communicate? In what languages do the heads of the Hydra speak, and what stories do they tell each other?
  • How does solidarity among those afflicted by different axes of oppression come about? What are its conditioning factors and obstacles? What are its geographies; how does it connect town and countryside, colonies and metropoles, oceans and landmasses? How is it built and maintained, both in and beyond moments of immediate crisis and revolt? 
  • The Many-Headed Hydra advanced concepts such as “hydrarchy,” “motley crew,” and “the commons.” How might we develop these and other core concepts of the book further? What new concepts have emerged that can help us understand this history, including the recently reinvigorated framework of “racial capitalism”? How can history from below rethink concepts such as “agency” (E.P. Thompson) or “working-class self-activity” (C.L.R. James/George Rawick)? 

Please send proposals for papers consisting of an abstract of 150-250 words plus a short CV by 1 September 2024 to We especially welcome proposals from the Global South. Limited travel support will be available to support early career scholars and participants who cannot draw on institutional funding.

This conference is organized by the International Institute of Social History (IISH), VU Amsterdam’s interfaculty research institute CLUE+, and the History Department of the University of Pittsburgh.


Niklas Frykman

Associate Professor of History

Director of Graduate Studies

University of Pittsburgh 

Archivos de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda anuncia la aparición de su número 24 (Spanish)

3 months 2 weeks ago


  • Presentación, Hernán Camarero


Dossier: “Clase, organización y conflictividad obrera: la construcción de espacialidad a inicios del siglo XX”

  • Presentación del dossier, Andrea Sol Franco, María Josefina Duarte y Carlos Álvarez  
  • ¿La clase hace a la urbe? Trabajadores y espacialidad en Santa Fe y Rosario a principios del siglo XX, Andrea Sol Franco, María Josefina Duarte y Carlos Álvarez  
  • Unir lo disperso. El movimiento obrero en una economía agroexportadora: el caso entrerriano, 1902-1927, Rodolfo M. Leyes  
  • La Antorcha anarquista y su agitación en los pueblos santafesinos: una mirada desde la espacialidad (1925-1929), Florencia Mangold


Tramas: “Las izquierdas ante la transición democrática”

  •  Presentación, Leandro Molinaro
  • “Democrático y nacional”: los posicionamientos del Partido Comunista de la Argentina en la coyuntura transicional (1981-1983), Victoria Bona
  • Nuevos trapos (rojos). La incidencia de las izquierdas en el movimiento obrero en tiempos de transición (1982-1985), Leandro Molinaro

Tramas: “Descolonizar, des-esencializar y teorizar: aportes para pensar el campo de estudios sobre los movimientos estudiantiles”

  • Presentación, Nayla Pis Diez y Guadalupe Seia
  • ¿Es posible una definición? Elementos para pensar la especificidad del movimiento estudiantil en América Latina, Denisse de Jesús Cejudo Ramos
  • Decolonizing 1968: viñetas del activismo estudiantil transnacional en Túnez, París y Dakar, Burleigh Hendrickson


Artículos libres

  • Humildes alzados. Relaciones de trabajo y sindicalismo en el pugilismo argentino (1920-1950), Jonathan Palla  
  • Los viajes de la Unidad Popular. Las “lecciones de Chile”, entre Italia y América Latina, Martín Cortés


Crítica de libros

  • Massimo Modonesi. Gramsci y el sujeto político. Subalternidad, autonomía, hegemonía, por Hernán Camarero
  • Pablo Scotto. Los orígenes del derecho al trabajo en Francia (1789-1848), por Hernán M. Díaz
  • Juan Carlos Yáñez Andrade. Los pobres están invitados a la mesa. La alimentación popular en Chile: 1930-1950, por Patricio Herrera   ISSN: 2313-9749 | ISSN en línea: 2683-9601

Récits de travail, précarité et bandes dessinées (French)

3 months 2 weeks ago

Angoulême, 27/28 mars 2025, Musée de la bande dessinée

Les rapprochements entre bande dessinée et monde universitaire se sont intensifiés et diversifiés depuis quelques années. Sources et archives pour l’histoire, moyens de diffusion et de valorisation de la recherche, objets d’études en sociologie ou en sémiologie, la bande dessinée et le roman graphique concernent de plus en plus de disciplines scientifiques. Cet intérêt est nourri par l’évolution du secteur de la BD, la croissance significative de son  édition et son ouverture vers des questions sociales comme l’écologie, les migrations ou le travail. Il est à souligner que les évolutions notables, qui articulent de manière diversifiée travail documentaire, enquête de terrain, réflexivité et autobiographie, concernent les trois grandes traditions de bande dessinée : asiatique, américaine et européenne.

En prolongement du récent numéro thématique de la revue Images du Travail, Travail des images (Géhin, Laot & Nocérino, 2023), une réflexion est en cours pour mieux comprendre les récits de travail produits par ce qu’il convient d’appeler l’art séquentiel (Eisner, 1985 ; McCloud, 2002). Le projet est de constituer un groupe de recherche en sciences sociales du travail au niveau européen ou de la francophonie, interrogeant le contenu et la fabrique des récits de travail en bande dessinée. Des membres d’équipes belges, françaises, luxembourgeoises et suisses ont participé à cet échange. L’idée d’élargir à d’autres pays francophones (Québec, Afrique francophone) ou européens (Allemagne, Italie, Espagne) a été évoquée.

Les auteurs et autrices de bande dessinée ont désormais franchi la porte de l’atelier[1], du bureau et des différents espaces professionnels pour questionner le travail et « impliquer le lecteur dans l’expérience du travail » (Loriol, 2023). C’est ce regard renouvelé, qui fera l’objet de ce colloque, qui abordera la question du double point de vue des trajectoires et des conditions de travail des autrices et des auteurs (Aquatias, 2023) d’une part, et d’autre part des représentations qu’ils ou elles donnent des différentes professions et activités (y compris la leur).

Il s’agit donc de nous interroger sur les métiers, l’organisation du travail et les enjeux sociaux qui traversent l’activité de conception et de fabrication de bandes dessinées et sur la manière dont ce secteur s’approprie, par le dessin et par le récit, les mondes du travail. Beaucoup de BD ne se limitent pas à la représentation des temps de travail, mais s’intéressent aux à-côtés : engagements syndicaux, luttes sociales, manifestations, lanceurs d’alerte (Ackermann & Ferenc, 2023), moments de détente, convivialité, autonomie, perruque (Deyrou, 2020). On peut même se demander si la BD, parce qu’elle se centre sur ses personnages et qu’elle les suit dans les différentes dimensions de leur vie, n’encourage pas à articuler la mise en scène du travail avec les autres temps sociaux et aspects familiaux, collectifs, de loisirs.

L’intérêt renforcé au monde du travail est paradoxalement facilité par la situation économique du secteur qui depuis quelques années voit croître ses ventes et encore plus la production d’albums ; ce qui rend difficile l’entrée des jeunes dans le secteur et les conduit pour vivre à développer des activités soit dans des espaces proches de la BD comme le cinéma d’animation, l’édition jeunesse, l’éducation, la communication, ou prendre des petits boulots, apprenant ainsi la domination et la précarité, dont ils rendent compte dans leurs ouvrages.  Ainsi, la bande dessinée nous montre le travail de l’intérieur (Géhin, 2018) : Louis Theillier (2014) n’est pas seulement un auteur s’intéressant aux luttes sociales, c’est aussi un ouvrier de cette usine en grève dans la banlieue de Bruxelles ; Élise Griffon et Sébastien Marnier dans Salaire net et monde de brute (2013) dénoncent avec humour et brio les petits boulots offerts aux étudiants ; Bruno Bertine (Bienvenue à l’usine, 2019) rend compte de sa difficile intégration pour un emploi d’été dans une entreprise de son village ; Tiphaine Rivière dans Carnets de thèse (2015) propose une autobiographie dénonçant les conditions de travail des vacataires à l’université ; Timothée Ostermann (L’artiste à mi-temps, 2022) mobilise ses expériences de petits boulots dans ses albums ; ou encore dans Moi vivant, vous n’aurez jamais de pause, Leslie Plée (2009) raconte son entrée dans le monde du travail comme libraire dans une grande enseigne. On pourrait multiplier les exemples soulignant la singularité de ces regards sur le travail mais aussi rappeler qu’en partie, ils s’inscrivent dans une tradition d’observation participante plus ou moins cachée dans le cadre de travaux de recherche, notamment en sociologie du travail (Linhardt (1978), Roy (2006) pour ne citer qu’eux) ou encore dans des enquêtes journalistiques (Mallet (2013), Wallraff (1986).

Plus globalement, une particularité de ces auteurs et autrices de bandes dessinées consiste à se mettre en scène dans les mondes qu’ils étudient. Si ce type de mise en scène n’est pas systématique, il est fréquent et conduit à nous interroger sur la place de l’auteur ou l’autrice de bandes dessinées dans la manière de montrer le travail soulignant la spécificité de son regard et de son activité dans l’univers du travail observé et montré. On peut d’ailleurs se demander si la forme du média bande dessinée n’oriente pas ce point de vue : « L’illustration et la narration protéiforme de la bande dessinée donnent à voir différentes facettes de la réalité du travail du mineur, mouvant la focale du point de vue des implications pour l’individu ou le collectif. » (Verschueren, 2023).

Se posent alors de nombreuses questions : Y aurait-il une forme de pudeur de l’auteur ou autrice de bandes dessinées à ne dévoiler qu’une partie du processus du travail sauf si elle ou il a exercé ce métier ? De l’exercice du métier, ils ou elles semblent tirer une légitimité leur permettant d’affronter de face la réalité de ce monde du travail. Est-il possible de dessiner, d’écrire le travail sans en avoir fait l’expérience physique ? Le dessin surgit-il comme une libération de l’espace contraint du travail ? Bien entendu, le travail peut s’appréhender depuis l’extérieur mais il serait pertinent d’étudier les variations dans les processus créatifs (graphiques ou narratifs) dans la mise en récits du travail en bandes dessinées ou romans graphiques.

Le colloque Récits de travail, précarité et bandes dessinées qui se déroulera à Angoulême les 27 et 28 mars 2025 se propose donc de faire le point sur cette forme spécifique de mise en scène du travail à travers une série de communication sur ce thème. Il apparaît aussi nécessaire d’engager les échanges et débats entre celles et ceux qui participe à la production de la BD (scénaristes comme dessinateurs et dessinatrices ou encore éditeurs et éditrices, coloristes, critiques, spécialistes de l’accompagnement etc.) et scientifiques sous forme de tables rondes voire de communications croisant les points de vue.


Lieu et date : Angoulême, 27/28 mars 2025, Musée de la bande dessinée.

Réponse à l’appel à Communication, sous forme d’une proposition de 3 à 5000 signes : 23 septembre 2024.

Examen par le comité scientifique et retour aux autrices et auteurs : octobre 2024

Envoi de la communication complète : Février 2025

Contacts pour toutes informations complémentaires et pour l’envoi des documents : 

Comité scientifique et d’organisation :

Ackermann, Léandre, autrice BD, coordinatrice de La bûche, Suisse romande

Aquatias, Sylvain, sociologue, Université de Limoges

Bonhomme, Bérénice, études cinématographiques, Université de Toulouse

Daurès, Pierre Laurent, auteur BD, médiateur culturel

Ferreyrolle, Catherine, documentaliste, CIBDI Angoulême

Géhin, Jean-Paul, sociologue, Université de Poitiers

Laot, Françoise, socio-historienne de la formation, Université de Paris 8

Nocerino, Pierre, docteur en sociologie, La Brèche

Rannou, Maël, directeur des bibliothèques de Caen, doctorant en Info-com (UVSQ)

Verschueren, Nicolas, historien, Université libre de Bruxelles


Bibliographie :

- Ackermann, Léandre & Ferenc (2023) Fronde fiscale. Antoine Deltour. Parcours d’un lanceur d’alerte. La boîte à Bulles.

- Aquatias, Sylvain (2023) On ne vit pas de la bande dessinée, Presse universitaire de Liège.

- Bertine, Bastien (2019) Bienvenue à l'usine, Vide cocagne.

- Deyrou, Baptiste (2020) Le pas de la manu. Saint Etienne, où se fabriquent les armes, Actes Sud, l’AN 2.

- Eisner, Will (1985), La bande dessinée, art séquentiel, Vertige Graphic.

- Géhin, Jean-Paul (2018-2019) « La bande dessinée montre le travail de l’intérieur. 1. Un regard à la fois documenté et intimiste. 2. Le point de vue des dominés 3. Un point de vue renouvelé sur le travail et les professions. », Images du travail [En ligne] (url :,,

- Géhin, Jean-Paul, Laot, Françoise & Nocérino, Pierre (Dir.) (2023) « Bandes dessinées et romans graphique au travail » Images du Travail, Travail des Images N° 14.

- Griffon, Élise & Marnier, Sébastien (2013) Salaire net et monde de brute, Delcourt.

- Lesage, Sylvain (2019) « Écrire l’histoire en images. Les historiens et la tentation de la bande dessinée », Le Mouvement Social, vol. 269-270, no 4, p. 47‑65.

- Linhart, Robert (1978) L’établi, Éditions de minuit.

- Loriol, Marc (2023) « La bande dessinée comme moyen de saisir le geste ouvrier en usine », images du Travail, Travail des Images N° 14.

- McCloud, Scott (2002) Réinventer la bande dessinée, Vertige Graphic.

- Mallet, Jean Baptiste (2013) En Amazonie, Fayard.

- Marc, Claire & Richardier, Verena (2023) « Mettre en dessins le travail scientifique », Images du travail, travail des images [En ligne], no 14. url :

- Nocérino, Pierre (2023) « Dessiner les sciences sociales. Esquisse d’analyse sociologique de l’écriture comme pratique professionnelle », Socio-logos [En ligne], 2023, no 18. url :

- Ostermann, Timothée (2022) L’artiste à mi-temps, Sarbacane.

- Plée, Leslie (2009) Moi vivant, vous n’aurez jamais de pause, éditions Jean-Claude Gawsewitch.

- Rivière, Thiphaine (2015) Carnets de thèse, Seuil.

- Roy, Donald (2006 pour la traduction française), Un sociologue à l’usine, La Découverte, collection grands repères.

- Theillier, louis (2014) Journal de bord d’une usine en lutte. Johnson m’a tuer, Futuropolis.

- Verschueren, Nicolas (2023) « Mine de crayon : l’univers minier dans la bande dessinée », images du Travail, Travail des Images N° 14.

- Wallraff, Gunther (1986 pour la traduction française) Tête de turc, La découverte.


[1] Au double sens du terme : ateliers des usines mais aussi ateliers collectifs qui se sont développés depuis quelques décennies dans le champ de la BD.

The Hungarian Historical Review: International Networks of Women’s Activism and Mobility in Central and East Central Europe 1848–1990

3 months 2 weeks ago

The Hungarian Historical Review (; invites submissions for its third issue in 2025, the theme of which will be International Networks of Women’s Activism and Mobility in Central and East Central Europe 1848–1990.

The Hungarian Historical Review: International Networks of Women’s Activism and Mobility in Central and East Central Europe 1848–1990

This special issue explores women’s activism in Central and East Central Europe (including the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and its successor states) between 1848 and 1990. It investigates the history of the diverse array of women’s associations in these regions and considers the ways in which these associations established networks and cooperated in their efforts to further women’s rights. It also examines the endeavors of the individual leaders of these movements over longer periods of time and often across international borders or under radically shifting political regimes.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- To what extent could the 1840s be interpreted as the genesis of women’s activism in the different regions? How did the first groups of women fulfill their traditional roles as wives and mothers while also becoming active as organizers and raising their voices for the emancipation of women? How did they connect with one another?
- How did the women of the next generations make efforts to change the existing social relations? Who were these women who embraced progressive and sometimes radical ideas? How were they involved in the women’s movements?
- What types of networks were formed among women’s organizations in the different regions over the course of a period of decades which bore witness to several political, economic, social, and cultural transformations?
- How did international women’s organizations, such as the International Council of Women (Washington D.C. 1888–), the International Woman Suffrage Alliance (Berlin, 1904–, since 1926 the International Alliance of Women), and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (The Hague, 1915–) influence this process? What kinds of structural inequalities can be observed among the national and international associations?
- How did activism alter women’s citizenship status? Why was it important in this process that certain activists could afford to travel regularly? How did women who could not travel pursue other forms of activism?
- How did women’s associations in the territories inhabited by members of the national and ethnic minorities in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy interact with and relate to Austrian and Hungarian associations before 1918, and how did these relationships change in the interwar period?
- What kinds of conflict patterns can be detected among the associations/activists?
- How were women’s movements in the different regions connected with the national awakenings and the movements for national liberation? How did the discourse of nation building play an important role in the women’s movements in certain regions?
- To what extent did activists from different national backgrounds contribute to the political socialization of women before and after women won the right to vote?
- How did the relationships among the various national associations change over time across political borders? What was the language of communication among them? How did the numerous changes of regimes influence the activism of these women in their home countries and across the borders?
- What kinds of shifting positions can be observed related to women’s associations and women’s activism in the socialist era?

Please send an abstract of no more than 500 words and a short biographical note with a selected list of the author’s three most important publications (we do not accept full CVs) no later than June 30, 2024.

Proposals should be submitted to the special editor of the issue (Dóra Fedeles-Czeferner) by email:

The editor will ask the authors of selected papers to submit their final articles (max. 10,000 words) no later than January 31, 2025.
The articles will be published after a double-blind peer-review process. We provide proofreading for contributors who are not native speakers of English.
All articles must conform to our submission guidelines:

The Hungarian Historical Review is a peer-reviewed international quarterly of the social sciences and humanities, the geographical focus of which is Hungary and East-Central Europe. For additional information, please visit the journal’s website:
Contact Information

Dóra Fedeles-Czeferner:

Contact (announcement)

Women and the Liberation in Metropolitan France and the Empire, 1944-1946

3 months 2 weeks ago

Lille, March 2025

Organized by the Conseil scientifique et d'orientation de la Mission du 80ème anniversaire de la Libération, this conference focuses on the two or three years that make up the "moment" of the Liberation, from 1944 to 1946. Its aim is to examine the transformations that took place in women's lives and gender relations - in combat, in political life in the broadest sense and in their activities - in metropolitan France and the Empire. This international meeting will both review the current state of knowledge and highlight new aspects.


Since the publication in 1995 of the first issue of the journal Clio, Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés devoted to "Résistances et Libérations", there has been an accumulation of work, but the importance of the Liberation in the period known as the low point of the feminist wave is still little studied. Historiography has focused on the feminists and feminisms of the French Revolution, the long 19th century and the "second wave" (1970s onwards). The conference will provide an opportunity to examine the fighting capacities of women, both Resistance fighters and collaborators, to probe their involvement in politics as new voters in 1945 (including in the colonies and overseas departments) but also as workers or "housewives", and to appreciate their autonomy. In 1995, Françoise Thébaud asked: "Did women have a Liberation?” The general hypothesis put forward for discussion is that these three years or so represented a phase of openness for women, but that continuities remained strong.


Beyond the fundamental rupture constituted by the war, the Occupation and the period of fighting during the Liberation, to what extent did the three years 1944-1946 constitute a caesura, a moment of consensus and political and social conquests for women, before the Cold War crystallized ideological oppositions? The aim of this meeting is to explore as broadly as possible the history of women in metropolitan France and the Empire during this period, in terms of institutional, economic and social reforms, as well as changes in mores and representations.


The Liberation provided a window of opportunity for the feminization of the armed forces, with the creation of the AFAT and the women's army corps. This was also illustrated by the testimonial literature written by women members of the Resistance in 1944-1946, which was more hopeful than later accounts. The symposium will also provide an opportunity to take a fresh look at women's involvement at the time of the Liberation, at local, national and international levels. Women's involvement in the maquis, movements and networks on the one hand, but also that of female collaborators, whose political dimension has been highlighted by recent research.

As new voters, women in mainland France voted three times in 1945 and three more times in 1946. In the Empire, the application of the Ordinance of April 21, 1944 gave rise to debate and mobilization. To what extent do these elections make it possible to analyze women's opinions and verify, for example, whether, as the Radical Party feared, they voted for conservative parties? As for the women elected in 1945-1946, whose links with political parties could be examined, they have not yet been the subject of a systematic study.

Access to suffrage and eligibility went hand in hand with the restructuring of feminist organizations in the wake of the right to vote, which had been at the heart of their concerns since the end of the 19th century. What were the main demands made by women's and feminist movements in the past and during the Resistance? What connections did they have with the oldest international organizations, as well as with newly-created ones?

Economic and social rights

The Liberation also saw an attempt to equalize rights between men and women. The preamble to the 1946 Constitution guarantees the principle. A series of small steps were taken during this period, all of which deserve to be listed and examined carefully (approximation of salaries, elimination of the 10 % deduction for women's salaries, opening up of the diplomatic career to women, opening up of the ENA entrance examination, the magistrature, juries, etc.). At the international level, the creation of the UN and its Commission on the Status of Women in 1946 was another little-known milestone in the recognition of women's rights, as was their participation in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Gender norms and representations

How did gender relations change in the aftermath of the war? Did the participation of women in the Resistance change them? How did the purge of female collaborators contribute to the re-establishment of the gender order after the "gender disorders" observed during the war? As women became full citizens, the political resonance of the peak of repression deserves to be examined. In a day-to-day world affected by shortages, and against a backdrop of lingering natalist concerns, it is also important to appreciate the injunctions to return to the home that weighed on women. For example, we could develop a gender analysis of the development of family allowances and the continuation of the single-wage allowance instituted in 1941. To what extent do these social protection measures, which discourage women from working, contribute to the re-establishment of male domination? What role, moreover, do women play in the economy of mourning and care in this still battered post-war society? With the number of divorces rising sharply in 1945 and 1946, how were divorced women and single women perceived?

How did cinema, literature and the press, particularly women's magazines such as Elle, which began publishing in 1945, portray gender relations during the Liberation? The women's press has been the subject of studies focusing on the 1968s, but studies of the immediate post-war period are rarer.

The second post-war period does not appear to have given rise to any new "Roaring Twenties". The Liberation was not the occasion, as the 1920s had been, for a certain liberation of homosexuality, nor did it call gender norms into question. But in the realm of mores in general, was it as conservative as it seems?

This symposium proposal is open. The questions raised here are only indicative and are intended to show the potential richness of the field of research.

Submission guidelines

Applications must be sent to the members of the organizing committee,,,, together with an argument of 250/350 words,

before July 10, 2024

Working language: French and English Format : in-person

Organizing committee
  • Claire Andrieu, Sciences Po, Paris,
  • Julie Le Gac, Université de Paris-Nanterre
  • Fabien Lostec, Université de Rennes 2
Scientific Advisory Board
  • Stéphane Albertelli, chercheur
  • Raphaële Balu, Université Paris 1 Christine Bard, Université d’Angers
  • Pascale Barthélémy, EHESS, Paris
  • Hanna Diamond, Cardiff University, UK
  • Camille Fauroux, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès
  • Thomas Fontaine, Musée de la Résistance nationale, Champigny
  • Antoine Grande, Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de la Haute-Garonne
  • Zoé Grumberg, Université du Mans
  • Laure Humbert, University of Manchester, UK
  • Catherine Lacour Astol, chercheure
  • Elissa Mailänder, Sciences Po, Paris
  • Claire Miot, Sciences Po Aix
  • Frédérique Neau-Dufour, chercheure
  • Renée Poznanski, Université Ben Gourion, Israël
  • Mary-Louise Roberts, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
  • Fabrice Virgili, CNRS
  • Sylvie Zaidman. Musée de la Libération de Paris
33 minutes 5 seconds ago
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